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AbstractAgent - Class in aima.core.agent.impl
AbstractAgent() - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractAgent
AbstractAgent(AgentProgram) - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractAgent
Constructs an Agent with the specified AgentProgram.
AbstractContinuousDomain - Class in aima.core.probability.domain
AbstractContinuousDomain() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractContinuousDomain
AbstractDerivedProposition - Class in aima.core.probability.proposition
AbstractDerivedProposition(String) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.proposition.AbstractDerivedProposition
AbstractDiscreteDomain - Class in aima.core.probability.domain
AbstractDiscreteDomain() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractDiscreteDomain
AbstractEnvironment - Class in aima.core.agent.impl
AbstractEnvironment() - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
AbstractFiniteDomain - Class in aima.core.probability.domain
AbstractFiniteDomain() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractFiniteDomain
AbstractFOLVisitor - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing
AbstractFOLVisitor() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.AbstractFOLVisitor
AbstractModulation - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference
Abstract base class for Demodulation and Paramodulation algorithms.
AbstractModulation() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation
AbstractModulation.IdentifyCandidateMatchingTerm - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference
AbstractModulation.ReplaceMatchingTerm - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference
AbstractNode - Class in aima.core.probability.bayes.impl
Abstract base implementation of the Node interface.
AbstractNode(RandomVariable) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.AbstractNode
AbstractNode(RandomVariable, Node...) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.AbstractNode
AbstractPLVisitor<A> - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing
Abstract implementation of the PLVisitor interface that provides default behavior for each of the methods.
AbstractPLVisitor() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.AbstractPLVisitor
AbstractProofStep - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
AbstractProofStep() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.AbstractProofStep
AbstractProposition - Class in aima.core.probability.proposition
AbstractProposition() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.proposition.AbstractProposition
AbstractRangeReading - Class in aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes
This class implements a single linear reading of a range.
In addition to the range it stores an Angle by which the heading was rotated for the measurement of the range.
AbstractRangeReading(double) - Constructor for class aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.AbstractRangeReading
Constructor for a range reading with an angle assumed to be zero.
AbstractRangeReading(double, Angle) - Constructor for class aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.AbstractRangeReading
AbstractTermProposition - Class in aima.core.probability.proposition
AbstractTermProposition(RandomVariable) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.proposition.AbstractTermProposition
AC3Strategy - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Ed.): Figure 6.3, Page 209.

AC3Strategy() - Constructor for class
accept(FOLVisitor, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.ConnectedSentence
accept(FOLVisitor, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Constant
accept(FOLVisitor, Object) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.FOLNode
accept(FOLVisitor, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Function
accept(FOLVisitor, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.NotSentence
accept(FOLVisitor, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Predicate
accept(FOLVisitor, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.QuantifiedSentence
accept(FOLVisitor, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.TermEquality
accept(FOLVisitor, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Variable
accept(PLVisitor<A, R>, A) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
Allow a PLVisitor to walk over the abstract syntax tree represented by this Sentence.
acceptNewBiasUpdate(Vector) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
acceptNewWeightUpdate(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
Action - Interface in aima.core.agent
Describes an Action that can or has been taken by an Agent via one of its Actuators.
action(S) - Method in class aima.core.probability.mdp.impl.LookupPolicy
action(S) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.mdp.Policy
π(s) is the action recommended by the policy π for state s.
ACTION_FORWARD - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
ACTION_MOVE_LEFT - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
ACTION_MOVE_RIGHT - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
ACTION_SHOOT - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
ACTION_SUCK - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
ACTION_TURN_LEFT - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
ACTION_TURN_RIGHT - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
actionList - Variable in class
actions() - Static method in enum aima.core.environment.cellworld.CellWorldAction
actions(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumWorldActions
Returns possible actions given this state
actions(S) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.mdp.ActionsFunction
Get the set of actions for state s.
actions(S) - Method in class aima.core.probability.mdp.impl.MDP
actions(S) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.mdp.MarkovDecisionProcess
Get the set of actions for state s.
actions(Object) - Method in interface
Given a particular state s, returns the set of actions that can be executed in s.
ActionsFunction<S,A extends Action> - Interface in aima.core.probability.mdp
An interface for MDP action functions.
ActionsFunction - Interface in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 67.

Given a particular state s, ACTIONS(s) returns the set of actions that can be executed in s.
actionsFunction - Variable in class
actionsFunction - Variable in class
actionsFunction - Variable in class
ActionValuePair<ACTION> - Class in aima.core.environment.connectfour
Helper class for action ordering.
ActionValuePair(ACTION, double) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ActionValuePair
activation(double) - Method in interface aima.core.learning.neural.ActivationFunction
activation(double) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.HardLimitActivationFunction
activation(double) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.LogSigActivationFunction
activation(double) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.PureLinearActivationFunction
ActivationFunction - Interface in aima.core.learning.neural
AdaBoostLearner - Class in aima.core.learning.learners
AdaBoostLearner(List<Learner>, DataSet) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.learners.AdaBoostLearner
add(Example) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
add(DLTest, String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DecisionList
add(String, String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DLTest
add(Vector2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D
Adds a vector onto a point.
This moves the point by vector.getX() in X direction and vector.getY() in Y direction.
add(Vector2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
Adds a vector onto this vector.
addAgent(Agent) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Environment
Add an agent to the Environment.
addAgent(Agent) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
addAgent(Agent, String) - Method in class
addAgent(Agent) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
addAgent(Agent, String) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
addAngle(V) - Method in interface aima.core.robotics.datatypes.IMclPose
Rotates a pose by a given IMclVector.
This function should return a new object to prevent unpredictable behavior through more than one usage of the same pose.
addAnswerLiteral() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomain
addBidirectionalLink(String, String, Double) - Method in class
Adds a connection which can be traveled in both direction.
addChild(Node) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.AbstractNode
addConstant(String) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomain
addConstraint(Constraint) - Method in class
addCSPStateListener(CSPStateListener) - Method in class
Adds a CSP state listener to the solution strategy.
addedClauseToSOS(Clause) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.defaultimpl.DefaultLightestClauseHeuristic
addedClauseToSOS(Clause) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.LightestClauseHeuristic
addEntry(String, String, float) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.Lexicon
addEnvironmentObject(EnvironmentObject) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Environment
Add an EnvironmentObject to the Environment.
addEnvironmentObject(EnvironmentObject) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
addEnvironmentView(EnvironmentView) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Environment
Add a view on the Environment.
addEnvironmentView(EnvironmentView) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
addFOLDomainListener(FOLDomainListener) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomain
addFunction(String) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomain
addLeaf(String, String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.ConstantDecisonTree
addLeaf(String, String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DecisionTree
addLexWords(String...) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.Lexicon
addLexWords(Lexicon) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.Lexicon
Add words to an lexicon from an existing lexicon.
addLiteral(Literal) - Method in class
addLiteral(Literal) - Method in class
addNegativeLiteral(AtomicSentence) - Method in class
addNode(String, DecisionTree) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.ConstantDecisonTree
addNode(String, DecisionTree) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DecisionTree
addNodeListener(NodeExpander.NodeListener) - Method in class
Adds a listener to the list of node listeners.
addObjectToLocation(EnvironmentObject, XYLocation) - Method in class aima.core.environment.xyenv.XYEnvironment
addPositiveLiteral(AtomicSentence) - Method in class
addPredicate(String) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomain
addProgressTracer(GeneticAlgorithm.ProgressTracer<A>) - Method in class
Progress tracers can be used to display progress information.
addQueenAt(XYLocation) - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
Column and row indices start with 0!
addRule(Rule) - Method in interface aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbabilisticGrammar
addRule(Rule) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbCNFGrammar
Add a rule to the grammar's rule list if it passes both the restrictions of the Context-free grammar, and the rule is in Chomsky Normal Form.
addRule(Rule) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbContextFreeGrammar
Add a rule to the grammar's rule list if it passes both the restrictions of the parent grammars (unrestricted and context-sens) and this grammar's restrictions.
addRule(Rule) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbContextSensitiveGrammar
Add a rule to the grammar's rule list if it passes both the restrictions of the parent grammar (unrestricted) and this grammar's restrictions.
addRule(Rule) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
Add a single rule the grammar, testing it for structural and probability validity.
addRules(List<Rule>) - Method in interface aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbabilisticGrammar
addRules(List<Rule>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbCNFGrammar
Add a ruleList as the grammar's rule list if all rules in it pass both the restrictions of the Context-free grammar, and all rules or in Chomsky-Normal-Form
addRules(List<Rule>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbContextFreeGrammar
Add a ruleList as the grammar's rule list if all rules in it pass both the restrictions of the parent grammars (unrestricted and context-sens) and this grammar's restrictions.
addRules(ArrayList<Rule>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbContextSensitiveGrammar
Add a ruleList as the grammar's rule list if all rules in it pass both the restrictions of the parent grammar (unrestricted) and this grammar's restrictions.
addRules(List<Rule>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
Add a number of rules at once, testing each in turn for validity, and then testing the batch for probability validity.
addScope(RandomVariable) - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.AbstractProposition
addScope(Collection<RandomVariable>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.AbstractProposition
addSkolemConstant() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomain
addSkolemFunction() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomain
addToFrontier(Node) - Method in class
Inserts the node at the tail of the frontier if the corresponding state is not yet explored.
addToFrontier(Node) - Method in class
Inserts the node at the tail of the frontier if the corresponding state was not yet explored.
addToFrontier(Node) - Method in class
Inserts the node at the tail of the frontier if the corresponding state is not already a frontier state and was not yet explored.
addToFrontier(Node) - Method in class
Inserts the node into the frontier if the node's state is not yet explored and not present in the frontier.
addToFrontier(Node) - Method in class
Primitive operation which inserts the node at the tail of the frontier.
addToFrontier(Node) - Method in class
Inserts the node at the tail of the frontier.
addUnboundScope(RandomVariable) - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.AbstractProposition
addUnboundScope(Collection<RandomVariable>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.AbstractProposition
addUnidirectionalLink(String, String, Double) - Method in class
Adds a one-way connection to the map.
addVariable(Variable) - Method in class
addVertex(VertexLabelType) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.LabeledGraph
Adds a new vertex to the graph if it is not already present.
ADELAIDE - Static variable in class
AdversarialSearch<STATE,ACTION> - Interface in
Variant of the search interface.
Agent - Interface in aima.core.agent
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 2.1, page 35.
Figure 2.1 Agents interact with environments through sensors and actuators.
AGENT_LOCATION - Static variable in class
Name of a dynamic attribute, which contains the current location of the agent.
agentActed(Agent, Action, Environment) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.EnvironmentView
Indicates the Environment has changed as a result of an Agent's action.
agentActed(Agent, Action, Environment) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.SimpleEnvironmentView
agentActed(Agent, Action, Environment) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironmentViewActionTracker
agentAdded(Agent, Environment) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.EnvironmentView
Indicates an Agent has been added to the environment and what it perceives initially.
agentAdded(Agent, Environment) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.SimpleEnvironmentView
agentAdded(Agent, Environment) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironmentViewActionTracker
AgentPercept - Class in aima.core.environment.wumpusworld
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 237.

The agent has five sensors, each of which gives a single bit of information: In the square containing the wumpus and in the directly (not diagonally) adjacent squares, the agent will perceive a Stench. In the squares directly adjacent to a pit, the agent will perceive a Breeze. In the square where the gold is, the agent will perceive a Glitter. When an agent walks into a wall, it will perceive a Bump. When the wumpus is killed, it emits a woeful Scream that can be perceived anywhere in the cave.
AgentPercept() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPercept
Default Constructor.
AgentPercept(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPercept
Constructor with all 5 sensor inputs explicitly set.
AgentPosition - Class in aima.core.environment.wumpusworld
Representation of an Agent's [x,y] position and orientation [up, down, right, or left] within a Wumpus World cave.
AgentPosition(int, int, AgentPosition.Orientation) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPosition
AgentPosition(Room, AgentPosition.Orientation) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPosition
AgentPosition.Orientation - Enum in aima.core.environment.wumpusworld
AgentProgram - Interface in aima.core.agent
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): pg 35.
An agent's behavior is described by the 'agent function' that maps any given percept sequence to an action.
agents - Variable in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
aima.core.agent - package aima.core.agent
aima.core.agent.impl - package aima.core.agent.impl
aima.core.agent.impl.aprog - package aima.core.agent.impl.aprog
aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule - package aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule
aima.core.environment.cellworld - package aima.core.environment.cellworld
aima.core.environment.connectfour - package aima.core.environment.connectfour
aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle - package aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle - package
This package contains classes, which are useful to create map agents.
aima.core.environment.nqueens - package aima.core.environment.nqueens
aima.core.environment.tictactoe - package aima.core.environment.tictactoe
aima.core.environment.vacuum - package aima.core.environment.vacuum
aima.core.environment.wumpusworld - package aima.core.environment.wumpusworld
aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action - package aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action
aima.core.environment.xyenv - package aima.core.environment.xyenv - package
aima.core.learning.framework - package aima.core.learning.framework
aima.core.learning.inductive - package aima.core.learning.inductive
aima.core.learning.knowledge - package aima.core.learning.knowledge
aima.core.learning.learners - package aima.core.learning.learners
aima.core.learning.neural - package aima.core.learning.neural
aima.core.learning.reinforcement - package aima.core.learning.reinforcement
aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent - package aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent
aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example - package aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example
aima.core.logic.common - package aima.core.logic.common
aima.core.logic.fol - package aima.core.logic.fol
aima.core.logic.fol.domain - package aima.core.logic.fol.domain
aima.core.logic.fol.inference - package aima.core.logic.fol.inference
aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter - package aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter
aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.defaultimpl - package aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.defaultimpl
aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof - package aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
aima.core.logic.fol.inference.trace - package aima.core.logic.fol.inference.trace
aima.core.logic.fol.kb - package aima.core.logic.fol.kb - package
aima.core.logic.fol.parsing - package aima.core.logic.fol.parsing
aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast - package aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast
aima.core.logic.propositional.agent - package aima.core.logic.propositional.agent
aima.core.logic.propositional.inference - package aima.core.logic.propositional.inference
aima.core.logic.propositional.kb - package aima.core.logic.propositional.kb - package
aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing - package aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing
aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast - package aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast
aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors - package aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors - package - package
aima.core.nlp.parsing - package aima.core.nlp.parsing
aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars - package aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars
aima.core.nlp.ranking - package aima.core.nlp.ranking
aima.core.probability - package aima.core.probability
aima.core.probability.bayes - package aima.core.probability.bayes
aima.core.probability.bayes.approx - package aima.core.probability.bayes.approx
aima.core.probability.bayes.exact - package aima.core.probability.bayes.exact
aima.core.probability.bayes.impl - package aima.core.probability.bayes.impl
aima.core.probability.bayes.model - package aima.core.probability.bayes.model
aima.core.probability.domain - package aima.core.probability.domain
aima.core.probability.example - package aima.core.probability.example
aima.core.probability.full - package aima.core.probability.full
aima.core.probability.hmm - package aima.core.probability.hmm
aima.core.probability.hmm.exact - package aima.core.probability.hmm.exact
aima.core.probability.hmm.impl - package aima.core.probability.hmm.impl
aima.core.probability.mdp - package aima.core.probability.mdp
aima.core.probability.mdp.impl - package aima.core.probability.mdp.impl - package
aima.core.probability.proposition - package aima.core.probability.proposition
aima.core.probability.temporal - package aima.core.probability.temporal
aima.core.probability.temporal.generic - package aima.core.probability.temporal.generic
aima.core.probability.util - package aima.core.probability.util
aima.core.robotics - package aima.core.robotics
This package provides an generic apporach to the Monte-Carlo-Localization algorithm.
The sub-packages of impl provide functionality for a two-dimensional environment.
aima.core.robotics.datatypes - package aima.core.robotics.datatypes
aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes - package aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes - package - package - package - package - package
This package (together with its subpackages) contains base classes for search algorithm implementations. - package - package - package
This package contains different queue search implementations and a common interface for them, which is implicitly defined by abstract class QueueSearch. - package - package - package - package - package
aima.core.util - package aima.core.util
aima.core.util.datastructure - package aima.core.util.datastructure
aima.core.util.math - package aima.core.util.math
aima.core.util.math.geom - package aima.core.util.math.geom
This package provides basic functionality for geometries in two dimensions.
It includes a Cartesian plot and a parser to build this Cartesian plot.
aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes - package aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes
ALARM_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
ALBANY - Static variable in class
ALICE_SPRINGS - Static variable in class
alpha(FrequencyCounter<S>, S) - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.PassiveTDAgent
AIMA3e pg.
alpha(FrequencyCounter<Pair<S, A>>, S, A) - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.QLearningAgent
AIMA3e pg.
AlphaBetaSearch<STATE,ACTION,PLAYER> - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Ed.): Page 173.
AlphaBetaSearch(Game<STATE, ACTION, PLAYER>) - Constructor for class
analyzePotentialWinPositions(Integer) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
AND - Static variable in class aima.core.logic.fol.Connectors
ANDCondition - Class in aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule
Implementation of an AND condition.
ANDCondition(Condition, Condition) - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.ANDCondition
AndOrSearch - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 4.11, page 136.

AndOrSearch() - Constructor for class
andSearch(Set<Object>, NondeterministicProblem, Path) - Method in class
Returns a conditional plan or null on failure; this function is equivalent to the following on page 136:
Angle - Class in aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes
This class stores an angle as a double.
Angle(double) - Constructor for class aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.Angle
angleTo(Vector2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
Calculates the angle between two vectors in radians.
Both vectors must be different from the zero-vector.
answerLiteralNameAdded(FOLDomainAnswerLiteralAddedEvent) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomainListener
append(Object...) - Method in class
Creating a new path based on this path and the passed in appended states.
apply(Individual<Integer>) - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensGenAlgoUtil.NQueensFitnessFunction
apply(TermEquality, Clause) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.Demodulation
apply(TermEquality, AtomicSentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.Demodulation
apply(Clause, Clause) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.Paramodulation
apply(Clause, Clause, boolean) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.Paramodulation
apply(Individual<A>) - Method in interface
applyMove(Set<P>, M) - Method in class aima.core.robotics.MonteCarloLocalization
Applies a move to the samples, creating a new Set.
applyMovement(M) - Method in interface aima.core.robotics.datatypes.IMclPose
Moves a pose according to a given move.
This function should return a new object to prevent unpredictable behavior through more than one usage of the same pose.
ARAD - Static variable in class
ArbitraryTokenDomain - Class in aima.core.probability.domain
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 486.
ArbitraryTokenDomain(Object...) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.domain.ArbitraryTokenDomain
ArbitraryTokenDomain(boolean, Object...) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.domain.ArbitraryTokenDomain
AREA_ID - Static variable in class
This is the identifier that is used to find a group of areas in the map file.
ArrayIterator<T> - Class in aima.core.util
Iterates efficiently through an array.
ArrayIterator(T[]) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.ArrayIterator
arrayLeftDivide(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Element-by-element left division, C = A.\B
arrayLeftDivideEquals(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Element-by-element left division in place, A = A.\B
arrayRightDivide(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Element-by-element right division, C = A./B
arrayRightDivideEquals(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Element-by-element right division in place, A = A./B
arrayTimes(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Element-by-element multiplication, C = A.*B
arrayTimesEquals(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Element-by-element multiplication in place, A = A.*B
asCNF() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.kb.KnowledgeBase
ask(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
ask(FOLKnowledgeBase, Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLBCAsk
Returns a set of substitutions
ask(FOLKnowledgeBase, Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLFCAsk
FOL-FC-ASK returns a substitution or false.
ask(FOLKnowledgeBase, Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLModelElimination
ask(FOLKnowledgeBase, Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver
ask(FOLKnowledgeBase, Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLTFMResolution
ask(FOLKnowledgeBase, Sentence) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.InferenceProcedure
ask(String) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
ask(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
ask(KnowledgeBase, Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.agent.KBAgent
A wrapper around the KB's ask() method which translates the action (in the form of a sentence) determined by the KB into an allowed 'Action' object from the current environment in which the KB-AGENT resides.
ask(RandomVariable[], AssignmentProposition[], BayesianNetwork) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.BayesInferenceApproxAdapter
ask(RandomVariable[], AssignmentProposition[], BayesianNetwork, int) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.BayesSampleInference
ask(RandomVariable[], AssignmentProposition[], BayesianNetwork, int) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.GibbsAsk
ask(RandomVariable[], AssignmentProposition[], BayesianNetwork, int) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.LikelihoodWeighting
ask(RandomVariable[], AssignmentProposition[], BayesianNetwork, int) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.RejectionSampling
ask(RandomVariable[], AssignmentProposition[], BayesianNetwork) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.BayesInference
ask(RandomVariable[], AssignmentProposition[], BayesianNetwork) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.exact.EliminationAsk
ask(RandomVariable[], AssignmentProposition[], BayesianNetwork) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.exact.EnumerationAsk
askCurrentPosition(int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
askGlitter(int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
askHaveArrow(int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
askNotUnsafeRooms(int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
askOK(int, int, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
askPossibleWumpusRooms(int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
askSafeRooms(int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
askUnvisitedRooms(int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
askWithTTEntails(String) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.kb.KnowledgeBase
Returns the answer to the specified question using the TT-Entails algorithm.
asList() - Method in class
Not very efficient...
asSentence() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.kb.KnowledgeBase
Returns the list of sentences in the knowledge base chained together as a single sentence.
assertLegalProbability(double) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.WalkSAT
Assignment - Class in
An assignment assigns values to some or all variables of a CSP.
Assignment() - Constructor for class
AssignmentProposition - Class in aima.core.probability.proposition
AssignmentProposition(RandomVariable, Object) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.proposition.AssignmentProposition
AStarEvaluationFunction - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 93.

The most widely known form of best-first search is called A* search (pronounced "A-star search").
AStarEvaluationFunction(HeuristicFunction) - Constructor for class
AStarEvaluationFunction() - Constructor for class
Note: Do not forget to heuristic function before starting the search!
AStarSearch - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 93.

The most widely known form of best-first search is called A* Search (pronounced "A-star search").
AStarSearch(QueueSearch, HeuristicFunction) - Constructor for class
Constructs an A* search from a specified search space exploration strategy and a heuristic function.
AtomicSentence - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast
AtomicSentence - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 244.

The atomic sentences consist of a single proposition symbol.
AtomicSentence() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.AtomicSentence
AttackingPairsHeuristic - Class in aima.core.environment.nqueens
Estimates the distance to goal by the number of attacking pairs of queens on the board.
AttackingPairsHeuristic() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.nqueens.AttackingPairsHeuristic
Attribute - Interface in aima.core.learning.framework
ATTRIBUTE_AGENT_LOCATION - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.LocalVacuumEnvironmentPercept
ATTRIBUTE_MOVE_TO_LOCATION - Static variable in class
ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class aima.core.agent.impl.DynamicAction
ATTRIBUTE_QUEEN_LOC - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.QueenAction
ATTRIBUTE_STATE - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.LocalVacuumEnvironmentPercept
ATTRIBUTE_TO_ORIENTATION - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.TurnLeft
ATTRIBUTE_TO_ORIENTATION - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.TurnRight
ATTRIBUTE_TO_POSITION - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.Forward
AttributeSpecification - Interface in aima.core.learning.framework
authority - Variable in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.Page


BackPropLearning - Class in aima.core.learning.neural
BackPropLearning(double, double) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.BackPropLearning
BacktrackingStrategy - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Ed.): Figure 6.5, Page 215.

BacktrackingStrategy() - Constructor for class
backward(CategoricalDistribution, List<AssignmentProposition>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.exact.HMMForwardBackward
backward(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.exact.HMMForwardBackward
The backward equation (15.9) in Matrix form becomes (15.13):
backward(CategoricalDistribution, List<AssignmentProposition>) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.temporal.BackwardStepInference
The BACKWARD operator
backward(CategoricalDistribution, List<AssignmentProposition>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.temporal.generic.ForwardBackward
BackwardStepInference - Interface in aima.core.probability.temporal
The BACKWARD operator
BasicGatherer<T> - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors
Super class of Visitors that are "read only" and gather information from an existing parse tree .
BasicGatherer() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.BasicGatherer
BayesianNetwork - Interface in aima.core.probability.bayes
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 510.

Bayesian Networks are used to represent the dependencies among Random Variables.
BayesInference - Interface in aima.core.probability.bayes
General interface to be implemented by Bayesian Inference algorithms.
BayesInferenceApproxAdapter - Class in aima.core.probability.bayes.approx
An Adapter class to let BayesSampleInference implementations to be used in places where calls are being made to the BayesInference API.
BayesInferenceApproxAdapter(BayesSampleInference) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.BayesInferenceApproxAdapter
BayesInferenceApproxAdapter(BayesSampleInference, int) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.BayesInferenceApproxAdapter
BayesNet - Class in aima.core.probability.bayes.impl
Default implementation of the BayesianNetwork interface.
BayesNet(Node...) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.BayesNet
BayesNetExampleFactory - Class in aima.core.probability.example
BayesNetExampleFactory() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.example.BayesNetExampleFactory
BayesSampleInference - Interface in aima.core.probability.bayes.approx
General interface to be implemented by approximate Bayesian Inference algorithms.
BestFirstSearch - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 92.

Best-first search is an instance of the general TREE-SEARCH or GRAPH-SEARCH algorithm in which a node is selected for expansion based on an evaluation function, f(n).
BestFirstSearch(QueueSearch, EvaluationFunction) - Constructor for class
Constructs a best first search from a specified search problem and evaluation function.
BICOND - Static variable in class aima.core.logic.fol.Connectors
BiconditionalElimination - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 253.

Eliminate <=>, replacing α <=> β
with (α => β) & (β => α)
BiconditionalElimination() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.BiconditionalElimination
BidirectionalEightPuzzleProblem - Class in aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle
BidirectionalEightPuzzleProblem(EightPuzzleBoard) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.BidirectionalEightPuzzleProblem
BidirectionalMapProblem - Class in
BidirectionalMapProblem(Map, String, String) - Constructor for class
BidirectionalMapProblem(Map, String, String, GoalTest) - Constructor for class
BidirectionalProblem - Interface in
An interface describing a problem that can be tackled from both directions at once (i.e InitialState<->Goal).
BidirectionalSearch - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 90.

Bidirectional search.

The strategy of this search implementation is inspired by the description of the bidirectional search algorithm i.e.
BidirectionalSearch() - Constructor for class
BidirectionalSearch(NodeExpander) - Constructor for class
binaryResolvents(Clause) - Method in class
BinarySentenceProposition - Interface in aima.core.probability.proposition
Indicator interface used to identify binary sentences.
BLUE - Static variable in class
BooleanDomain - Class in aima.core.probability.domain
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 486.
BooleanDomain() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.domain.BooleanDomain
bracketSentenceIfNecessary(Connective, Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
Utility routine that will create a string representation of a given Sentence and place it inside brackets if it is a complex sentence that has lower precedence than this complex sentence.

Note: this is a form of pretty printing, whereby we only add brackets in the concrete syntax representation as needed to ensure it can be parsed back again into an equivalent abstract syntax representation used here.
BreadthFirstSearch - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 3.11, page 82.

BreadthFirstSearch() - Constructor for class
BreadthFirstSearch(QueueSearch) - Constructor for class
BREEZE - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
BRISBANE - Static variable in class
BROKEN_HILL - Static variable in class
BROOME - Static variable in class
BUCHAREST - Static variable in class
buildExampleGrammarOne() - Static method in class
An elementary Chomsky-Normal-Form grammar for simple testing and demonstrating.
buildNameLexicon() - Static method in class
A lexicon of names that complements the 'wumpus lexicon' above.
buildTrivialGrammar() - Static method in class
A more restrictive phrase-structure grammar, used in testing and demonstrating the CYK Algorithm.
buildTrivialLexicon() - Static method in class
A more restraining lexicon for simple testing and demonstration.
buildWumpusGrammar() - Static method in class
buildWumpusLex() - Static method in class
Builds an expanded version of the 'wumpus lexicon' found on page 891 of AIMA V3
BURGLARY_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV


c(Object, Action, Object) - Method in class
c(Object, Action, Object) - Method in class
c(Object, Action, Object) - Method in interface
Calculate the step cost of taking action a in state s to reach state s'.
CAIRNS - Static variable in class
calculateBiasUpdates(LayerSensitivity, double, double) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.BackPropLearning
calculateBiasUpdates(LayerSensitivity, double) - Static method in class aima.core.learning.neural.BackPropLearning
calculateFromPolar(double, double) - Static method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
Calculates a vector based on the length and the heading of the vector.
calculateGainFor(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
calculateMean(List<Double>) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
calculateStDev(List<Double>, double) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
calculateVariables(RandomVariable[], AssignmentProposition[], BayesianNetwork, Set<RandomVariable>, Collection<RandomVariable>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.exact.EliminationAsk
Note:Override this method for a more efficient implementation as outlined in AIMA3e pgs.
calculateWeight(R) - Method in interface aima.core.robotics.datatypes.IMclRangeReading
The range sensor noise model.
calculateWeightUpdates(LayerSensitivity, Vector, double, double) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.BackPropLearning
calculateWeightUpdates(LayerSensitivity, Vector, double) - Static method in class aima.core.learning.neural.BackPropLearning
callDPLL(Set<Clause>, List<PropositionSymbol>, Model, PropositionSymbol, boolean) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.OptimizedDPLL
CAMARVON - Static variable in class
CANBERRA - Static variable in class
cancel() - Method in class aima.core.util.CancelableThread
Cancels this thread
CancelableThread - Class in aima.core.util
Implements a thread with an additional flag indicating cancellation.
CancelableThread() - Constructor for class aima.core.util.CancelableThread
CancelableThread(Runnable) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.CancelableThread
canMoveGap(Action) - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
CartesianPlot2D - Class in aima.core.util.math.geom
This class is a simple implementation of a Cartesian plot.
It uses a IGroupParser that generates a set of IGeometric2D.
CartesianPlot2D(IGroupParser) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.CartesianPlot2D
CATCH_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
CategoricalDistribution - Interface in aima.core.probability
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 487.

A probability distribution for discrete random variables with a finite set of values.
CategoricalDistribution.Iterator - Interface in aima.core.probability
Interface to be implemented by an object/algorithm that wishes to iterate over the possible assignments for the random variables comprising this categorical distribution.
CAVITY_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
Cell<C> - Class in aima.core.environment.cellworld
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 645.

A representation of a Cell in the environment detailed in Figure 17.1.
Cell(int, int, C) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.cellworld.Cell
Construct a Cell.
CellWorld<C> - Class in aima.core.environment.cellworld
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 645.

A representation for the environment depicted in figure 17.1.

Note: the x and y coordinates are always positive integers starting at 1.
Note: If looking at a rectangle - the coordinate (x=1, y=1) will be the bottom left hand corner.
CellWorld(int, int, C) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.cellworld.CellWorld
Construct a Cell World with size xDimension * y Dimension cells, all with their values set to a default content value.
CellWorldAction - Enum in aima.core.environment.cellworld
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 645.

The actions in every state are Up, Down, Left, and Right.

Note: Moving 'North' causes y to increase by 1, 'Down' y to decrease by 1, 'Left' x to decrease by 1, and 'Right' x to increase by 1 within a Cell World.
CellWorldEnvironment - Class in aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example
Implementation of the Cell World Environment, supporting the execution of trials for reinforcement learning agents.
CellWorldEnvironment(Cell<Double>, Set<Cell<Double>>, TransitionProbabilityFunction<Cell<Double>, CellWorldAction>, Randomizer) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example.CellWorldEnvironment
CellWorldEnvironmentState - Class in aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example
An implementation of the EnvironmentState interface for a Cell World.
CellWorldEnvironmentState() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example.CellWorldEnvironmentState
Default Constructor.
CellWorldFactory - Class in aima.core.environment.cellworld
CellWorldFactory() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.cellworld.CellWorldFactory
CellWorldPercept - Class in aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example
An implementation of the PerceptStateReward interface for the cell world environment.
CellWorldPercept(Cell<Double>) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example.CellWorldPercept
Chain - Class in
A Chain is a sequence of literals (while a clause is a set) - order is important for a chain.
Chain() - Constructor for class
Chain(List<Literal>) - Constructor for class
Chain(Set<Literal>) - Constructor for class
CHARLEVILLE - Static variable in class
checkDistanceOfPoses(Set<P>, double) - Method in class
Calculate the maximum distance between all samples and compare it to maxDistance.
checkForNanOrInfinity(double) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
checkValidRandomVariableName(String) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbUtil
Check if name provided is valid for use as the name of a RandomVariable.
Circle2D - Class in aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes
This class implements a circle in a two-dimensional Cartesian plot.
The circle is represented by a Point2D center and a double radius.
Circle2D(Point2D, double) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Circle2D
Circle2D(double, double, double) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Circle2D
Clause - Class in
A Clause: A disjunction of literals.
Clause() - Constructor for class
Clause(List<Literal>) - Constructor for class
Clause(List<Literal>, List<Literal>) - Constructor for class
Clause - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 253.

A Clause: A disjunction of literals.
Clause() - Constructor for class
Default constructor - i.e.
Clause(Literal...) - Constructor for class
Construct a clause from the given literals.
Clause(Collection<Literal>) - Constructor for class
Construct a clause from the given literals.
ClauseCollector - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors
Utility class for collecting clauses from CNF Sentences.
ClauseCollector() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ClauseCollector
ClauseFilter - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter
ClauseSimplifier - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter
clear() - Method in class
Removes everything.
clear() - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
clear() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.LabeledGraph
Removes all vertices and all edges from the graph.
clear() - Method in class aima.core.util.DisjointSets
Remove all the disjoint sets.
clear() - Method in class aima.core.util.FrequencyCounter
Remove all the currently recorded frequency counts.
clearInstrumentation() - Method in class
Sets all metrics to zero.
clearInstrumentation() - Method in class
Sets the population size and number of iterations to zero.
clearLinks() - Method in class
Clears all connections but keeps location position informations.
Climb - Class in aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 237.

The action Climb can be used to climb out of the cave, but only from square [1,1].
Climb() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.Climb
CLIMB_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.Climb
clone() - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
clone() - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
clone() - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironmentState
clone() - Method in interface aima.core.robotics.datatypes.IMclPose
Clones an object according to Cloneable.
clone() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D
clone() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Clone the Matrix object.
CLOUDY_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
CNF - Class in
Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) : a conjunction of clauses, where each clause is a disjunction of literals.
CNF(List<Clause>) - Constructor for class
CNFConverter - Class in aima.core.logic.fol
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 345.

Every sentence of first-order logic can be converted into an inferentially equivalent CNF sentence.

Note: Transformation rules extracted from 346 and 347, which are essentially the INSEADO method outlined in: INSEADO Rules
CNFConverter(FOLParser) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.CNFConverter
CNFGRAMMAR - Static variable in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
collectAllVariables(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
collectAllVariables(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.VariableCollector
collectAllVariables(Term) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.VariableCollector
collectAllVariables(Clause) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.VariableCollector
collectAllVariables(Chain) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.VariableCollector
COMMA - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
compactify() - Method in class
Can be called after all domain information has been collected to reduce storage consumption.
compareDoubles(double, double) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
Compares two doubles for equality.
compareFloats(float, float) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
Compares two floats for equality.
compareTo(ActionValuePair<ACTION>) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ActionValuePair
compareTo(Angle) - Method in class aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.Angle
ComplexSentence - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 244.

Complex Sentence: are constructed from simpler sentences, using parentheses (and square brackets) and logical connectives.
ComplexSentence(Connective, Sentence...) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.ComplexSentence
ComplexSentence(Sentence, Connective, Sentence) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.ComplexSentence
Convenience constructor for binary sentences.
conclusion(Clause) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLFCEntails
Condition - Class in aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule
Base abstract class for describing conditions.
Condition() - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.Condition
ConditionalProbabilityDistribution - Interface in aima.core.probability.bayes
A conditional probability distribution on a RandomVariable Xi:

P(Xi | Parents(Xi)) that quantifies the effect of the parents on Xi.
ConditionalProbabilityTable - Interface in aima.core.probability.bayes
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 512.

A Conditional Probability Table, or CPT, can be used for representing conditional probabilities for discrete (finite) random variables.
ConjunctionOfClauses - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 253.

A conjunction of clauses, where each clause is a disjunction of literals.
ConjunctionOfClauses(Collection<Clause>) - Constructor for class
ConjunctiveProposition - Class in aima.core.probability.proposition
ConjunctiveProposition(Proposition, Proposition) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.proposition.ConjunctiveProposition
ConnectedSentence - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast
ConnectedSentence(String, Sentence, Sentence) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.ConnectedSentence
ConnectFourAIPlayer - Class in aima.core.environment.connectfour
Implements an iterative deepening Minimax search with alpha-beta pruning and a special action ordering optimized for the Connect Four game.
ConnectFourAIPlayer(Game<ConnectFourState, Integer, String>, int) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourAIPlayer
ConnectFourGame - Class in aima.core.environment.connectfour
Provides an implementation of the ConnectFour game which can be used for experiments with the Minimax algorithm.
ConnectFourGame() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourGame
ConnectFourState - Class in aima.core.environment.connectfour
A state of the Connect Four game is characterized by a board containing a grid of spaces for disks, the next player to move, and some utility informations.
ConnectFourState(int, int) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
CONNECTIVE - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
Connective - Enum in aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 244.

Connectors - Class in aima.core.logic.fol
Connectors() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.Connectors
CONSTANT - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
Constant - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast
Constant(String) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Constant
ConstantDecisonTree - Class in aima.core.learning.inductive
ConstantDecisonTree(String) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.inductive.ConstantDecisonTree
Constraint - Interface in
A constraint specifies the allowable combinations of values for a set of variables.
construct2FairDiceNetwor() - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.BayesNetExampleFactory
constructBurglaryAlarmNetwork() - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.BayesNetExampleFactory
constructCloudySprinklerRainWetGrassNetwork() - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.BayesNetExampleFactory
constructConjunction(Proposition[]) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbUtil
Convenience method for ensure a conjunction of probabilistic propositions.
constructMeningitisStiffNeckNetwork() - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.BayesNetExampleFactory
constructToothacheCavityCatchNetwork() - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.BayesNetExampleFactory
constructToothacheCavityCatchWeatherNetwork() - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.BayesNetExampleFactory
constructWithCopy(double[][]) - Static method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Construct a matrix from a copy of a 2-D array.
consume() - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Lexer
Consume 1 character from the input.
consume() - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Parser
Consume 1 token from the input.
consume() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
contains(RandomVariable) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.ConditionalProbabilityDistribution
contains(RandomVariable) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.CPT
contains(RandomVariable) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.Factor
contains(RandomVariable) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.ProbabilityDistribution
contains(RandomVariable) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
contains(Object) - Method in class
containsKey(K1, K2) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.TwoKeyHashMap
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key pair.
containsValue(RandomVariable) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.exact.EnumerationAsk.ObservedEvidence
CONTEXT_FREE - Static variable in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
CONTEXT_SENSITIVE - Static variable in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
ContinuousDomain - Interface in aima.core.probability.domain
A Domain over a continuous not countable set of objects (e.g.
ContinuousNode - Interface in aima.core.probability.bayes
A node over a Random Variable that has a continuous domain.
convert(Sentence) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ConvertToCNF
Returns the specified sentence in its logically equivalent conjunctive normal form.
convert(Sentence) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ConvertToConjunctionOfClauses
Returns the specified sentence in its logically equivalent conjunction of clauses.
convert(Sentence) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ConvertToDNF
Returns the specified sentence in its logically equivalent disjunction normal form.
convert(Sentence) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ConvertToNNF
Returns the specified sentence in its logically equivalent negation normal form.
convert(CategoricalDistribution) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.hmm.HiddenMarkovModel
Convert a Categorical Distribution into a column vector in Matrix form.
convert(Matrix) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.hmm.HiddenMarkovModel
Convert a column vector in Matrix form to a Categorical Distribution.
convert(List<Matrix>) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.hmm.HiddenMarkovModel
Convert a list of column vectors in Matrix form into a corresponding list of Categorical Distributions.
convert(CategoricalDistribution) - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.impl.HMM
convert(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.impl.HMM
convert(List<Matrix>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.impl.HMM
convertToClauses(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
convertToCNF(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.CNFConverter
Returns the specified sentence as a list of clauses, where each clause is a disjunction of literals.
convertToCNF(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
ConvertToCNF - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors
Convert a Sentence into an equivalent Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) Sentence.
ConvertToCNF() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ConvertToCNF
ConvertToConjunctionOfClauses - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 253.

A sentence expression as a conjunction of clauses is said to be in conjunctive normal form or CNF.
ConvertToConjunctionOfClauses() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ConvertToConjunctionOfClauses
ConvertToDNF - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors
Convert a Sentence into an equivalent Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) Sentence.
ConvertToDNF() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ConvertToDNF
ConvertToNNF - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors
Convert a Sentence into an equivalent Negation Normal Form (NNF) Sentence.
ConvertToNNF() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ConvertToNNF
COOBER_PEDY - Static variable in class
copy() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes
Creates and returns a copy of this ObjectWithDynamicAttributes
copy() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
copy() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.AtomicSentence
copy() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.ConnectedSentence
copy() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Constant
copy() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.FOLNode
copy() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Function
copy() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.NotSentence
copy() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Predicate
copy() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.QuantifiedSentence
copy() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Sentence
copy() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Term
copy() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.TermEquality
copy() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Variable
copy() - Method in class
copy() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Make a deep copy of a matrix
copyDomains() - Method in class
Returns a copy which contains a copy of the domains list and is in all other aspects a flat copy of this.
copyExample() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNExample
copyVector() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Vector
Returns a copy of this vector.
counter - Variable in class
Counts the number of NodeExpander.expand(Node, Problem) calls.
CPT - Class in aima.core.probability.bayes.impl
Default implementation of the ConditionalProbabilityTable interface.
CPT(RandomVariable, double[], RandomVariable...) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.CPT
CRAIOVA - Static variable in class
create(Collection<K>, V) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
Create a Map with the passed in keys having their values initialized to the passed in value.
createABCDEqualityAndSubstitutionKnowledgeBase(InferenceProcedure, boolean) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBaseFactory
createABCEqualityKnowledgeBase(InferenceProcedure, boolean) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBaseFactory
createActionsFunctionForFigure17_1(CellWorld<Double>) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.MDPFactory
Returns the allowed actions from a specified cell within the cell world described in Fig 17.1.
createAnswerLiteral(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
createAttribute(String) - Method in interface aima.core.learning.framework.AttributeSpecification
createAttribute(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.NumericAttributeSpecification
createAttribute(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.StringAttributeSpecification
createCellWorldForFig17_1() - Static method in class aima.core.environment.cellworld.CellWorldFactory
Create the cell world as defined in Figure 17.1 in AIMA3e.
createDiagonalMatrix(List<Double>) - Static method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Construct a diagonal Matrix from the given List of doubles
createDLTestsWithAttributeCount(DataSet, int) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DLTestFactory
createExamplesFromDataSet(DataSet, Numerizer) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
createExamplesFromFile(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
createExogenousChange() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
Method for implementing dynamic environments in which not all changes are directly caused by agent action execution.
createFifoQueue() - Static method in class
Returns a LinkedList.
createFor(ACTION, double) - Static method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ActionValuePair
createFor(Game<STATE, ACTION, PLAYER>) - Static method in class
Creates a new search object for a given game.
createFor(Game<STATE, ACTION, PLAYER>, double, double, int) - Static method in class
Creates a new search object for a given game.
createFor(Game<STATE, ACTION, PLAYER>) - Static method in class
Creates a new search object for a given game.
createHeuristicFunction(Object) - Method in interface
createIrisDataSetSpec() - Static method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetFactory
createKingsKnowledgeBase(InferenceProcedure) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBaseFactory
createLifoQueue() - Static method in class
Returns a Last-in-first-out (Lifo) view on a LinkedList.
createLovesAnimalKnowledgeBase(InferenceProcedure) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBaseFactory
createMDPForFigure17_3(CellWorld<Double>) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.MDPFactory
Constructs an MDP that can be used to generate the utility values detailed in Fig 17.3.
createNode(Object, Node, Action, double) - Method in class
Computes the path cost for getting from the root node state via the parent node state to the specified state, creates a new node for the specified state, adds it as child of the provided parent (if NodeExpander.useParentLinks is true), and returns it.
createNormalizedDataFromDataSet(DataSet, Numerizer) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
createNormalizedDataFromFile(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
createPriorityQueue(Comparator<? super E>) - Static method in class
Returns a standard java PriorityQueue.
createRandomIndividual() - Method in class
Convenience method.
createRestaurantDataSetSpec() - Static method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetFactory
createRewardFunctionForFigure17_1() - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.MDPFactory
createRingOfThievesKnowledgeBase(InferenceProcedure) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBaseFactory
createRootNode(Object) - Method in class
Factory method, which creates a root node for the specified state.
createSet(V...) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
Create a set for the provided values.
createTransitionProbabilityFunctionForFigure17_1(CellWorld<Double>) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.MDPFactory
Figure 17.1 (b) Illustration of the transition model of the environment: the 'intended' outcome occurs with probability 0.8, but with probability 0.2 the agent moves at right angles to the intended direction.
createUnitMessage() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.hmm.HiddenMarkovModel
Return a new column vector in matrix form with all values set to 1.0.
createUnitMessage() - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.impl.HMM
createWeaponsKnowledgeBase(InferenceProcedure) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBaseFactory
crusadesDomain() - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.DomainFactory
CSP - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Ed.): Section 6.1, Page 202.

A constraint satisfaction problem or CSP consists of three components, X, D, and C: X is a set of variables, {X1, ...
CSP() - Constructor for class
Creates a new CSP.
CSP(List<Variable>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new CSP.
CSPStateListener - Interface in
Interface which allows interested clients to register at a solution strategy and follow their progress step by step.
currDepthLimit - Variable in class
CurrentBestLearner - Class in aima.core.learning.learners
CurrentBestLearner(String) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.learners.CurrentBestLearner
CurrentBestLearning - Class in aima.core.learning.knowledge
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 19.2, page 771.

CurrentBestLearning(FOLDataSetDomain, FOLKnowledgeBase) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.knowledge.CurrentBestLearning
currentBestLearning(List<FOLExample>) - Method in class aima.core.learning.knowledge.CurrentBestLearning
currGoalIdx - Variable in class
currIsCanceled() - Static method in class aima.core.util.CancelableThread
Returns true if the current thread is canceled
CUTOFF_NODE - Static variable in class
CYK - Class in aima.core.nlp.parsing
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 894.

CYK() - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.parsing.CYK


DARWIN - Static variable in class
DataResource - Class in
DataResource() - Constructor for class
DataSet - Class in aima.core.learning.framework
DataSet() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
DataSet(DataSetSpecification) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
DataSetFactory - Class in aima.core.learning.framework
DataSetFactory() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetFactory
DataSetSpecification - Class in aima.core.learning.framework
DataSetSpecification() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetSpecification
DecisionList - Class in aima.core.learning.inductive
DecisionList(String, String) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.inductive.DecisionList
DecisionListLearner - Class in aima.core.learning.learners
DecisionListLearner(String, String, DLTestFactory) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.learners.DecisionListLearner
DecisionTree - Class in aima.core.learning.inductive
DecisionTree() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.inductive.DecisionTree
DecisionTree(String) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.inductive.DecisionTree
DecisionTreeLearner - Class in aima.core.learning.learners
DecisionTreeLearner() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.learners.DecisionTreeLearner
DecisionTreeLearner(DecisionTree, String) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.learners.DecisionTreeLearner
decrement(Map<Clause, Integer>, Clause) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLFCEntails
decrement() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.MixedRadixNumber
Decrements the value of the mixed radix number, if the value is greater than zero.
DEFAULT_ROUNDING_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface aima.core.probability.ProbabilityModel
The default threshold for rounding errors.
DefaultClauseFilter - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.defaultimpl
DefaultClauseFilter() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.defaultimpl.DefaultClauseFilter
DefaultClauseSimplifier - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.defaultimpl
DefaultClauseSimplifier() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.defaultimpl.DefaultClauseSimplifier
DefaultClauseSimplifier(List<TermEquality>) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.defaultimpl.DefaultClauseSimplifier
DefaultGoalTest - Class in
Checks whether a given state equals an explicitly specified goal state.
DefaultGoalTest(Object) - Constructor for class
DefaultLightestClauseHeuristic - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.defaultimpl
DefaultLightestClauseHeuristic() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.defaultimpl.DefaultLightestClauseHeuristic
DefaultStepCostFunction - Class in
Returns one for every action.
DefaultStepCostFunction() - Constructor for class
defineNumericAttribute(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetSpecification
defineStringAttribute(String, String[]) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetSpecification
degreeAngle(double) - Static method in class aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.Angle
Creates a new angle based on a degree value.
Demodulation - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 354.

Demodulation: For any terms x, y, and z, where z appears somewhere in literal mi and where UNIFY(x,z) = θ:
Demodulation() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.Demodulation
denumerize(List<Double>) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.IrisDataSetNumerizer
denumerize(List<Double>) - Method in interface aima.core.learning.neural.Numerizer
DepthFirstSearch - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 85.

Depth-first search always expands the deepest node in the current frontier of the search tree.
DepthFirstSearch(QueueSearch) - Constructor for class
DepthLimitedSearch - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 3.17, page 88.

DepthLimitedSearch(int) - Constructor for class
DepthLimitedSearch(int, NodeExpander) - Constructor for class
deriv(double) - Method in interface aima.core.learning.neural.ActivationFunction
deriv(double) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.HardLimitActivationFunction
deriv(double) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.LogSigActivationFunction
deriv(double) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.PureLinearActivationFunction
DerivedProposition - Interface in aima.core.probability.proposition
derives(List<String>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.Rule
derives(String) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.Rule
describeAttributes() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes
Returns a string representation of the object's current attributes
describeType() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.DynamicAction
describeType() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.DynamicEnvironmentState
describeType() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.DynamicPercept
describeType() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.DynamicState
describeType() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes
By default, returns the simple name of the underlying class as given in the source code.
det() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.LUDecomposition
det() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Matrix determinant
determinant() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.TransformMatrix2D
Calculates the determinant of this transformation matrix.
determineAllInlinks(Map<String, Page>) - Static method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.PagesDataset
determineValue(Clause) - Method in class
Determine based on the current assignments within the model, whether a clause is known to be true, false, or unknown.
DICE_1_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
DICE_2_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
difference(Set<T>, Set<T>) - Static method in class aima.core.util.SetOps
DiffNotEqualConstraint - Class in
Represents a binary constraint which forbids equal values.
DiffNotEqualConstraint(Variable, Variable, int) - Constructor for class
discardTautologies(Set<Clause>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLResolution
DiscreteDomain - Interface in aima.core.probability.domain
A Domain over a countable/discrete set of objects (may be infinite).
DiscreteNode - Interface in aima.core.probability.bayes
A node over a Random Variable that has a countable domain (may be infinite).
DisjointSets<E> - Class in aima.core.util
A basic implementation of a disjoint-set data structure for maintaining a collection of disjoint dynamic sets.
DisjointSets() - Constructor for class aima.core.util.DisjointSets
Default Constructor.
DisjointSets(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.DisjointSets
DisjointSets(E...) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.DisjointSets
DisjunctiveProposition - Class in aima.core.probability.proposition
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Formula 13.4, page 489.

We can also derive the well-known formula for the probability of a disjunction, sometimes called the inclusion-exclusion principle:

P(a OR b) = P(a) + P(b) - P(a AND b).
DisjunctiveProposition(Proposition, Proposition) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.proposition.DisjunctiveProposition
distance(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D
Returns the Euclidean distance between a specified point and this point.
distanceTo(P) - Method in interface aima.core.robotics.datatypes.IMclPose
Calculates the length of the straight line between this pose and another pose.
x.distanceTo(y) has to return the same value as y.distanceTo(x).
distribute(Sentence) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.DistributeAndOverOr
Distribute and (&) over or (|).
distribute(Sentence) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.DistributeOrOverAnd
Distribute or (|) over and (&).
DistributeAndOverOr - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 249.

Distributivity of & over |:
(α & (β | γ))

((α & β) | (α & γ))
DistributeAndOverOr() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.DistributeAndOverOr
DistributeOrOverAnd - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 249.

Distributivity of | over &:
(α | (β & γ))

((α | β) & (α | γ))
DistributeOrOverAnd() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.DistributeOrOverAnd
divideBy(CategoricalDistribution) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.CategoricalDistribution
Divide the dividend (this) CategoricalDistribution by the divisor to create a new CategoricalDistribution representing the quotient.
divideBy(CategoricalDistribution) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
divideBy(ProbabilityTable) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
DLTest - Class in aima.core.learning.inductive
DLTest() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.inductive.DLTest
DLTestFactory - Class in aima.core.learning.inductive
DLTestFactory() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.inductive.DLTestFactory
DOBRETA - Static variable in class
Domain - Interface in aima.core.probability.domain
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 486.

Every random variable has a domain - the set of possible values it can take on.
Domain - Class in
A domain Di consists of a set of allowable values {v1, ...
Domain(List<?>) - Constructor for class
Domain(Object[]) - Constructor for class
DomainFactory - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.domain
DomainFactory() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.DomainFactory
DomainRestoreInfo - Class in
Provides informations which might be useful for a caller of a constraint propagation algorithm.
DomainRestoreInfo() - Constructor for class
doubleValue() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.MixedRadixNumber
DOWN - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
down() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation
Returns the location one unit below this location.
DPLL - Interface in aima.core.logic.propositional.inference
Interface describing main API of the DPLL algorithm as described in Figure 7.17 but not how it should be implemented.
dpll(Set<Clause>, List<PropositionSymbol>, Model) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.DPLL
DPLL(clauses, symbols, model)
dpll(Set<Clause>, List<PropositionSymbol>, Model) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.DPLLSatisfiable
DPLL(clauses, symbols, model)
dpll(Set<Clause>, List<PropositionSymbol>, Model) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.OptimizedDPLL
DPLL(clauses, symbols, model)
dpllSatisfiable(Sentence) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.DPLL
Checks the satisfiability of a sentence in propositional logic.
DPLLSatisfiable - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.inference
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 261.

DPLLSatisfiable() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.DPLLSatisfiable
dpllSatisfiable(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.DPLLSatisfiable
Checks the satisfiability of a sentence in propositional logic.
dpllSatisfiable(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.OptimizedDPLL
dropDisk(int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
DUBBO - Static variable in class
DynamicAction - Class in aima.core.agent.impl
DynamicAction(String) - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.DynamicAction
DynamicBayesianNetwork - Interface in aima.core.probability.bayes
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 590.

A dynamic Bayesian network, or DBN, is a Bayesian network that represents a temporal probability model.
DynamicBayesNet - Class in aima.core.probability.bayes.impl
Default implementation of the DynamicBayesianNetwork interface.
DynamicBayesNet(BayesianNetwork, Map<RandomVariable, RandomVariable>, Set<RandomVariable>, Node...) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.DynamicBayesNet
DynamicBayesNetExampleFactory - Class in aima.core.probability.example
DynamicBayesNetExampleFactory() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.example.DynamicBayesNetExampleFactory
DynamicEnvironmentState - Class in aima.core.agent.impl
DynamicEnvironmentState() - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.DynamicEnvironmentState
DynamicPercept - Class in aima.core.agent.impl
DynamicPercept() - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.DynamicPercept
DynamicPercept(Object, Object) - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.DynamicPercept
Constructs a DynamicPercept with one attribute
DynamicPercept(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.DynamicPercept
Constructs a DynamicPercept with two attributes
DynamicPercept(Object[], Object[]) - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.DynamicPercept
Constructs a DynamicPercept with an array of attributes
DynamicState - Class in aima.core.agent.impl
DynamicState() - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.DynamicState
DynAttributeNames - Class in
The AIMA framework uses dynamic attributes to make implementations of agents and environments completely independent of each other.
DynAttributeNames() - Constructor for class


earlyGoalTest - Variable in class
EARTHQUAKE_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
east() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation
Returns the location one unit right of this location.
EFORIE - Static variable in class
EightPuzzleBoard - Class in aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle
EightPuzzleBoard() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
EightPuzzleBoard(int[]) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
EightPuzzleBoard(EightPuzzleBoard) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
EightPuzzleFunctionFactory - Class in aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle
EightPuzzleFunctionFactory() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleFunctionFactory
EightPuzzleGoalTest - Class in aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle
EightPuzzleGoalTest() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleGoalTest
eliminate(Sentence) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.BiconditionalElimination
Eliminate the biconditionals from a sentence.
eliminate(Sentence) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ImplicationElimination
Eliminate the implications from a sentence.
EliminationAsk - Class in aima.core.probability.bayes.exact
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 14.11, page 528.

EliminationAsk() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.exact.EliminationAsk
eliminationAsk(RandomVariable[], AssignmentProposition[], BayesianNetwork) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.exact.EliminationAsk
The ELIMINATION-ASK algorithm in Figure 14.11.
Ellipse2D - Class in aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes
This class implements an ellipse in a two-dimensional Cartesian plot.
As an ellipse can be rotated around its center it is represented by a center Point2D and two Vector2D that are the horizontal and vertical radius.
Ellipse2D(Point2D, double, double) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ellipse2D
Ellipse2D(Point2D, Vector2D, Vector2D) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ellipse2D
EMPTY - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
EMPTY - Static variable in class
emptyDataSet() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
enableLCV(boolean) - Method in class
Selects the least constraining value heuristic as implementation for ORDER-DOMAIN-VALUES.
enumerateAll(List<RandomVariable>, EnumerationAsk.ObservedEvidence) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.exact.EnumerationAsk
EnumerationAsk - Class in aima.core.probability.bayes.exact
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 14.9, page 525.

EnumerationAsk() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.exact.EnumerationAsk
enumerationAsk(RandomVariable[], AssignmentProposition[], BayesianNetwork) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.exact.EnumerationAsk
The ENUMERATION-ASK algorithm in Figure 14.9 evaluates expression trees (Figure 14.8) using depth-first recursion.
EnumerationAsk.ObservedEvidence - Class in aima.core.probability.bayes.exact
Environment - Interface in aima.core.agent
An abstract description of possible discrete Environments in which Agent(s) can perceive and act.
EnvironmentObject - Interface in aima.core.agent
An interface used to indicate any object that can belong within an Environment.
EnvironmentState - Interface in aima.core.agent
An interface used to indicate a possible state of an Environment.
EnvironmentView - Interface in aima.core.agent
Allows external applications/logic to view the interaction of Agent(s) with an Environment.
EnvironmentViewNotifier - Interface in aima.core.agent
envObjects - Variable in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
envState - Variable in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
EOI - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
EQUALCondition - Class in aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule
Implementation of an EQUALity condition.
EQUALCondition(Object, Object) - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.EQUALCondition
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.Condition
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.Rule
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.cellworld.Cell
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironmentState
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPosition
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.Room
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.Example
EQUALS - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Token
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.ConnectedSentence
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Constant
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Function
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.NotSentence
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Predicate
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.QuantifiedSentence
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.TermEquality
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Variable
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.ComplexSentence
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.AbstractNode
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.ArbitraryTokenDomain
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.BooleanDomain
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.FiniteIntegerDomain
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.RandVar
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.Pair
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.Triplet
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation
equals(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D
Checks a point for equality with this point.
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D
equals(TransformMatrix2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.TransformMatrix2D
Compares this matrix to another transformation matrix.
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.TransformMatrix2D
Compares this matrix to another object.
equals(Vector2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
Checks equality for this vector with another vector.
equals(Object) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
EquivalentProposition - Class in aima.core.probability.proposition
EquivalentProposition(String, RandomVariable...) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.proposition.EquivalentProposition
errorVectorFrom(Vector) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
ESPERANCE - Static variable in class
eval(ConnectFourState, String) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourAIPlayer
Modifies the super implementation by making safe winner values even more attractive if depth is small.
eval(STATE, PLAYER) - Method in class
Primitive operation, which estimates the value for (not necessarily terminal) states.
evaluate(ObjectWithDynamicAttributes) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.ANDCondition
evaluate(ObjectWithDynamicAttributes) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.Condition
evaluate(ObjectWithDynamicAttributes) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.EQUALCondition
evaluate(ObjectWithDynamicAttributes) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.NOTCondition
evaluate(ObjectWithDynamicAttributes) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.ORCondition
evaluate(ObjectWithDynamicAttributes) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.Rule
evaluate(Map<S, A>, Map<S, Double>, MarkovDecisionProcess<S, A>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.mdp.impl.ModifiedPolicyEvaluation
evaluate(Map<S, A>, Map<S, Double>, MarkovDecisionProcess<S, A>) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.mdp.PolicyEvaluation
Policy evaluation: given a policy πi, calculate Ui=Uπi, the utility of each state if πi were to be executed.
evaluateManhattanDistanceOf(int, XYLocation) - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.ManhattanHeuristicFunction
EvaluationFunction - Interface in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 92.

The evaluation function is construed as a cost estimate, so the node with the lowest evaluation is expanded first.
everyClauseTrue(Set<Clause>, Model) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.DPLLSatisfiable
Example - Class in aima.core.learning.framework
Example(Hashtable<String, Attribute>, Attribute) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.framework.Example
exampleFromString(String, DataSetSpecification, String) - Static method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetFactory
ExampleRV - Class in aima.core.probability.example
Predefined example Random Variables from AIMA3e.
ExampleRV() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
examples - Variable in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
execute(Percept) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Agent
Call the Agent's program, which maps any given percept sequences to an action.
execute(Percept) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.AgentProgram
The Agent's program, which maps any given percept sequences to an action.
execute(Percept) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractAgent
execute(Percept) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.ModelBasedReflexAgentProgram
execute(Percept) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.SimpleReflexAgentProgram
execute(Percept) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.TableDrivenAgentProgram
execute(Percept) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.NondeterministicVacuumAgent
Execute an action from the contingency plan
execute(Percept) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.HybridWumpusAgent
function HYBRID-WUMPUS-AGENT(percept) returns an action
execute(PerceptStateReward<S>) - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.PassiveADPAgent
Passive reinforcement learning based on adaptive dynamic programming.
execute(PerceptStateReward<S>) - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.PassiveTDAgent
Passive reinforcement learning that learns utility estimates using temporal differences
execute(PerceptStateReward<S>) - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.QLearningAgent
An exploratory Q-learning agent.
execute(PerceptStateReward<S>) - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.ReinforcementAgent
Map the given percept to an Agent action.
execute(Percept) - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.ReinforcementAgent
execute(Percept) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.agent.KBAgent
execute(Percept) - Method in class
Template method, which corresponds to pseudo code function PROBLEM-SOLVING-AGENT(percept).
execute(Percept) - Method in class
execute(Percept) - Method in class
execute(Percept) - Method in class
execute(Percept) - Method in class
executeAction(Agent, Action) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
executeAction(Agent, Action) - Method in class
executeAction(Agent, Action) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.NondeterministicVacuumEnvironment
Execute the agent action
executeAction(Agent, Action) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
executeAction(Agent, Action) - Method in class aima.core.environment.xyenv.XYEnvironment
Does nothing (don't ask me why...).
executeAction(Agent, Action) - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example.CellWorldEnvironment
executeTrial() - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example.CellWorldEnvironment
Execute a single trial.
executeTrials(int) - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example.CellWorldEnvironment
Execute N trials.
EXISTS - Static variable in class aima.core.logic.fol.Quantifiers
expand(Node, Problem) - Method in class
Returns the children obtained from expanding the specified node in the specified problem.
expandedNodes - Variable in class
expandPages(List<Page>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.HITS
Adds pages that are linked to or is linked from one of the pages passed as argument.
expectedSizeOfCategoricalDistribution(RandomVariable...) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbUtil
Calculated the expected size of a CategoricalDistribution for the provided random variables.
expectedSizeOfProbabilityTable(RandomVariable...) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbUtil
Calculated the expected size of a ProbabilityTable for the provided random variables.
extend(Collection<Clause>) - Method in class
Create a new conjunction of clauses by taking the clauses from the current conjunction and adding additional clauses to it.
ExtendableMap - Class in
Implements a map with locations, distance labeled links between the locations, straight line distances, and 2d-placement positions of locations.
ExtendableMap() - Constructor for class
Creates an empty map.
extendedWeightedSampleWithReplacement(Set<P>, double[]) - Method in class aima.core.robotics.MonteCarloLocalization
Taken weightedSampleWithReplacement out of ParticleFiltering and extended by a minimum weight.


f(Double, int) - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.QLearningAgent
AIMA3e pg.
f(Node) - Method in interface
f(Node) - Method in class
Returns g(n) the cost to reach the node, plus h(n) the heuristic cost to get from the specified node to the goal.
f(Node) - Method in class
FACING_EAST - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
FACING_NORTH - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
FACING_SOUTH - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
FACING_WEST - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
Factor - Interface in aima.core.probability
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 524.

Each factor is a matrix indexed by its argument variables.
Factor.Iterator - Interface in aima.core.probability
Interface to be implemented by an object/algorithm that wishes to iterate over the possible assignments for the random variables comprising this Factor.
FAGARAS - Static variable in class
FAILURE - Static variable in class aima.core.learning.learners.DecisionListLearner
failure() - Static method in class
Returns an empty action list.
FALSE - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
FALSE - Static variable in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
FALSE_SYMBOL - Static variable in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
feedForward(Vector) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
FeedForwardNeuralNetwork - Class in aima.core.learning.neural
FeedForwardNeuralNetwork(NNConfig) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
FeedForwardNeuralNetwork(Matrix, Vector, Matrix, Vector) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
fetch(Literal) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
fetch(List<Literal>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
fillLookAheadBuffer() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
filter(Set<Clause>) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.ClauseFilter
filter(Set<Clause>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.defaultimpl.DefaultClauseFilter
find(E) - Method in class aima.core.util.DisjointSets
Find the disjoint set that an element belongs to.
findActions(Problem) - Method in class
findActions(Problem) - Method in interface
Returns a list of actions to the goal if the goal was found, a list containing a single NoOp Action if already at the goal, or an empty list if the goal could not be found.
findActions(Problem) - Method in class
findActions(Problem) - Method in class
findActions(Problem) - Method in class
findActions(Problem) - Method in class
findActions(Problem) - Method in class
findActions(Problem) - Method in class
Returns a list of actions to the goal if the goal was found, a list containing a single NoOp Action if already at the goal, an empty list if the goal could not be found.
findActions(Problem) - Method in class
findNode(Problem, Queue<Node>) - Method in class
Implements an approximation algorithm for bidirectional problems with exactly one initial and one goal state.
findNode(Problem, Queue<Node>) - Method in class
Clears the set of explored states and calls the search implementation of QueueSearch.
findNode(Problem, Queue<Node>) - Method in class
Clears the set of explored states and calls the search implementation of QueSearch
findNode(Problem, Queue<Node>) - Method in class
Sets the comparator if a priority queue is used, resets explored list and state map and calls the inherited version of search.
findNode(Problem, Queue<Node>) - Method in class
Receives a problem and a queue implementing the search strategy and computes a node referencing a goal state, if such a state was found.
findNode(Problem) - Method in class
findNode(Problem) - Method in class
findPureSymbol(List<PropositionSymbol>, Set<Clause>, Model) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.DPLLSatisfiable
AIMA3e p.g.
findPureSymbol(List<PropositionSymbol>, Set<Clause>, Model) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.OptimizedDPLL
AIMA3e p.g.
findState(Problem) - Method in class
findState(Problem) - Method in interface
Returns a state which is might be but not necessary is a goal state of the problem.
findState(Problem) - Method in class
findState(Problem) - Method in class
findState(Problem) - Method in class
findState(Problem) - Method in class
findState(Problem) - Method in class
findState(Problem) - Method in class
findSubsumedClauses(Set<Clause>) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.SubsumptionElimination
Returns the clauses that are subsumed by (that is, more specific than) an existing clause in the specified set of clauses.
findUnitClause(Set<Clause>, Model) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.DPLLSatisfiable
AIMA3e p.g.
findUnitClause(Set<Clause>, Model) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.OptimizedDPLL
AIMA3e p.g.
finiteAlphabet - Variable in class
FiniteBayesModel - Class in aima.core.probability.bayes.model
Very simple implementation of the FiniteProbabilityModel API using a Bayesian Network, consisting of FiniteNodes, to represent the underlying model.

Note: The implementation currently doesn't take advantage of the use of evidence values when calculating posterior values using the provided Bayesian Inference implementation (e.g enumerationAsk).
FiniteBayesModel(BayesianNetwork) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.model.FiniteBayesModel
FiniteBayesModel(BayesianNetwork, BayesInference) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.model.FiniteBayesModel
FiniteDomain - Interface in aima.core.probability.domain
A Domain over a countable/discrete and finite set of objects.
FiniteIntegerDomain - Class in aima.core.probability.domain
FiniteIntegerDomain(Integer...) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.domain.FiniteIntegerDomain
FiniteNode - Interface in aima.core.probability.bayes
A node over a Random Variable that has a finite countable domain.
FiniteProbabilityModel - Interface in aima.core.probability
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 484.

A probability model on a discrete, countable set of worlds.
fireStateChanged(CSP) - Method in class
fireStateChanged(Assignment, CSP) - Method in class
first(List<T>) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
Get the first element from a list.
FitnessFunction<A> - Interface in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 127.

Each state is rated by the objective function, or (in Genetic Algorithm terminology) the fitness function.
FixedLagSmoothing - Class in aima.core.probability.hmm.exact
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 580.

FixedLagSmoothing(HiddenMarkovModel, int) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.hmm.exact.FixedLagSmoothing
Create a Fixed-Lag-Smoothing implementation, that sets up the required persistent values.
fixedLagSmoothing(List<AssignmentProposition>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.exact.FixedLagSmoothing
Algorithm for smoothing with a fixed time lag of d steps, implemented as an online algorithm that outputs the new smoothed estimate given the observation for a new time step.
flip(PropositionSymbol) - Method in class
flipSymbolInClauseMaximizesNumberSatisfiedClauses(Clause, Set<Clause>, Model) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.WalkSAT
floatValue() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.MixedRadixNumber
flush() - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApartIndexicalFactory
FOLBCAsk - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (2nd Edition): Figure 9.6, page 288.

FOLBCAsk() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLBCAsk
FOLDataSetDomain - Class in aima.core.learning.knowledge
FOLDataSetDomain(DataSetSpecification, String) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.knowledge.FOLDataSetDomain
FOLDomain - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.domain
FOLDomain() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomain
FOLDomain(FOLDomain) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomain
FOLDomain(Set<String>, Set<String>, Set<String>) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomain
FOLDomainAnswerLiteralAddedEvent - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.domain
FOLDomainAnswerLiteralAddedEvent(Object, String) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomainAnswerLiteralAddedEvent
FOLDomainEvent - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.domain
FOLDomainEvent(Object) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomainEvent
FOLDomainListener - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol.domain
FOLDomainSkolemConstantAddedEvent - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.domain
FOLDomainSkolemConstantAddedEvent(Object, String) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomainSkolemConstantAddedEvent
FOLDomainSkolemFunctionAddedEvent - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.domain
FOLDomainSkolemFunctionAddedEvent(Object, String) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomainSkolemFunctionAddedEvent
FOLExample - Class in aima.core.learning.knowledge
FOLExample(FOLDataSetDomain, Example, int) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.knowledge.FOLExample
FOLFCAsk - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 9.3, page 332.

FOLFCAsk() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLFCAsk
FOLKnowledgeBase - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.kb
A First Order Logic (FOL) Knowledge Base.
FOLKnowledgeBase(FOLDomain) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
FOLKnowledgeBase(FOLDomain, InferenceProcedure) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
FOLKnowledgeBase(FOLDomain, InferenceProcedure, Unifier) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
FOLKnowledgeBaseFactory - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.kb
FOLKnowledgeBaseFactory() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBaseFactory
FOLLexer - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing
FOLLexer(FOLDomain) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLLexer
FOLModelElimination - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference
FOLModelElimination() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLModelElimination
FOLModelElimination(long) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLModelElimination
FOLModelElimination(FOLModelEliminationTracer) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLModelElimination
FOLModelElimination(FOLModelEliminationTracer, long) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLModelElimination
FOLModelEliminationTracer - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.trace
FOLNode - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast
FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (2nd Edition): Figure 9.14, page 307.

FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver
FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver(long) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver
FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver(boolean) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver
FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver(long, boolean) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver
FOLParser - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing
FOLParser(FOLLexer) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
FOLParser(FOLDomain) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
FOLTFMResolution - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 347.

The algorithmic approach is identical to the propositional case, described in Figure 7.12.

However, this implementation will use the T)wo F)inger M)ethod for looking for resolvents between clauses, which is very inefficient.

see:, slide 21 for the propositional case.
FOLTFMResolution() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLTFMResolution
FOLTFMResolution(long) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLTFMResolution
FOLTFMResolution(FOLTFMResolutionTracer) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLTFMResolution
FOLTFMResolutionTracer - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.trace
FOLVisitor - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing
FORALL - Static variable in class aima.core.logic.fol.Quantifiers
formulateGoal() - Method in class
formulateGoal() - Method in class
formulateGoal() - Method in class
Primitive operation, responsible for goal generation.
formulateGoal() - Method in class
formulateProblem(Object) - Method in class
formulateProblem(Object) - Method in class
formulateProblem(Object) - Method in class
Primitive operation, responsible for search problem generation.
formulateProblem(Object) - Method in class
Forward - Class in aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 237.

The agent can move Forward.
Forward(AgentPosition) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.Forward
forward(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.exact.FixedLagSmoothing
The forward equation (15.5) in Matrix form becomes (15.12):
forward(CategoricalDistribution, List<AssignmentProposition>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.exact.HMMForwardBackward
forward(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.exact.HMMForwardBackward
The forward equation (15.5) in Matrix form becomes (15.12):
forward(CategoricalDistribution, List<AssignmentProposition>) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.temporal.ForwardStepInference
The FORWARD operator is defined by Equation (15.5).
forward(CategoricalDistribution, List<AssignmentProposition>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.temporal.generic.ForwardBackward
FORWARD_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.Forward
forwardBackward(List<List<AssignmentProposition>>, CategoricalDistribution) - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.exact.HMMForwardBackward
forwardBackward(List<List<AssignmentProposition>>, CategoricalDistribution) - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.exact.HMMForwardBackwardConstantSpace
forwardBackward(List<List<AssignmentProposition>>, CategoricalDistribution) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.temporal.ForwardBackwardInference
The forward-backward algorithm for smoothing: computing posterior probabilities of a sequence of states given a sequence of observations.
ForwardBackward - Class in aima.core.probability.temporal.generic
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 576.

ForwardBackward(FiniteProbabilityModel, Map<RandomVariable, RandomVariable>, FiniteProbabilityModel) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.temporal.generic.ForwardBackward
Instantiate an instance of the Forward Backward algorithm.
forwardBackward(List<List<AssignmentProposition>>, CategoricalDistribution) - Method in class aima.core.probability.temporal.generic.ForwardBackward
ForwardBackwardInference - Interface in aima.core.probability.temporal
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 576.

Generic interface for calling different implementations of the forward-backward algorithm for smoothing: computing posterior probabilities of a sequence of states given a sequence of observations.
forwardRecover(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.exact.HMMForwardBackwardConstantSpace
ForwardStepInference - Interface in aima.core.probability.temporal
* The FORWARD operator is defined by Equation (15.5).
FrequencyCounter<T> - Class in aima.core.util
A utility class for keeping counts of objects.
FrequencyCounter() - Constructor for class aima.core.util.FrequencyCounter
Default Constructor.
fromFile(String, DataSetSpecification, String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetFactory
frontier - Variable in class
FullCPTNode - Class in aima.core.probability.bayes.impl
Default implementation of the FiniteNode interface that uses a fully specified Conditional Probability Table to represent the Node's conditional distribution.
FullCPTNode(RandomVariable, double[]) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.FullCPTNode
FullCPTNode(RandomVariable, double[], Node...) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.FullCPTNode
FullJointDistributionBurglaryAlarmModel - Class in aima.core.probability.example
FullJointDistributionBurglaryAlarmModel() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.example.FullJointDistributionBurglaryAlarmModel
FullJointDistributionMeningitisStiffNeckModel - Class in aima.core.probability.example
FullJointDistributionMeningitisStiffNeckModel() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.example.FullJointDistributionMeningitisStiffNeckModel
FullJointDistributionModel - Class in aima.core.probability.full
An implementation of the FiniteProbabilityModel API using a full joint distribution as the underlying model.
FullJointDistributionModel(double[], RandomVariable...) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.full.FullJointDistributionModel
FullJointDistributionPairFairDiceModel - Class in aima.core.probability.example
FullJointDistributionPairFairDiceModel() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.example.FullJointDistributionPairFairDiceModel
FullJointDistributionToothacheCavityCatchModel - Class in aima.core.probability.example
FullJointDistributionToothacheCavityCatchModel() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.example.FullJointDistributionToothacheCavityCatchModel
FullJointDistributionToothacheCavityCatchWeatherModel - Class in aima.core.probability.example
FullJointDistributionToothacheCavityCatchWeatherModel() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.example.FullJointDistributionToothacheCavityCatchWeatherModel
FullyObservableVacuumEnvironmentPercept - Interface in aima.core.environment.vacuum
Implements a fully observable environment percept, in accordance with page 134, AIMAv3.
FullyObservableVacuumEnvironmentPerceptToStateFunction - Class in aima.core.environment.vacuum
Map fully observable state percepts to their corresponding state representation.
FullyObservableVacuumEnvironmentPerceptToStateFunction() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.FullyObservableVacuumEnvironmentPerceptToStateFunction
Default Constructor.
FUNCTION - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
Function - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast
Function(String, List<Term>) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Function
FunctionApproximator - Interface in aima.core.learning.neural


g(Node) - Method in class
Game<STATE,ACTION,PLAYER> - Interface in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 165.

A game can be formally defined as a kind of search problem with the following elements:
S0: The initial state, which specifies how the game is set up at the start. PLAYER(s): Defines which player has the move in a state. ACTIONS(s): Returns the set of legal moves in a state. RESULT(s, a): The transition model, which defines the result of a move. TERMINAL-TEST(s): A terminal test, which is true when the game is over and false TERMINAL STATES otherwise.
game - Variable in class
generateCloud(int) - Method in class aima.core.robotics.MonteCarloLocalization
This method is the initialization phase of the algorithm.
generateNoise() - Method in interface aima.core.robotics.datatypes.IMclMove
Generates noise onto the move to mask errors in measuring the performed movements and to localize successfully with a smaller number of particles than without noise.
generateRandomDoubleBetween(double, double) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
Generates a random double between two limits.
generateRandomFloatBetween(float, float) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
Generates a random float between two limits.
generateRandomIndividual(int) - Static method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensGenAlgoUtil
GenericTemporalModelFactory - Class in aima.core.probability.example
GenericTemporalModelFactory() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.example.GenericTemporalModelFactory
GeneticAlgorithm<A> - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 4.8, page 129.

GeneticAlgorithm(int, Collection<A>, double) - Constructor for class
GeneticAlgorithm(int, Collection<A>, double, Random) - Constructor for class
geneticAlgorithm(Collection<Individual<A>>, FitnessFunction<A>, int) - Method in class
Starts the genetic algorithm and stops after a specified number of iterations.
geneticAlgorithm(Collection<Individual<A>>, FitnessFunction<A>, GoalTest, long) - Method in class
Template method controlling search.
GeneticAlgorithm.ProgressTracer<A> - Interface in
Interface for progress tracers.
GeneticAlgorithmForNumbers - Class in
Variant of the genetic algorithm which uses double numbers from a fixed interval instead of symbols from a finite alphabet in the representations of individuals.
GeneticAlgorithmForNumbers(int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class
GERALDTON - Static variable in class
get(String) - Static method in enum aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Connective
Get the connective associated with the given symbolic representation.
get(int) - Method in class
get(String) - Method in class
get(VertexLabelType, VertexLabelType) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.LabeledGraph
Returns the label of the edge between the specified vertices, or null if there is no edge between them.
get(RowHeaderType, ColumnHeaderType) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.Table
Returns the value to which the specified row and column is mapped in this table.
get(K1, K2) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.TwoKeyHashMap
Returns the value to which the specified key pair is mapped in this two key hash map, or null if the map contains no mapping for this key pair.
get(int, int) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Get a single element.
getAction() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.Rule
Returns the action of this condition-action rule.
getAction() - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ActionValuePair
getAction() - Method in class
Returns the action that was applied to the parent to generate the node.
getActions(ConnectFourState) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourGame
getActions(TicTacToeState) - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeGame
getActions(STATE) - Method in interface
getActions() - Method in class
getActionsFunction() - Static method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleFunctionFactory
getActionsFunction(Map) - Static method in class
getActionsFunction(WumpusCave) - Static method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusFunctionFactory
getActionsFunction() - Method in class
Returns the description of the possible actions available to the agent.
getActionsFunction() - Method in class
Returns the description of the possible actions available to the agent.
getActionsFunction() - Method in class
Returns the action function of this online search problem.
getActivationFunction() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
getAdaptee() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.BayesInferenceApproxAdapter
getAgentLocation(Agent) - Method in class
getAgentLocation(Agent) - Method in class
getAgentLocation(Agent) - Method in interface aima.core.environment.vacuum.FullyObservableVacuumEnvironmentPercept
Returns the agent location
getAgentLocation() - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.LocalVacuumEnvironmentPercept
Return the agent's perception of the current location, which is either A or B.
getAgentLocation(Agent) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
getAgentLocation(Agent) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironmentState
getAgentLocation(Agent) - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example.CellWorldEnvironmentState
Get the location of an agent within the cell world environment.
getAgentMap() - Method in class
getAgents() - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Environment
Returns the Agents belonging to this Environment.
getAgents() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
getAgentTravelDistance(Agent) - Method in class
getAgentTravelDistance(Agent) - Method in class
getAllClauses() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
getAllDefiniteClauseImplications() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
getAllDefiniteClauses() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
getAllTerminalRules() - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.Lexicon
getAngle() - Method in interface aima.core.robotics.datatypes.IMclRangeReading
Returns the vector by which the robot was rotated for this range reading.
getAngle() - Method in class aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.AbstractRangeReading
getAngle() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ellipse2D
getAnswerBindings() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.Proof
getAnswerBindings() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofFinal
getAnswerLiteralNameName() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomainAnswerLiteralAddedEvent
getAreaBoundaries() - Method in class
Returns an iterator over the boundaries of the area polygons.
getAreas() - Method in class
Returns an iterator over the area polygons.
getArgs() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.AtomicSentence
getArgs() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.ConnectedSentence
getArgs() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Constant
getArgs() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.FOLNode
getArgs() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Function
getArgs() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.NotSentence
getArgs() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Predicate
getArgs() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.QuantifiedSentence
getArgs() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Term
getArgs() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.TermEquality
getArgs() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Variable
getArgumentVariables() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.Factor
getArgumentVariables() - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
getArray() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Access the internal two-dimensional array.
getArrayCopy() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Copy the internal two-dimensional array.
getAssignedSymbols() - Method in class
getAssignment(Variable) - Method in class
getAtomicSentence() - Method in class
getAtomicSentence() - Method in class
getAttribute(Object) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes
Returns the value of the specified attribute key, or null if the attribute was not found.
getAttributeName() - Method in interface aima.core.learning.framework.AttributeSpecification
getAttributeName() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.NumericAttributeSpecification
getAttributeName() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.StringAttributeSpecification
getAttributeName() - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DecisionTree
getAttributeNames() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
getAttributeNames() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetSpecification
getAttributeSpecFor(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetSpecification
getAttributeValueAsDouble(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.Example
getAttributeValueAsString(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.Example
getAveDelta(double[], double[]) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.HITS
Determine how much values in a list are changing.
getBayesInference() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.model.FiniteBayesModel
getBiasVector() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
getBindings() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepBwChGoal
getBoardForIndividual(Individual<Integer>) - Static method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensGenAlgoUtil
getBoardPic() - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
getBoundaries() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.CartesianPlot2D
getBounds() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Circle2D
getBounds() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ellipse2D
getBounds() - Method in interface aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.IGeometric2D
Gets the boundaries of this geometric shape as a Rect2D.
getBounds() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Line2D
getBounds() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Polyline2D
getBounds() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Rect2D
getCActionsFunction() - Static method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensFunctionFactory
Returns an ACTIONS function for the complete-state formulation of the n-queens problem.
getCaveXDimension() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusCave
getCaveXDimension() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
getCaveYDimension() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusCave
getCaveYDimension() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
getCell() - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example.CellWorldPercept
getCellAt(int, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.cellworld.CellWorld
Get the cell at the specified x and y locations.
getCells() - Method in class aima.core.environment.cellworld.CellWorld
getCenter() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Circle2D
getCenter() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ellipse2D
getChildren() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.AbstractNode
getChildren() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.Node
getClassification() - Method in class aima.core.learning.knowledge.FOLExample
getClauseFilter() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver
getClauses() - Method in class
getClausesFrom(Sentence...) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ClauseCollector
Collect a set of clauses from a list of given sentences.
getClauseSimplifier() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver
getCols() - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
getColumnDimension() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Get column dimension.
getColumnPackedCopy() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Make a one-dimensional column packed copy of the internal array.
getComparator() - Method in class
getConditioningCase(Object...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.ConditionalProbabilityDistribution
A conditioning case is just a possible combination of values for the parent nodes - a miniature possible world, if you like.
getConditioningCase(AssignmentProposition...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.ConditionalProbabilityDistribution
A conditioning case is just a possible combination of values for the parent nodes - a miniature possible world, if you like.
getConditioningCase(Object...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.ConditionalProbabilityTable
getConditioningCase(AssignmentProposition...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.ConditionalProbabilityTable
getConditioningCase(Object...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.CPT
getConditioningCase(AssignmentProposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.CPT
getConjunctionOfClauses() - Method in class
getConnective() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.ComplexSentence
getConnective() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
getConnector() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.ConnectedSentence
getConstants() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomain
getConstraints() - Method in class
getConstraints(Variable) - Method in class
Returns all constraints in which the specified variable participates.
getContent() - Method in class aima.core.environment.cellworld.Cell
getContent() - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.Page
getContingencyPlan() - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.NondeterministicVacuumAgent
Return the agent contingency plan
getContrapositives() - Method in class
A contrapositive of a chain is a permutation in which a different literal is placed at the front.
getCount(T) - Method in class aima.core.util.FrequencyCounter
Returns the count to which the specified key is mapped in this frequency counter, or 0 if the map contains no mapping for this key.
getCPD() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.AbstractNode
getCPD() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.FullCPTNode
getCPD() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.Node
getCPT() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.FiniteNode
getCPT() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.FullCPTNode
getCurrentLocationFor(EnvironmentObject) - Method in class aima.core.environment.xyenv.XYEnvironment
getCurrentNumeralValue(int) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.MixedRadixNumber
Returns the numeral at the specified position.
getCurrentPositionInInput() - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Lexer
getCurrentPositionInInputExceptionThrown() - Method in exception aima.core.logic.common.LexerException
getCurrentState() - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
getCurrentValueFor(int[]) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.MixedRadixNumber
Returns the value of the mixed radix number with the specified array of numerals and the current array of radices.
getDataSetTargetName() - Method in class aima.core.learning.knowledge.FOLDataSetDomain
getDecisionList() - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.DecisionListLearner
Returns the decision list of this decision list learner
getDecisionTree() - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.DecisionTreeLearner
Returns the decision tree of this decision tree learner
getDegreeValue() - Method in class aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.Angle
getDerivedName() - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.AbstractDerivedProposition
getDerivedName() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.proposition.DerivedProposition
getDescendants() - Method in class
Returns the number of descendants for this individual.
getDescription() - Method in class aima.core.learning.knowledge.FOLExample
getDescriptionDataSetNames() - Method in class aima.core.learning.knowledge.FOLDataSetDomain
getDescriptionPredicateNames() - Method in class aima.core.learning.knowledge.FOLDataSetDomain
getDirection() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Line2D
getDirection() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ray2D
getDisjointSets() - Method in class aima.core.util.DisjointSets
getDistance(String, String) - Method in class
Returns the travel distance between the two specified locations if they are linked by a connection and null otherwise.
getDistance(String, String) - Method in interface
Returns the travel distance between the two specified locations if they are linked by a connection and null otherwise.
getDomain() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.RandomVariable
getDomain() - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.RandVar
getDomain(Variable) - Method in class
getDouble(String) - Method in class
getDoublePivot() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.LUDecomposition
Return pivot permutation vector as a one-dimensional double array
getE_1() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.DynamicBayesianNetwork
getE_1() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.DynamicBayesNet
getEdges() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Polyline2D
getElementToDisjointSet() - Method in class aima.core.util.DisjointSets
getEnd() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Line2D
getEnv() - Method in class
getEnvironmentObjects() - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Environment
Returns the EnvironmentObjects that exist in this Environment.
getEnvironmentObjects() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
getEnvMap() - Method in class
getEqualityIdentity() - Method in class
getEqualitySynbol() - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.TermEquality
getEvaluationFunction() - Method in class
getEvaluationFunction() - Method in class
getEventValuesForParents(Node, Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbUtil
Get the parent values for the Random Variable Xi from the provided event.
getEventValuesForXiGivenParents(Node, Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbUtil
Get the values for the Random Variable Xi's parents and its own value from the provided event.
getEventValuesForXiGivenParents(Node, Object, Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbUtil
Get the values for the Random Variable Xi's parents and its own value from the provided event.
getEvidence(List<AssignmentProposition>) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.hmm.HiddenMarkovModel
Get the specific evidence matrix based on assigned evidence value.
getEvidence(List<AssignmentProposition>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.impl.HMM
getExample(int) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
getExample(int) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
getExampleAtRandom() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
getExampleConstant(int) - Method in class aima.core.learning.knowledge.FOLDataSetDomain
getExampleNumber() - Method in class aima.core.learning.knowledge.FOLExample
getFactorFor(AssignmentProposition...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.ConditionalProbabilityTable
Construct a Factor consisting of the Random Variables from the Conditional Probability Table that are not part of the evidence (see AIMA3e pg.
getFactorFor(AssignmentProposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.CPT
getFactors() - Method in class
getFiniteAlphabetForBoardOfSize(int) - Static method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensGenAlgoUtil
getFirst() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.ConnectedSentence
getFirst() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.Pair
Returns the first element of the pair
getFirst() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.Triplet
Returns the first element of the triplet.
getFirstRightAngledAction() - Method in enum aima.core.environment.cellworld.CellWorldAction
getFitnessFunction() - Static method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensGenAlgoUtil
getFOLDomain() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLLexer
getFOLDomain() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
getFOLName(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.knowledge.FOLDataSetDomain
getFor() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.ConditionalProbabilityDistribution
A convenience method for merging the elements of getParents() and getOn() into a consistent ordered set (i.e.
getFor() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.CPT
getFor() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.ProbabilityDistribution
getFor() - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
getForwardSubstitution() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApartResult
getFunctionName() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Function
getFunctions() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomain
getGoalPredicateName() - Method in class aima.core.learning.knowledge.FOLDataSetDomain
getGoalTest() - Static method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensGenAlgoUtil
getGoalTest() - Method in class
Returns the goal test.
getGoalTest() - Method in class
Returns the goal test.
getHead() - Method in class
getHeading() - Method in interface aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.IPose2D
getHeuristicFunction() - Method in class
getHeuristicFunction() - Method in class
Returns the heuristic function of this agent.
getHiddenLayer() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
getHiddenLayerBias() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
getHiddenLayerWeights() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
getHorizontalLength() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ellipse2D
getHypothesis() - Method in class aima.core.learning.knowledge.Hypothesis
FORALL v (Classification(v) <=> ((Description1(v) AND Description2(v, Constant1)) OR (Description1(v) AND Description3(v)) ) )
getIActionsFunction() - Static method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensFunctionFactory
Returns an ACTIONS function for the incremental formulation of the n-queens problem.
getIndex(Object...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.CategoricalDistribution
Retrieve the index into the CategoricalDistribution for the provided set of values for the random variables comprising the Distribution.
getIndex(Object...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
getIndexedValue() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Variable
getIndexical() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Variable
getInferenceProcedure() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
getInformationFor() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
getInitAgentLocation() - Method in class
getInitialState() - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourGame
getInitialState() - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeGame
getInitialState() - Method in class aima.core.probability.mdp.impl.MDP
getInitialState() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.mdp.MarkovDecisionProcess
Get the initial state s0 for this instance of a Markov decision process.
getInitialState() - Method in interface
getInitialState() - Method in class
Returns the initial state of the agent.
getInitialState() - Method in class
Returns the initial state of the agent.
getInlinks(Page, Map<String, Page>) - Method in interface aima.core.nlp.ranking.LinkFinder
Take a Page object and return its inlinks (who links to it) as a list of strings.
getInlinks() - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.Page
getInlinks(Page, Map<String, Page>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.WikiLinkFinder
getInput() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNExample
getInstrumentation() - Method in class
getInt(String) - Method in class
getIrisDataSet() - Static method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetFactory
getIterations() - Method in class
Returns the number of iterations of the genetic algorithm.
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.AbstractProofStep
getJustification() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStep
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepBwChGoal
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainCancellation
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainContrapositive
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainDropped
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainFromClause
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainReduction
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseBinaryResolvent
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseClausifySentence
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseDemodulation
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseFactor
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseParamodulation
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepFoChAlreadyAFact
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepFoChAssertFact
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepGoal
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepPremise
getJustification() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepRenaming
getKeySet() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes
Returns an unmodifiable view of the object's key set
getL() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.LUDecomposition
Return lower triangular factor
getLastActivationValues() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
getLastBiasUpdateVector() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
getLastInducedField() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
getLastInputValues() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
getLastSearchState() - Method in class
Returns the last state from which the hill climbing search found the local maximum.
getLastSearchState() - Method in class
Returns the last state from which the simulated annealing search found a solution state.
getLastWeightUpdateMatrix() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
getLayer() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.LayerSensitivity
getLexer() - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Parser
getLexer() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.PLParser
getLightestClause() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.defaultimpl.DefaultLightestClauseHeuristic
getLightestClause() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.LightestClauseHeuristic
Get the lightest clause from the SOS
getLightestClauseHeuristic() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver
getLiterals() - Method in class
getLiterals() - Method in class
getLiterals() - Method in class
getLocation() - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.QueenAction
getLocation() - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.Page
getLocationOf(int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
getLocations() - Method in class
Returns a list of all locations.
getLocations() - Method in interface
Returns a list of all locations.
getLocations() - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
getLocationsLinkedTo(AgentPosition) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusCave
getLocationState(String) - Method in interface aima.core.environment.vacuum.FullyObservableVacuumEnvironmentPercept
Returns the location state
getLocationState() - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.LocalVacuumEnvironmentPercept
Return the agent's perception of the current state, which is either Clean or Dirty.
getLocationState(String) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
getLocationState(String) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironmentState
getLong(String) - Method in class
getLower() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Returns the lower end point of the interval.
getLowerLeft() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Rect2D
getLowerRight() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Rect2D
getMap() - Method in class
getMarkovBlanket() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.AbstractNode
getMarkovBlanket() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.Node
Get this Node's Markov Blanket:
'A node is conditionally independent of all other nodes in the network, given its parents, children, and children's parents - that is, given its MARKOV BLANKET (AIMA3e pg, 517).
getMatchingSubstitution(Term, AtomicSentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation
getMatchingSubstitution() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.IdentifyCandidateMatchingTerm
getMatchingTerm() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.IdentifyCandidateMatchingTerm
getMatrix(int, int, int, int) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Get a submatrix.
getMatrix(int[], int[]) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Get a submatrix.
getMatrix(int, int, int[]) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Get a submatrix.
getMatrix(int[], int, int) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Get a submatrix.
getMaxAllowedValue() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.MixedRadixNumber
Returns the maximum value which can be represented by the current array of radices.
getMaxAuthority(List<Page>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.HITS
Return from a set of Pages the Page with the greatest Authority value
getMaxHub(List<Page>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.HITS
Return from a set of Pages the Page with the greatest Hub value
getMaxQueryTime() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLModelElimination
getMaxQueryTime() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver
getMaxQueryTime() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLTFMResolution
getMeans() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
getMetrics() - Method in interface
Returns all the metrics of the search.
getMetrics() - Method in class
getMetrics() - Method in class
Returns some statistic data from the last search.
getMetrics() - Method in class
getMetrics() - Method in class
getMetrics() - Method in class
Returns all the search metrics.
getMetrics() - Method in interface
Returns all the metrics of the search.
getMetrics() - Method in interface
Returns all the metrics of the search.
getMetrics() - Method in class
Returns all the search metrics.
getMetrics() - Method in class
Returns all the metrics of the genetic algorithm.
getMetrics() - Method in class
Returns all the search metrics.
getMetrics() - Method in class
Returns all the search metrics.
getMetrics() - Method in class
Returns all the metrics of the node expander.
getMetrics() - Method in class
getMetrics() - Method in class
getMetrics() - Method in class
Returns all the search metrics.
getMetrics() - Method in class
getMostProbableDerivation(float[][][], ProbUnrestrictedGrammar) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.CYK
The probability table get's us halfway there, but this method can provide the derivation chain that most probably derives the words provided to the parser.
getMoves() - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
getN() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.BayesInferenceApproxAdapter
getName() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.DynamicAction
Returns the value of the name attribute.
getName() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.RandomVariable
getName() - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.RandVar
getName() - Method in class
getNamesOfStringAttributes() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetSpecification
getNegated() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.NotSentence
getNegativeLiterals() - Method in class
getNegativeSymbols() - Method in class
getNeighbor(Variable, Constraint) - Method in class
Returns for binary constraints the other variable from the scope.
getNextIndex() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApartIndexical
getNode(RandomVariable) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.BayesianNetwork
getNode(RandomVariable) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.BayesNet
getNodeComparator() - Method in class
getNodeExpander() - Method in class
getNodeExpander() - Method in class
getNodeExpander() - Method in interface
Returns the node expander used by the search.
getNodeExpander() - Method in interface
Returns the node expander used by the search.
getNodeExpander() - Method in class
getNodeExpander() - Method in class
getNodeExpander() - Method in class
getNodeExpander() - Method in class
getNodeExpander() - Method in class
getNodeExpander() - Method in class
getNodeExpander() - Method in class
getNonTargetAttributes() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
getNonTrivialFactors() - Method in class
getNormalizedData() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
getNumberFacts() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
getNumberLiterals() - Method in class
getNumberLiterals() - Method in class
getNumberLiterals() - Method in class
getNumberNegativeLiterals() - Method in class
getNumberNegativeLiterals() - Method in class
getNumberOfAttackingPairs() - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
getNumberOfAttacksOn(XYLocation) - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
getNumberOfClauses() - Method in class
getNumberOfClauses() - Method in class
getNumberOfMarkedPositions() - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
getNumberOfQueensOnBoard() - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
getNumberPositiveLiterals() - Method in class
getNumberPositiveLiterals() - Method in class
getNumberRules() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
getNumberSimplerSentences() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.ComplexSentence
getNumberSimplerSentences() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
getNumOfExpandCalls() - Method in class
Returns the number of NodeExpander.expand(Node, Problem) calls since the last counter reset.
getObjectsAt(XYLocation) - Method in class aima.core.environment.xyenv.XYEnvironment
getObjectsNear(Agent, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.xyenv.XYEnvironment
getObstacleBoundaries() - Method in class
Returns an iterator over the boundaries of the obstacle polygons.
getObstacles() - Method in class
Returns an iterator over the obstacle polygons.
getOffset(Object) - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractFiniteDomain
getOffset(Object) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.domain.FiniteDomain
The possible values for a finite domain are to have a consistent ordering (whether they are actually ordered by value or not).
getOn() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.ConditionalProbabilityDistribution
getOn() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.CPT
getOrientation() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPosition
getOriginalProblem() - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.BidirectionalEightPuzzleProblem
getOriginalProblem() - Method in class
getOriginalProblem() - Method in interface
getOriginalSentence() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApartResult
getOriginalSentences() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
getOutcome() - Method in class
Returns SOLUTION_FOUND if the local maximum is a goal state, or FAILURE if the local maximum is not a goal state.
getOutcome() - Method in class
getOutlinks(Page) - Method in interface aima.core.nlp.ranking.LinkFinder
Take a Page object and return its outlinks as a list of strings.
getOutlinks() - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.Page
getOutlinks(Page) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.WikiLinkFinder
getOutputLayer() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
getOutputLayerBias() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
getOutputLayerWeights() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
getPageName(File) - Static method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.PagesDataset
getParameterAsDouble(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNConfig
getParameterAsInteger(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNConfig
getParent() - Method in class
Returns this node's parent node, from which this node was generated.
getParents() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.ConditionalProbabilityDistribution
getParents() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.AbstractNode
getParents() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.CPT
getParents() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.Node
getParser() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
getPathCost() - Method in class
Returns the cost of the path from the initial state to this node as indicated by the parent pointers.
getPathFromRoot() - Method in class
Returns the path from the root node to this node.
getPenultimateBiasUpdateVector() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
getPenultimateWeightUpdateMatrix() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
getPerceptFor(Agent) - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example.CellWorldEnvironmentState
Get a percept for an agent, representing what it senses within the cell world environment.
getPerceptSeenBy(Agent) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
getPerceptSeenBy(Agent) - Method in class
getPerceptSeenBy(Agent) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
getPerceptSeenBy(Agent) - Method in class aima.core.environment.xyenv.XYEnvironment
getPerceptSeenBy(Agent) - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example.CellWorldEnvironment
getPerceptToStateFunction() - Static method in class
getPerceptToStateFunction() - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.NondeterministicVacuumAgent
Returns the percept to state function of this agent.
getPerceptToStateFunction() - Method in class
Returns the percept to state function of this agent.
getPerceptToStateFunction() - Method in class
Returns the percept to state function of this agent.
getPerformanceMeasure(Agent) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Environment
Retrieve the performance measure associated with an Agent.
getPerformanceMeasure(Agent) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
getPivot() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.LUDecomposition
Return pivot permutation vector
getPlayer(ConnectFourState) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourGame
getPlayer(int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourGame
Returns the player corresponding to the specified player number.
getPlayer(TicTacToeState) - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeGame
getPlayer(STATE) - Method in interface
getPlayerNum(String) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourGame
Returns the player number corresponding to the specified player.
getPlayerNum(int, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
getPlayers() - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourGame
getPlayers() - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeGame
getPlayers() - Method in interface
getPlayerToMove() - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
getPlayerToMove() - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
getPopulationSize() - Method in class
Returns the population size.
getPose(Point2D) - Method in interface
Creates a new instance of {@code
getPose(Point2D, double) - Method in interface
Creates a new instance of {@code
getPosition(String) - Method in class
Returns the position of the specified location as with respect to an orthogonal coordinate system.
getPosition(String) - Method in interface
Returns the position of the specified location.
getPositions() - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
getPositiveLiterals() - Method in class
getPositiveSymbols() - Method in class
getPossibleAttributeValues(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
getPossibleAttributeValues(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetSpecification
getPossibleNextLocations(String) - Method in class
Answers to the question: Where can I get, following one of the connections starting at the specified location?
getPossibleNextLocations(String) - Method in interface
Answers to the question: Where can I get, following one of the connections starting at the specified location?
getPossiblePrevLocations(String) - Method in class
Answers to the question: From where can I reach a specified location, following one of the map connections? This implementation just calls ExtendableMap.getPossibleNextLocations(String) as the underlying graph structure cannot be traversed efficiently in reverse order.
getPossiblePrevLocations(String) - Method in interface
Answers to the question: From where can I reach a specified location, following one of the map connections?
getPossibleValues() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractFiniteDomain
getPossibleValues() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.ArbitraryTokenDomain
getPossibleValues() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.BooleanDomain
getPossibleValues() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.domain.FiniteDomain
getPossibleValues() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.FiniteIntegerDomain
getPrecedence() - Method in enum aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Connective
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.AbstractProofStep
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStep
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepBwChGoal
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainCancellation
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainContrapositive
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainDropped
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainFromClause
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainReduction
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseBinaryResolvent
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseClausifySentence
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseDemodulation
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseFactor
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseParamodulation
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepFoChAlreadyAFact
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepFoChAssertFact
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepGoal
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepPremise
getPredecessorSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepRenaming
getPredicateName() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Predicate
getPredicates() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomain
getPredicates(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.PredicateCollector
getPrefix() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApartIndexical
getPrior() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.hmm.HiddenMarkovModel
Return the prior distribution represented as a column vector in Matrix form.
getPrior() - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.impl.HMM
getPriorNetwork() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.DynamicBayesianNetwork
getPriorNetwork() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.DynamicBayesNet
getProb() - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.LexWord
getProblem() - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.NondeterministicVacuumAgent
Returns the search problem for this agent.
getProblem() - Method in class
Returns the search problem of this agent.
getProblem() - Method in class
Returns the search problem for this agent.
getProblematicTokens() - Method in exception aima.core.logic.common.ParserException
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.AbstractProofStep
getProof() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStep
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepBwChGoal
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainCancellation
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainContrapositive
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainDropped
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainFromClause
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainReduction
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseBinaryResolvent
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseClausifySentence
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseDemodulation
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseFactor
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseParamodulation
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepFoChAlreadyAFact
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepFoChAssertFact
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepGoal
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepPremise
getProof() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepRenaming
getProofs() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.InferenceResult
getProofStep() - Method in class
getProofStep() - Method in class
getPropositionSymbolsInSentence(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.DPLLSatisfiable
getPropositionSymbolsInSentence(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.OptimizedDPLL
getQuantified() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.QuantifiedSentence
getQuantifier() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.QuantifiedSentence
getQueenPositions() - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
getRadius() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Circle2D
getRandomVariable() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.AbstractNode
getRandomVariable() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.Node
getRangeReading(double) - Method in interface
Creates a new instance of <R> for the given parameters.
getRangeReadings() - Method in interface aima.core.robotics.IMclRobot
Causes a series of sensor measurements to determine the distance to various obstacles within the environment.
getRepresentation() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.model.FiniteBayesModel
getRepresentation() - Method in class aima.core.probability.full.FullJointDistributionModel
getRepresentation() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.ProbabilityModel
getRepresentation() - Method in class
getRestaurantDataSet() - Static method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetFactory
getResult(ConnectFourState, Integer) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourGame
getResult(TicTacToeState, XYLocation) - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeGame
getResult(STATE, ACTION) - Method in interface
getResultFunction() - Static method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleFunctionFactory
getResultFunction() - Static method in class
getResultFunction() - Static method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensFunctionFactory
Returns a RESULT function for the n-queens problem.
getResultFunction() - Static method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusFunctionFactory
getResultFunction() - Method in class
Returns the description of what each action does.
getResultsFunction() - Method in class
Return the description of what each action does.
getReverseActionsFunction(Map) - Static method in class
getReverseProblem() - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.BidirectionalEightPuzzleProblem
getReverseProblem() - Method in class
getReverseProblem() - Method in interface
getReverseSubstitution() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApartResult
getRoom() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPosition
getRowDimension() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Get row dimension.
getRowPackedCopy() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Make a one-dimensional row packed copy of the internal array.
getRows() - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
getSample(double, Object...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.ConditionalProbabilityDistribution
Retrieve a specific example for the Random Variable this conditional distribution is on.
getSample(double, AssignmentProposition...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.ConditionalProbabilityDistribution
Retrieve a specific example for the Random Variable this conditional distribution is on.
getSample(double, Object...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.CPT
getSample(double, AssignmentProposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.CPT
getSavedDomains() - Method in class
getScope() - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.AbstractProposition
getScope() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.proposition.Proposition
getScope() - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.RandVar
getScope() - Method in interface
Returns a tuple of variables that participate in the constraint.
getScope() - Method in class
getScope() - Method in class
getSecond() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.ConnectedSentence
getSecond() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.Pair
Returns the second element of the pair
getSecond() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.Triplet
Returns the second element of the triplet.
getSecondRightAngledAction() - Method in enum aima.core.environment.cellworld.CellWorldAction
getSensitivityMatrix() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.LayerSensitivity
getSensorModel() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.hmm.HiddenMarkovModel
Return the sensor model in matrix form:
P(et | Xt = i) for each state i.
For mathematical convenience we place each of these values into an S * S diagonal matrix.
getSensorModel() - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.impl.HMM
getSentences() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.kb.KnowledgeBase
Returns the list of sentences in the knowledge base.
getSequenceOfActions(Node) - Static method in class
Returns the list of actions corresponding to the complete path to the given node or NoOp if path length is one.
getShapes() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.CartesianPlot2D
getSimplerSentence(int) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.ComplexSentence
getSimplerSentence(int) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
Get the simplified sentence, at the specified offset (starts at 0), contained by this Sentence if it is a Complex Sentence, null otherwise.
getSize() - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
getSkolemConstantName() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomainSkolemConstantAddedEvent
getSkolemConstantName() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomainSkolemFunctionAddedEvent
getSLDHeuristicFunction(Object, Map) - Static method in class
Returns an adaptable heuristic based on straight line distance computation.
getStandardized() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApartResult
getStart() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Line2D
getStart() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ray2D
getStartCharPositionInInput() - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Token
getState() - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
getState(Percept) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.FullyObservableVacuumEnvironmentPerceptToStateFunction
getState() - Method in class
Returns the state in the state space to which the node corresponds.
getState(Percept) - Method in interface
Get the problem state associated with a Percept.
getStates() - Method in class aima.core.util.FrequencyCounter
getStateVariable() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.hmm.HiddenMarkovModel
Return the single discrete random variable used to describe the process state.
getStateVariable() - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.impl.HMM
getStdevs() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
getStepCostFunction() - Method in class
Returns the path cost function.
getStepCostFunction() - Method in class
Returns the path cost function.
getStepCostFunction() - Method in class
Returns the step cost function of this online search problem.
getStepNumber() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.AbstractProofStep
getStepNumber() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStep
getSteps() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.Proof
getSteps() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofFinal
getStumpFor(DataSet, String, String, String, List<String>, String) - Static method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DecisionTree
getStumpsFor(DataSet, String, String) - Static method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DecisionTree
getSuccessors(VertexLabelType) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.LabeledGraph
Returns the labels of those vertices which can be obtained by following the edges starting at the specified vertex.
getSum() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.CategoricalDistribution
getSum() - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
getSymbol() - Method in enum aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Connective
getSymbol() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
getSymbolicName() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.ConnectedSentence
getSymbolicName() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Constant
getSymbolicName() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.FOLNode
getSymbolicName() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Function
getSymbolicName() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.NotSentence
getSymbolicName() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Predicate
getSymbolicName() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.QuantifiedSentence
getSymbolicName() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.TermEquality
getSymbolicName() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Variable
getSymbols() - Method in class
getSymbols() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.kb.KnowledgeBase
getSymbolsFrom(Sentence...) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.SymbolCollector
Collect a set of propositional symbols from a list of given sentences.
getTail() - Method in class
getTarget() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetSpecification
getTarget() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNExample
getTargetAttributeName() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
getTemp(int) - Method in class
getTerm1() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.TermEquality
getTerm2() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.TermEquality
getTerminalRules(String) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.Lexicon
getTerms() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Function
getTerms() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Predicate
getTermVariable() - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.AbstractTermProposition
getTermVariable() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.proposition.TermProposition
getTermVariable() - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.RandVar
getText() - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Token
Returns the attribute-value of this token.
getThird() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.Triplet
Returns the third element of the triplet.
getTimeInMilliseconds() - Method in class
getToLocation() - Method in class
getToOrientation() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.TurnLeft
getToOrientation() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.TurnRight
getToPosition() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.Forward
getTracer() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLTFMResolution
getTransitionModel() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.hmm.HiddenMarkovModel
Return the transition model:
P(Xt | Xt-1)
is represented by an S * S matrix T where
Tij = P(Xt = j | Xt-1 = i).
getTransitionModel() - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.impl.HMM
getTrueGoalValue() - Method in class aima.core.learning.knowledge.FOLDataSetDomain
getType() - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Token
Returns the token-name of this token.
getU() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.LUDecomposition
Return upper triangular factor
getUmbrellaWorld_Xt_to_Xtm1_Map() - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.GenericTemporalModelFactory
getUmbrellaWorldModel() - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.GenericTemporalModelFactory
getUmbrellaWorldModel() - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.HMMExampleFactory
getUmbrellaWorldNetwork() - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.DynamicBayesNetExampleFactory
Return a Dynamic Bayesian Network of the Umbrella World Network.
getUmbrellaWorldSensorModel() - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.GenericTemporalModelFactory
getUmbrellaWorldTransitionModel() - Static method in class aima.core.probability.example.GenericTemporalModelFactory
getUnboundScope() - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.AbstractProposition
getUnboundScope() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.proposition.Proposition
getUnboundScope() - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.RandVar
getUnMarkedPositions() - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
getUpper() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Returns the upper end point of the interval.
getUpperLeft() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Rect2D
getUpperRight() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Rect2D
getUtility(ConnectFourState, String) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourGame
getUtility() - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
getUtility(TicTacToeState, String) - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeGame
getUtility() - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
getUtility() - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.PassiveADPAgent
getUtility() - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.PassiveTDAgent
getUtility() - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.QLearningAgent
getUtility() - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.ReinforcementAgent
Get a vector of the currently calculated utilities for states of type S in the world.
getUtility(STATE, PLAYER) - Method in interface
getValue() - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ActionValuePair
getValue(int, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
getValue() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Constant
getValue() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Variable
getValue(PropositionSymbol) - Method in class
getValue(Object...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.ConditionalProbabilityDistribution
Get the value for the provided set of values for the random variables comprising the Conditional Distribution (ordering and size of each must equal getFor() and their domains must match).
getValue(AssignmentProposition...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.ConditionalProbabilityDistribution
Get the value for the provided set of AssignmentPropositions for the random variables comprising the Conditional Distribution (size of each must equal and their random variables must match).
getValue(Object...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.CPT
getValue(AssignmentProposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.CPT
getValue(Object...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.ProbabilityDistribution
Get the value for the provided set of values for the random variables comprising the Distribution (ordering and size of each must equal and their domains must match).
getValue(AssignmentProposition...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.ProbabilityDistribution
Get the value for the provided set of AssignmentPropositions for the random variables comprising the Distribution (size of each must equal and their random variables must match).
getValue() - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.AssignmentProposition
getValue(Object...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
getValue(AssignmentProposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
getValue() - Method in class aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.AbstractRangeReading
Returns the range that was measured.
getValue() - Method in class aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.Angle
getValue(int) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Vector
Returns the value at the specified index.
getValueAt(XYLocation) - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
getValueAt(int) - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractFiniteDomain
getValueAt(int) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.domain.FiniteDomain
getValues() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.CategoricalDistribution
Note: Do not modify the double[] returned by this method directly.
getValues() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.Factor
Note: Do not modify the double[] returned by this method directly as it is intended to be read only.
getValues() - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
getVariables() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.QuantifiedSentence
getVariables() - Method in class
getVariables() - Method in class
getVariablesInTopologicalOrder() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.BayesianNetwork
getVariablesInTopologicalOrder() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.BayesNet
getVertexes() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Polyline2D
getVertexLabels() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.LabeledGraph
Returns the labels of all vertices within the graph.
getVerticalLength() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ellipse2D
getWeightMatrix() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
getWord() - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.LexWord
getX() - Method in class aima.core.environment.cellworld.Cell
getX() - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.QueenAction
getX() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPosition
getX() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.Room
getX() - Method in interface aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.IPose2D
getX() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D
Returns the X coordinate of this Point2D in double precision.
getX() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
getX_0() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.DynamicBayesianNetwork
getX_0() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.DynamicBayesNet
getX_0_to_X_1() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.DynamicBayesianNetwork
getX_0_to_X_1() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.DynamicBayesNet
getX_1() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.DynamicBayesianNetwork
getX_1() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.DynamicBayesNet
getX_1_to_X_0() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.DynamicBayesianNetwork
getX_1_to_X_0() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.DynamicBayesNet
getX_1_VariablesInTopologicalOrder() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.DynamicBayesianNetwork
getX_1_VariablesInTopologicalOrder() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.DynamicBayesNet
getXCoOrdinate() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation
Returns the X coordinate of the location in integer precision.
getXResult(int) - Method in enum aima.core.environment.cellworld.CellWorldAction
getY() - Method in class aima.core.environment.cellworld.Cell
getY() - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.QueenAction
getY() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPosition
getY() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.Room
getY() - Method in interface aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.IPose2D
getY() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D
Returns the Y coordinate of this Point2D in double precision.
getY() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
getYCoOrdinate() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation
getYResult(int) - Method in enum aima.core.environment.cellworld.CellWorldAction
getZeroHeuristic() - Static method in class
Returns the most optimistic heuristic function possible (always returns 0).
getZeroHeuristicFunction() - Static method in class
Returns a heuristic which always returns zero.
GibbsAsk - Class in aima.core.probability.bayes.approx
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 537.

GibbsAsk() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.GibbsAsk
GibbsAsk(Randomizer) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.GibbsAsk
gibbsAsk(RandomVariable[], AssignmentProposition[], BayesianNetwork, int) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.GibbsAsk
The GIBBS-ASK algorithm in Figure 14.16.
GIURGIU - Static variable in class
goals - Variable in class
GoalTest - Interface in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 67.

The goal test, which determines whether a given state is a goal state.
goalTest - Variable in class
goalTest - Variable in class
goalTest - Variable in class
Grab - Class in aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 237.

The action Grab can be used to pick up the gold if it is in the same square as the agent.
Grab() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.Grab
GRAB_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.Grab
GraphSearch - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 3.7, page 77.
GraphSearch() - Constructor for class
GraphSearch(NodeExpander) - Constructor for class
GraphSearchBFS - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 3.7, page 77.
GraphSearchBFS() - Constructor for class
GraphSearchBFS(NodeExpander) - Constructor for class
GraphSearchReducedFrontier - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 3.7, page 77.
GraphSearchReducedFrontier() - Constructor for class
GraphSearchReducedFrontier(NodeExpander) - Constructor for class
GreedyBestFirstEvaluationFunction - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 92.

Greedy best-first search tries to expand the node that is closest to the goal, on the grounds that this is likely to lead to a solution quickly.
GreedyBestFirstEvaluationFunction(HeuristicFunction) - Constructor for class
GreedyBestFirstEvaluationFunction() - Constructor for class
Note: Do not forget to heuristic function before starting the search!
GreedyBestFirstSearch - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 92.

Greedy best-first search tries to expand the node that is closest to the goal, on the grounds that this is likely to lead to a solution quickly.
GreedyBestFirstSearch(QueueSearch, HeuristicFunction) - Constructor for class
Constructs a greedy best-first search from a specified search space exploration strategy and a heuristic function.
GREEN - Static variable in class


h(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.ManhattanHeuristicFunction
h(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.MisplacedTilleHeuristicFunction
h(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.AttackingPairsHeuristic
h(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.ManhattanHeuristicFunction
h(Object) - Method in interface
HALLS_CREEK - Static variable in class
HardLimitActivationFunction - Class in aima.core.learning.neural
HardLimitActivationFunction() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.HardLimitActivationFunction
hasAssignmentFor(Variable) - Method in class
hasConnective(Connective) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.Condition
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.Rule
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.environment.cellworld.Cell
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironmentState
Override hashCode()
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPosition
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.Room
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.Example
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Token
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.ConnectedSentence
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Constant
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Function
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.NotSentence
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Predicate
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.QuantifiedSentence
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.TermEquality
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Variable
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.ComplexSentence
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.AbstractNode
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.ArbitraryTokenDomain
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.BooleanDomain
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.FiniteIntegerDomain
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.RandVar
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.Pair
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.Triplet
hashCode() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation
hasMoreExamples() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
hasNext() - Method in class aima.core.util.ArrayIterator
hasSafeWinner(double) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourAIPlayer
hasSafeWinner(double) - Method in class
Primitive operation which is used to stop iterative deepening search in situations where a safe winner has been identified.
HAVE_ARROW - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
HAY - Static variable in class
HeuristicEvaluationFunction - Class in
Super class for all evaluation functions which make use of heuristics.
HeuristicEvaluationFunction() - Constructor for class
HeuristicFunction - Interface in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 92.

a heuristic function, denoted h(n):
h(n) = estimated cost of the cheapest path from the state at node n to a goal state.

Notice that h(n) takes a node as input, but, unlike g(n) it depends only on the state at that node.
HeuristicFunctionFactory - Interface in
A heuristic function factory creates a heuristic function for a given goal.
hf - Variable in class
HiddenMarkovModel - Interface in aima.core.probability.hmm
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 578.

The hidden Markov model, or HMM.
HillClimbingSearch - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 4.2, page 122.

HillClimbingSearch(HeuristicFunction) - Constructor for class
Constructs a hill-climbing search from the specified heuristic function.
HillClimbingSearch(HeuristicFunction, NodeExpander) - Constructor for class
HillClimbingSearch.SearchOutcome - Enum in
HIRSOVA - Static variable in class
HITS - Class in aima.core.nlp.ranking
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 871.

HITS(Map<String, Page>, int, double) - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.ranking.HITS
HITS(Map<String, Page>) - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.ranking.HITS
hits(String) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.HITS
hmm - Variable in class aima.core.probability.hmm.exact.HMMForwardBackward
HMM - Class in aima.core.probability.hmm.impl
Default implementation of the HiddenMarkovModel interface.
HMM(RandomVariable, Matrix, Map<Object, Matrix>, Matrix) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.hmm.impl.HMM
Instantiate a Hidden Markov Model.
HMMExampleFactory - Class in aima.core.probability.example
HMMExampleFactory() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.example.HMMExampleFactory
HMMForwardBackward - Class in aima.core.probability.hmm.exact
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 576.

HMMForwardBackward(HiddenMarkovModel) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.hmm.exact.HMMForwardBackward
HMMForwardBackwardConstantSpace - Class in aima.core.probability.hmm.exact
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 579.

Smoothing for any time slice k requires the simultaneous presence of both the forward and backward messages, f1:k and bk+1:t, according to Equation (15.8).
HMMForwardBackwardConstantSpace(HiddenMarkovModel) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.hmm.exact.HMMForwardBackwardConstantSpace
holds(Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.AbstractProposition
holds(Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.AssignmentProposition
holds(Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.ConjunctiveProposition
holds(Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.DisjunctiveProposition
holds(Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.EquivalentProposition
holds(Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.IntegerSumProposition
holds(Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.NotProposition
holds(Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.proposition.Proposition
Determine whether or not the proposition holds in a particular possible world.
holds(Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.SubsetProposition
holds(Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.RandVar
howManyExamplesLeft() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
hub - Variable in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.Page
HybridWumpusAgent - Class in aima.core.environment.wumpusworld
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 270.

HybridWumpusAgent() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.HybridWumpusAgent
HybridWumpusAgent(int) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.HybridWumpusAgent
Hypothesis - Class in aima.core.learning.knowledge
Hypothesis(Sentence) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.knowledge.Hypothesis


IASI - Static variable in class
IdentifyCandidateMatchingTerm(Term, AtomicSentence) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.IdentifyCandidateMatchingTerm
identity(int, int) - Static method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Generate identity matrix
ifStateMatches(Object) - Method in class
Uses this if-state-then-plan return a result based on the given state
IfStateThenPlan - Class in
Represents an if-state-then-plan statement for use with AND-OR search; explanation given on page 135 of AIMA3e.
IfStateThenPlan(Object, Plan) - Constructor for class
IGeometric2D - Interface in aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes
This interface defines functionality that geometric shapes in a two-dimensional Cartesian plot have to implement.
If pre-calculations can speed up the functions isInside,isInsideBorder and rayCast these calculations should be made.
The reason being that these functions will be called more frequently than the constructor of the shapes.
IGroupParser - Interface in aima.core.util.math.geom
This interface defines a parser that creates ArrayLists for geometric shapes represented through IGeometric2D and their boundaries represented through Rect2D out of a given file.
The parser uses a File as an input and a String representing the ID of a group of shapes.
IMclMap<P extends IMclPose<P,V,M>,V extends IMclVector,M extends IMclMove<M>,R extends IMclRangeReading<R,V>> - Interface in aima.core.robotics
This interface defines functionality for a map of an environment for a robot (agent) to perform Monte-Carlo-Localization in.
IMclMove<M extends IMclMove<M>> - Interface in aima.core.robotics.datatypes
This interface represents a movement or a sequence of movements that the robot performed.
In addition it describes a method for using a movement noise model on the move.
IMclPose<P extends IMclPose<P,V,M>,V extends IMclVector,M extends IMclMove<M>> - Interface in aima.core.robotics.datatypes
A pose consists of a position in the environment and a heading in which the pose is facing.
In a two-dimensional environment this would be an position represented through a point with (x,y) and an angle.
In an n-dimensional environment the angle is represented through a vector.
IMclRangeReading<R extends IMclRangeReading<R,V>,V extends IMclVector> - Interface in aima.core.robotics.datatypes
This interface defines a data type for a range measurement.
IMclRobot<V extends IMclVector,M extends IMclMove<M>,R extends IMclRangeReading<R,V>> - Interface in aima.core.robotics
This interface defines functionality a robotic agent has to implement in order to localize itself via MonteCarloLocalization.
IMclVector - Interface in aima.core.robotics.datatypes
This interfaces is a data type for an n-1-dimensional vector, where n is the dimensionality of the environment.
It represents an angle between two headings or directions in the environment.
This vector is used as a transfer between an IMclRangeReading and an IMclPose.
ImplicationElimination - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 253.

Eliminate =>, replacing α => β
with ~α | β
ImplicationElimination() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ImplicationElimination
IMPLIES - Static variable in class aima.core.logic.fol.Connectors
ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy - Class in
ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy() - Constructor for class
Creates a strategy which is by default equivalent to plain backtracking.
ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a backtracking strategy with the specified features.
ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy.Inference - Enum in
ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy.Selection - Enum in
incDescendants() - Method in class
Should be called by the genetic algorithm whenever the individual is selected to produce a descendant.
increment(int, int) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.trace.FOLModelEliminationTracer
increment() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.MixedRadixNumber
Increments the value of the mixed radix number, if the value is less than the maximum value which can be represented by the current array of radices.
incrementDepthLimit() - Method in class
Primitive operation which is called at the beginning of one depth limited search step.
incrementFor(T) - Method in class aima.core.util.FrequencyCounter
Increments the count to which the specified key is mapped in this frequency counter, or puts 1 if the map contains no mapping for this key.
incrementInt(String) - Method in class
indexesOfValue(RandomVariable[], int, Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbUtil
Calculate the indexes for X[i] into a vector representing the enumeration of the value assignments for the variables X and their corresponding assignment in x.
indexHavingMaxValue() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Vector
Returns the index at which the maximum value in this vector is located.
indexOf(RandomVariable[], Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbUtil
Calculate the index into a vector representing the enumeration of the value assignments for the variables X and their corresponding assignment in x.
indexOf(Variable) - Method in class
indexPossibleValues(Set<? extends Object>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractFiniteDomain
Individual<A> - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 127.

A state in a genetic algorithm is represented as an individual from the population.
Individual(List<A>) - Constructor for class
Construct an individual using the provided representation.
individualLength - Variable in class
inference(Variable, Assignment, CSP) - Method in class
Primitive operation, which tries to prune out values from the CSP which are not possible anymore when extending the given assignment to a solution.
inference(Variable, Assignment, CSP) - Method in class
Primitive operation, which tries to prune out values from the CSP which are not possible anymore when extending the given assignment to a solution.
InferenceProcedure - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol.inference
InferenceResult - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol.inference
InferenceResultPrinter - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference
InferenceResultPrinter() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.InferenceResultPrinter
inferenceStrategy - Variable in class
information(double[]) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
init() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.ModelBasedReflexAgentProgram
Realizations of this class should implement the init() method so that it calls the setState(), setModel(), and setRules() method.
initializeAgenda(Map<Clause, Integer>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLFCEntails
initializeCount(KnowledgeBase) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLFCEntails
initializeIndex(Map<Clause, Integer>, Map<PropositionSymbol, Boolean>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLFCEntails
initializeInferred(KnowledgeBase) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLFCEntails
initialPolicyVector(MarkovDecisionProcess<S, A>) - Static method in class
Create a policy vector indexed by state, initially random.
initialSOS(Set<Clause>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.defaultimpl.DefaultLightestClauseHeuristic
initialSOS(Set<Clause>) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.LightestClauseHeuristic
SOS life-cycle methods allowing implementations of this interface to incrementally update the calculation of the lightest clause as opposed to having to recalculate each time.
initialState - Variable in class
initialState - Variable in class
initMap(ExtendableMap) - Static method in class
Initializes a map with a simplified road map of Australia.
initMap(ExtendableMap) - Static method in class
Initializes a map with a simplified road map of Romania.
initPersistent(int, DynamicBayesianNetwork) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.ParticleFiltering
Reset this instances persistent variables to be used between called to particleFiltering().
IntegerSumProposition - Class in aima.core.probability.proposition
IntegerSumProposition(String, FiniteIntegerDomain, RandomVariable...) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.proposition.IntegerSumProposition
interpretInput(Percept) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.SimpleReflexAgentProgram
intersection(Set<T>, Set<T>) - Static method in class aima.core.util.SetOps
Interval<C> - Class in aima.core.util.math
Basic supports for Intervals.
Interval() - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Interval(Comparable<C>, Comparable<C>) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Constructs a closed interval from the two specified end points.
Interval(Comparable<C>, boolean, Comparable<C>, boolean) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Constructs an interval from the two specified end points.
intValue() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.MixedRadixNumber
inverse() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.TransformMatrix2D
Calculates the inverse of this transformation matrix.
inverse() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Matrix inverse or pseudoinverse
invert() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
Inverts this vector.
IPose2D<P extends IPose2D<P,M>,M extends IMclMove<M>> - Interface in aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes
This interface describes functionality for a pose in a two-dimensional Cartesian plot.
IPoseFactory<P extends IPose2D<P,M>,M extends IMclMove<M>> - Interface in
This interface defines a factory for the class implementing IPose2D in the context of the MclCartesianPlot2D.
IRangeReadingFactory<R extends AbstractRangeReading> - Interface in
This interface defines a factory for the class extending AbstractRangeReading in the context of the MclCartesianPlot2D.
IrisDataSetNumerizer - Class in aima.core.learning.neural
IrisDataSetNumerizer() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.IrisDataSetNumerizer
IrisNNDataSet - Class in aima.core.learning.neural
IrisNNDataSet() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.IrisNNDataSet
isAbsoluteParallel(Vector2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
Checks whether this vector and another vector are parallel to each other.
If one of the vectors is the zero vector this method always returns true.
isAcceptableSolution(List<Action>, Object) - Method in interface
This method is only called if GoalTest.isGoalState() returns true.
isAlive() - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Agent
Life-cycle indicator as to the liveness of an Agent.
isAlive() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractAgent
isAlwaysFalse() - Method in class
isAlwaysFalse() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
isAlwaysFalseSymbol(String) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
isAlwaysTrue() - Method in class
isAlwaysTrue() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
isAlwaysTrueSymbol(String) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
isAND(String) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.Connectors
isAndSentence() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
isBICOND(String) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.Connectors
isBiconditionalSentence() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
isBinarySentence() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
isBlocked(XYLocation) - Method in class aima.core.environment.xyenv.XYEnvironment
isBreeze() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPercept
isBump() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPercept
isCanceled() - Method in class aima.core.util.CancelableThread
Returns true if this thread is canceled
isClosed() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Polyline2D
isComplete(List<Variable>) - Method in class
Returns true if this assignment assigns values to every variable of vars.
isComplete(Variable[]) - Method in class
Returns true if this assignment assigns values to every variable of vars.
isCompound() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.ConnectedSentence
isCompound() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Constant
isCompound() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.FOLNode
isCompound() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Function
isCompound() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.NotSentence
isCompound() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Predicate
isCompound() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.QuantifiedSentence
isCompound() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.TermEquality
isCompound() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Variable
isConnective(String) - Static method in enum aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Connective
Determine if a given symbol is representative of a connective.
isConnectiveIdentifierPart(char) - Static method in enum aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Connective
Determine if the given character is part of a connective.
isConnectiveIdentifierStart(char) - Static method in enum aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Connective
Determine if the given character is at the beginning of a connective.
isConsistent(List<Constraint>) - Method in class
Returns true if this assignment does not violate any constraints of constraints.
isCorrect(Vector) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNExample
isDefiniteClause() - Method in class
isDefiniteClause() - Method in class
Determine if a definite clause.
isDiscardTautologies() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLResolution
isDone() - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Environment
Returns true if the Environment is finished with its current task(s).
isDone() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
isDone - Variable in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
isDone() - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
isDone() - Method in class
isEmpty(int, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.CartesianPlot2D
Checks whether the plot does not contain any elements.
isEmptyDomainFound() - Method in class
isEndOfInput(Token) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
isEntailed(KnowledgeBase, Sentence) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.DPLL
Determine if KB |= α, i.e.
isEntailed(KnowledgeBase, Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.DPLLSatisfiable
Determine if KB |= α, i.e.
isEntailed(KnowledgeBase, Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.OptimizedDPLL
Determine if KB |= α, i.e.
isEXISTS(String) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.Quantifiers
isFailure(List<Action>) - Static method in class
Checks whether a list of actions is empty.
isFalse() - Method in class
If a clause is empty - a disjunction of no disjuncts - it is equivalent to 'False' because a disjunction is true only if at least one of its disjuncts is true.
isFalse(PropositionSymbol) - Method in class
isFalse(Sentence) - Method in class
isFinite() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractContinuousDomain
isFinite() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractDiscreteDomain
isFinite() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractFiniteDomain
isFinite() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.domain.Domain
isFORALL(String) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.Quantifiers
isFrontierEmpty() - Method in class
Pops nodes of already explored states from the head of the frontier and checks whether there are still some nodes left.
isFrontierEmpty() - Method in class
Pops nodes of already explored states from the head of the frontier and checks whether there are still some nodes left.
isFrontierEmpty() - Method in class
Checks whether there are still some nodes left.
isFrontierEmpty() - Method in class
Checks whether the frontier contains not yet expanded nodes.
isFrontierEmpty() - Method in class
Primitive operation which checks whether the frontier contains not yet expanded nodes.
isFrontierEmpty() - Method in class
Checks whether the frontier contains not yet expanded nodes.
isGlitter() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPercept
isGoalClause() - Method in class
Clauses with no positive literals are called goal clauses.
isGoalState(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleGoalTest
isGoalState(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensGenAlgoUtil.NQueensGenAlgoGoalTest
isGoalState(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensGoalTest
isGoalState(Object) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumWorldGoalTest
Tests whether the search has identified a goal state
isGoalState(Object) - Method in class
isGoalState(Object) - Method in interface
Returns true if the given state is a goal state.
isGoalState(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if the given state is a goal state.
isGoalState(Problem, Node) - Static method in class
Calls the goal test of the problem and - if the goal test is effectively a SolutionChecker - additionally checks, whether the solution is acceptable.
isGoalState(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if the given state is a goal state.
isGoalState(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if the given state is a goal state.
isHeadingValid(P) - Method in interface
Checks whether the heading of a pose is valid.
isHornClause() - Method in class
isHornClause() - Method in class
Determine if a Horn clause.
isImmutable() - Method in class
isImplicationDefiniteClause() - Method in class
isImplicationDefiniteClause() - Method in class
Determine if an implication definite clause.
isImplicationSentence() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
isIMPLIES(String) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.Connectors
isInfinite() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractContinuousDomain
isInfinite() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractDiscreteDomain
isInfinite() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractFiniteDomain
isInfinite() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.domain.Domain
isInInterval(C) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Returns true if the specified object is between the end points of this interval.
isInside(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Circle2D
isInside(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ellipse2D
isInside(Point2D) - Method in interface aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.IGeometric2D
Tests whether the point is inside this geometric shape excluding its border.
isInside(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Line2D
isInside(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Polyline2D
isInside(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Rect2D
isInsideBorder(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Circle2D
isInsideBorder(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ellipse2D
isInsideBorder(Point2D) - Method in interface aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.IGeometric2D
Tests whether the point is inside this geometric shape including its border.
isInsideBorder(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Line2D
isInsideBorder(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Polyline2D
isInsideBorder(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Rect2D
isLCVHeuristicEnabled - Variable in class
isLoaded() - Method in class
Checks whether a map was loaded.
isLocation(String) - Method in class
Checks whether the given string is the name of a location.
isLowerExclusive() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Returns true if this interval is not lower inclusive.
isLowerInclusive() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Returns true if this interval is lower inclusive.
isMatch() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.IdentifyCandidateMatchingTerm
isMultivalued(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.knowledge.FOLDataSetDomain
isNegativeLiteral() - Method in class
isNegativeLiteral() - Method in class
isNonsingular() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.LUDecomposition
Is the matrix nonsingular?
isNoOp() - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Action
Indicates whether or not this Action is a 'No Operation'.
Note: AIMA3e - NoOp, or no operation, is the name of an assembly language instruction that does nothing.
isNoOp() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.DynamicAction
isNoOp() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.NoOpAction
isNoOp() - Method in enum aima.core.environment.cellworld.CellWorldAction
isNOT(String) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.Connectors
isNotSentence() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
isOR(String) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.Connectors
isOrdered() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractContinuousDomain
isOrdered() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractDiscreteDomain
isOrdered() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractFiniteDomain
isOrdered() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.ArbitraryTokenDomain
isOrdered() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.BooleanDomain
isOrdered() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.domain.Domain
isOrdered() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.FiniteIntegerDomain
isOrSentence() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
isParallel(Vector2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
Checks whether this vector and another vector are parallel to each other or rotated by 180 degrees to each other.
If one of the vectors is the zero vector this method always returns true.
isPartialResultDueToTimeout() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.InferenceResult
isPointInsideBorderShape(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.CartesianPlot2D
Checks whether the given point is on any of the shapes of the plot.
isPointInsideShape(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.CartesianPlot2D
Checks whether the given point is inside any of the shapes of the plot.
isPoseValid(P) - Method in interface aima.core.robotics.IMclMap
Verifies whether a pose is valid, that is inside the map boundaries and not within an obstacle.
isPoseValid(P) - Method in class
isPositiveLiteral() - Method in class
isPositiveLiteral() - Method in class
isPossiblyFalse() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.InferenceResult
isPropositionSymbol(String) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
Determine if the given symbol is a legal proposition symbol.
isPropositionSymbol() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
isPropositionSymbolIdentifierPart(char) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
Determine if the given character is part of a proposition symbol.
isPropositionSymbolIdentifierStart(char) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
Determine if the given character can be at the beginning of a proposition symbol.
isRenaming(Literal) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
isRenaming(Literal, List<Literal>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
isRoot() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.AbstractNode
isRoot() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.bayes.Node
isRootNode() - Method in class
Returns true if the node has no parent.
isSatisfiedWith(Assignment) - Method in interface
Constrains the values that the variables can take on.
isSatisfiedWith(Assignment) - Method in class
isSatisfiedWith(Assignment) - Method in class
isScream() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPercept
isSignificantlyBetter(double, double) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourAIPlayer
isSignificantlyBetter(double, double) - Method in class
Primitive operation which is used to stop iterative deepening search in situations where a clear best action exists.
isSolution(CSP) - Method in class
Returns true if this assignment is consistent as well as complete with respect to the given CSP.
isSquareUnderAttack(XYLocation) - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
isStandardizedApartCheckRequired() - Method in class
isStench() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPercept
isTautology() - Method in class
isTautology() - Method in class
Determine if the clause represents a tautology, of which the following are examples:
isTerminal(ConnectFourState) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourGame
isTerminal(TicTacToeState) - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeGame
isTerminal(String) - Static method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
Check if we have a terminal, as they are lowercase strings
isTerminal(STATE) - Method in interface
isTrue() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.InferenceResult
isTrue(PropositionSymbol) - Method in class
isTrue(Sentence) - Method in class
isUnarySentence() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
isUnitClause() - Method in class
isUnitClause() - Method in class
Determine if a clause is unit, i.e.
isUnknown(Sentence) - Method in class
isUnknownDueToTimeout() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.InferenceResult
isUpperExclusive() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Returns true if this interval is upper exclusive.
isUpperInclusive() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Returns true if this interval is upper inclusive.
isUseParamodulation() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver
isValid(String) - Method in interface aima.core.learning.framework.AttributeSpecification
isValid(List<String>) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetSpecification
isValid(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.NumericAttributeSpecification
isValid(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.StringAttributeSpecification
isValid() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.model.FiniteBayesModel
isValid() - Method in class aima.core.probability.full.FullJointDistributionModel
isValid() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.ProbabilityModel
isValidMatch(Term, Set<Variable>, Term, Map<Variable, Term>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation
isValidMatch(Term, Set<Variable>, Term, Map<Variable, Term>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.Demodulation
isValidMatch(Term, Set<Variable>, Term, Map<Variable, Term>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.Paramodulation
isVariable(String) - Static method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
Check if we have a variable, as they are uppercase strings.
isVertexLabel(VertexLabelType) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.LabeledGraph
Checks whether the given label is the label of one of the vertices.
isWinMoveFor(int, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
isWinPositionFor(int, int, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
iterate(Map<RandomVariable, Object>, double) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.CategoricalDistribution.Iterator
Called for each possible assignment for the Random Variables comprising this CategoricalDistribution.
iterate(Map<RandomVariable, Object>, double) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.Factor.Iterator
Called for each possible assignment for the Random Variables comprising this Factor.
iterate(Map<RandomVariable, Object>, double) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable.Iterator
Called for each possible assignment for the Random Variables comprising this ProbabilityTable.
iterateOver(CategoricalDistribution.Iterator) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.CategoricalDistribution
Iterate over all the possible value assignments for the Random Variables comprising this CategoricalDistribution.
iterateOver(CategoricalDistribution.Iterator, AssignmentProposition...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.CategoricalDistribution
Iterate over all possible values assignments for the Random Variables comprising this CategoricalDistribution that are not in the fixed set of values.
iterateOver(Factor.Iterator) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.Factor
Iterate over all the possible value assignments for the Random Variables comprising this Factor.
iterateOver(Factor.Iterator, AssignmentProposition...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.Factor
Iterate over all possible values assignments for the Random Variables comprising this Factor that are not in the fixed set of values.
iterateOver(CategoricalDistribution.Iterator) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
iterateOver(CategoricalDistribution.Iterator, AssignmentProposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
iterateOver(Factor.Iterator) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
iterateOver(Factor.Iterator, AssignmentProposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
iterateOverTable(ProbabilityTable.Iterator) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
Iterate over all the possible value assignments for the Random Variables comprising this ProbabilityTable.
iterateOverTable(ProbabilityTable.Iterator, AssignmentProposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
Iterate over all possible values assignments for the Random Variables comprising this ProbabilityTable that are not in the fixed set of values.
ITERATIONS - Static variable in class
IterativeDeepeningAlphaBetaSearch<STATE,ACTION,PLAYER> - Class in
Implements an iterative deepening Minimax search with alpha-beta pruning and action ordering.
IterativeDeepeningAlphaBetaSearch(Game<STATE, ACTION, PLAYER>, double, double, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new search object for a given game.
IterativeDeepeningSearch - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 3.18, page 89.

IterativeDeepeningSearch() - Constructor for class
IterativeDeepeningSearch(NodeExpander) - Constructor for class
iterator() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
iterator() - Method in class


JavaRandomizer - Class in aima.core.util
Implementation of the Randomizer Interface using Java's java.util.Random class.
JavaRandomizer() - Constructor for class aima.core.util.JavaRandomizer
JavaRandomizer(Random) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.JavaRandomizer
JOHN_CALLS_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
jointDistribution(Proposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.model.FiniteBayesModel
jointDistribution(Proposition...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.FiniteProbabilityModel
Get a distribution on multiple variables.
jointDistribution(Proposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.full.FullJointDistributionModel


KALGOORLIE - Static variable in class
KATHERINE - Static variable in class
KB - Variable in class aima.core.logic.propositional.agent.KBAgent
KBAgent - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.agent
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 7.1, page 236.

KBAgent(KnowledgeBase) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.agent.KBAgent
keySet() - Method in class
kingsDomain() - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.DomainFactory
KnowledgeBase - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.kb
KnowledgeBase() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.kb.KnowledgeBase
knowsDomain() - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.DomainFactory


LabeledGraph<VertexLabelType,EdgeLabelType> - Class in aima.core.util.datastructure
Represents a directed labeled graph.
LabeledGraph() - Constructor for class aima.core.util.datastructure.LabeledGraph
Creates a new empty graph.
LAKES_ENTRANCE - Static variable in class
Layer - Class in aima.core.learning.neural
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 729

Feed-forward networks are usually arranged in layers, such that each unit receives input only from units in the immediately preceding layer.
Layer(Matrix, Vector, ActivationFunction) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
Layer(int, int, double, double, ActivationFunction) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
LayerSensitivity - Class in aima.core.learning.neural
LayerSensitivity(Layer) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.LayerSensitivity
Learner - Interface in aima.core.learning.framework
LEFT - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
left() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation
Returns the location one unit left of this location.
leftDerivesRight(ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<String>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbContextFreeGrammar
Test whether LHS -> RHS is a rule in the grammar.
length(List<String>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.CYK
Simple function to make algorithm more closely resemble pseudocode
length() - Method in class
length() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
Calculates the length of the vector.
Lexer - Class in aima.core.logic.common
An abstract base class for constructing lexical analyzers for knowledge representation languages.
Lexer() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.common.Lexer
LexerException - Exception in aima.core.logic.common
A runtime exception to be used to describe Lexer exceptions.
LexerException(String, int) - Constructor for exception aima.core.logic.common.LexerException
LexerException(String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception aima.core.logic.common.LexerException
Lexicon - Class in aima.core.nlp.parsing
The Lexicon Object appears on pg.
Lexicon() - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.parsing.Lexicon
LexiconExamples - Class in
A store of simple lexicon's for the purpose of testing and demonstrating the CYK Algorithm.
LexiconExamples() - Constructor for class
LexWord - Class in aima.core.nlp.parsing
LexWord(String, Float) - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.parsing.LexWord
lhs - Variable in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.Rule
LightestClauseHeuristic - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter
Heuristic for selecting lightest clause from SOS.
LikelihoodWeighting - Class in aima.core.probability.bayes.approx
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 534.

LikelihoodWeighting() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.LikelihoodWeighting
LikelihoodWeighting(Randomizer) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.LikelihoodWeighting
likelihoodWeighting(RandomVariable[], AssignmentProposition[], BayesianNetwork, int) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.LikelihoodWeighting
The LIKELIHOOD-WEIGHTING algorithm in Figure 14.15.
Line2D - Class in aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes
This class implements a line in a two-dimensional Cartesian plot.
Every line consists of a starting point and an ending point represented by a Point2D.
In addition the line between these two points can be represented as a Vector2D.
Line2D(Point2D, Vector2D) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Line2D
Line2D(Point2D, Point2D) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Line2D
Line2D(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Line2D
lineThroughBoard() - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
LinkFinder - Interface in aima.core.nlp.ranking
Literal - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 244.

A literal is either an atomic sentence (a positive literal) or a negated atomic sentence (a negative literal).
Literal(AtomicSentence) - Constructor for class
Literal(AtomicSentence, boolean) - Constructor for class
Literal - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 244.

A literal is either an atomic sentence (a positive literal) or a negated atomic sentence (a negative literal).
Literal(PropositionSymbol) - Constructor for class
Constructor for a positive literal.
Literal(PropositionSymbol, boolean) - Constructor for class
loadDefaultPages() - Static method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.PagesDataset
loadFileText(File, File) - Static method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.PagesDataset
loadMap(InputStream, InputStream) - Method in class
This function loads a map input stream into this Cartesian plot.
loadMap(InputStream, String) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.CartesianPlot2D
Loads a map input into this Cartesian plot.
loadNextTokenFromInput() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
loadPages(String) - Static method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.PagesDataset
Access a folder of .txt files containing wikipedia html source, and give back a hashtable of pages, which each page having it's correct inlink list and outlink list.
loadTestPages() - Static method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.PagesDataset
localize(Set<P>, M, R[]) - Method in class aima.core.robotics.MonteCarloLocalization
Executes the update cycle of the Monte-Carlo-Localization for the given parameters.
LocalVacuumEnvironmentPercept - Class in aima.core.environment.vacuum
Represents a local percept in the vacuum environment (i.e.
LocalVacuumEnvironmentPercept(String, VacuumEnvironment.LocationState) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.LocalVacuumEnvironmentPercept
Construct a vacuum environment percept from the agent's perception of the current location and state.
LOCATION - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
LOCATION_A - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
LOCATION_B - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
locationAt(XYLocation.Direction) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation
Returns the location one unit from this location in the specified direction.
log2(double) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
LogicTokenTypes - Interface in aima.core.logic.common
LogSigActivationFunction - Class in aima.core.learning.neural
LogSigActivationFunction() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.LogSigActivationFunction
LONGREACH - Static variable in class
longValue() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.MixedRadixNumber
lookAhead(int) - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Lexer
lookAhead(int) - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Parser
lookAhead - Variable in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
lookAhead(int) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
lookAheadBuffer - Variable in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
lookAheadBufferSize - Variable in class aima.core.logic.common.Lexer
lookAheadBufferSize - Variable in class aima.core.logic.common.Parser
LookupPolicy<S,A extends Action> - Class in aima.core.probability.mdp.impl
Default implementation of the Policy interface using an underlying Map to look up an action associated with a state.
LookupPolicy(Map<S, A>) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.mdp.impl.LookupPolicy
lovesAnimalDomain() - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.DomainFactory
LOWER_LIMIT_WEIGHTS - Static variable in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
LPAREN - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
LRTAStarAgent - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 4.24, page 152.

LRTAStarAgent(OnlineSearchProblem, PerceptToStateFunction, HeuristicFunction) - Constructor for class
Constructs a LRTA* agent with the specified search problem, percept to state function, and heuristic function.
LSQRBRACKET - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
lu() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
LU Decomposition
LUDecomposition - Class in aima.core.util.math
LU Decomposition.
LUDecomposition(Matrix) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.LUDecomposition
LU Decomposition, a structure to access L, U and piv.
LUGOJ - Static variable in class


MACKAY - Static variable in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.RunCYK
main(String[]) - Static method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.RunHITS
MajorityLearner - Class in aima.core.learning.learners
MajorityLearner() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.learners.MajorityLearner
makeActionQuery(int) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.agent.KBAgent
MAKE-ACTION-QUERY constructs a sentence that asks what action should be done at the current time.
makeActionSentence(Action, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
Add to KB sentences that describe the action a
makeActionSentence(Action, int) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.agent.KBAgent
MAKE-ACTION-SENTENCE constructs a sentence asserting that the chosen action was executed.
makeArcConsistent(Variable, Variable, Constraint, CSP, DomainRestoreInfo) - Method in class
makeDecision(STATE) - Method in interface
Returns the action which appears to be the best at the given state.
makeDecision(STATE) - Method in class
makeDecision(STATE) - Method in class
Template method controlling the search.
makeDecision(STATE) - Method in class
makePerceptSentence(AgentPercept, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
Add to KB sentences that describe the perception p (only about the current time).
makePerceptSentence(Percept, int) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.agent.KBAgent
MAKE-PERCEPT-SENTENCE constructs a sentence asserting that the agent perceived the given percent at the given time.
makePerimeter() - Method in class aima.core.environment.xyenv.XYEnvironment
makeSet(E) - Method in class aima.core.util.DisjointSets
Create a disjoint set for the element passed in.
ManhattanHeuristicFunction - Class in aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle
ManhattanHeuristicFunction() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.ManhattanHeuristicFunction
ManhattanHeuristicFunction - Class in aima.core.environment.wumpusworld
Heuristic for calculating the Manhattan distance between two rooms within a Wumpus World cave.
ManhattanHeuristicFunction(Set<Room>) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.ManhattanHeuristicFunction
Map - Interface in
Provides a general interface for maps.
map - Variable in class
map - Variable in class
MapAgent - Class in
Variant of SimpleMapAgent which works correctly also for A* and other best-first search implementations.
MapAgent(Map, SearchForActions, String) - Constructor for class
MapAgent(Map, SearchForActions, String, EnvironmentViewNotifier) - Constructor for class
MapAgent(Map, SearchForActions, List<String>) - Constructor for class
MapAgent(Map, SearchForActions, List<String>, EnvironmentViewNotifier) - Constructor for class
MapAgent(Map, SearchForActions, List<String>, EnvironmentViewNotifier, HeuristicFunctionFactory) - Constructor for class
MapCSP - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Ed.): Figure 6.1, Page 204.

The principal states and territories of Australia.
MapCSP() - Constructor for class
Constructs a map CSP for the principal states and territories of Australia, with the colors Red, Green, and Blue.
MapEnvironment - Class in
Represents the environment a SimpleMapAgent can navigate.
MapEnvironment(Map) - Constructor for class
MapEnvironmentState - Class in
MapEnvironmentState() - Constructor for class
MapFunctionFactory - Class in
MapFunctionFactory() - Constructor for class
MapStepCostFunction - Class in
Implementation of StepCostFunction interface that uses the distance between locations to calculate the cost in addition to a constant cost, so that it may be used in conjunction with a Uniform-cost search.
MapStepCostFunction(Map) - Constructor for class
marginal(RandomVariable...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.CategoricalDistribution
Get the marginal probability for the provided variables from this Distribution creating a new Distribution of the remaining variables with their values updated with the summed out random variables.

see: AIMA3e page 492.

marginal(RandomVariable...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
mark(XYLocation) - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
mark(int, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
MarkovDecisionProcess<S,A extends Action> - Interface in aima.core.probability.mdp
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 647.

A sequential decision problem for a fully observable, stochastic environment with a Markovian transition model and additive rewards is called a Markov decision process, or MDP, and consists of a set of states (with an initial state s0; a set ACTIONS(s) of actions in each state; a transition model P(s' | s, a); and a reward function R(s).

Note: Some definitions of MDPs allow the reward to depend on the action and outcome too, so the reward function is R(s, a, s').
MARY_CALLS_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
match(String) - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Parser
Consume the given match symbol if it matches the current input token.
match(String) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
matchedExamples(DataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DLTest
matches(VacuumEnvironmentState, Agent) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.LocalVacuumEnvironmentPercept
Determine whether this percept matches an environment state
matches(Example) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DLTest
matches(String, String) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.HITS
Simple check if query string is a substring of a block of text.
matchingDataSet(String, String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
Matrix - Class in aima.core.util.math
Jama = Java Matrix class.
Matrix(int, int) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Construct an m-by-n matrix of zeros.
Matrix(int, int, double) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Construct an m-by-n constant matrix.
Matrix(double[][]) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Construct a matrix from a 2-D array.
Matrix(double[][], int, int) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Construct a matrix quickly without checking arguments.
Matrix(double[], int) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Construct a matrix from a one-dimensional packed array
max(int, int) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
max(int, int, int) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
maxValue(STATE, PLAYER, double, double) - Method in class
maxValue(STATE, PLAYER, double, double, int) - Method in class
maxValue(STATE, PLAYER) - Method in class
mbDistribution(Node, Map<RandomVariable, Object>) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbUtil
Calculate the probability distribution for P(Xi | mb(Xi)), where mb(Xi) is the Markov Blanket of Xi.
mbRandomSample(Node, Map<RandomVariable, Object>, Randomizer) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbUtil
Get a random sample from P(Xi | mb(Xi)), where mb(Xi) is the Markov Blanket of Xi.
MclCartesianPlot2D<P extends IPose2D<P,M>,M extends IMclMove<M>,R extends AbstractRangeReading> - Class in
This class implements the interface IMclMap using the classes Angle and AbstractRangeReading.
It uses a parser that generates two sets of IGeometric2D.
The first set describes obstacles that can be measured by the range sensor.
MclCartesianPlot2D(IGroupParser, IGroupParser, IPoseFactory<P, M>, IRangeReadingFactory<R>) - Constructor for class
MDP<S,A extends Action> - Class in aima.core.probability.mdp.impl
Default implementation of the MarkovDecisionProcess interface.
MDP(Set<S>, S, ActionsFunction<S, A>, TransitionProbabilityFunction<S, A>, RewardFunction<S>) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.mdp.impl.MDP
MDPFactory - Class in aima.core.probability.example
MDPFactory() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.example.MDPFactory
MEHADIA - Static variable in class
MELBOURNE - Static variable in class
MENINGITIS_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
mergeWith(DecisionList) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DecisionList
METRIC_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in class
METRIC_MAX_RECURSIVE_DEPTH - Static variable in class
METRIC_NODE_VALUE - Static variable in class
METRIC_NODE_VALUE - Static variable in class
METRIC_NODES_EXPANDED - Static variable in class
METRIC_NODES_EXPANDED - Static variable in class
METRIC_NODES_EXPANDED - Static variable in class
METRIC_NODES_EXPANDED - Static variable in class
METRIC_NODES_EXPANDED - Static variable in class
METRIC_NODES_EXPANDED - Static variable in class
METRIC_PATH_COST - Static variable in class
METRIC_PATH_COST - Static variable in class
METRIC_PATH_COST - Static variable in class
METRIC_PATH_COST - Static variable in class
METRIC_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in class
METRIC_TEMPERATURE - Static variable in class
Metrics - Class in
Stores key-value pairs for efficiency analysis.
Metrics() - Constructor for class
metrics - Variable in class
metrics - Variable in class
METRICS_MAX_DEPTH - Static variable in class
METRICS_NODES_EXPANDED - Static variable in class
METRICS_NODES_EXPANDED - Static variable in class
METRICS_NODES_EXPANDED - Static variable in class
min(int, int) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
min(int, int, int) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
MinConflictsStrategy - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Ed.): Figure 6.8, Page 221.

MinConflictsStrategy(int) - Constructor for class
Constructs a min-conflicts strategy with a given number of steps allowed before giving up.
MinimaxSearch<STATE,ACTION,PLAYER> - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 169.
MinimaxSearch(Game<STATE, ACTION, PLAYER>) - Constructor for class
minus(List<PropositionSymbol>, PropositionSymbol) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.DPLLSatisfiable
minus(List<PropositionSymbol>, PropositionSymbol) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.OptimizedDPLL
minus(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
C = A - B
minus(Vector) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Vector
Returns the result of vector subtraction.
minusEquals(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
A = A - B
minValue(STATE, PLAYER, double, double) - Method in class
minValue(STATE, PLAYER, double, double, int) - Method in class
minValue(STATE, PLAYER) - Method in class
MisplacedTilleHeuristicFunction - Class in aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle
MisplacedTilleHeuristicFunction() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.MisplacedTilleHeuristicFunction
MixedRadixNumber - Class in aima.core.util.math
MixedRadixNumber(long, int[]) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.MixedRadixNumber
Constructs a mixed radix number with a specified value and a specified array of radices.
MixedRadixNumber(long, List<Integer>) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.MixedRadixNumber
Constructs a mixed radix number with a specified value and a specified list of radices.
MixedRadixNumber(int[], int[]) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.MixedRadixNumber
Constructs a mixed radix number with a specified array of numerals and a specified array of radices.
MockRandomizer - Class in aima.core.util
Mock implementation of the Randomizer interface so that the set of Random numbers returned are in fact predefined.
MockRandomizer(double[]) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.MockRandomizer
mode(List<T>) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
Model - Interface in aima.core.agent
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): pg 50.
This knowledge about "how the world works" - whether implemented in simple Boolean circuits or in complete scientific theories - is called a model of the world.
Model - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): pages 240, 245.

Models are mathematical abstractions, each of which simply fixes the truth or falsehood of every relevant sentence.
Model() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor.
Model(Map<PropositionSymbol, Boolean>) - Constructor for class
ModelBasedReflexAgentProgram - Class in aima.core.agent.impl.aprog
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 2.12, page 51.

ModelBasedReflexAgentProgram() - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.ModelBasedReflexAgentProgram
ModelBasedReflexVacuumAgent - Class in aima.core.environment.vacuum
ModelBasedReflexVacuumAgent() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.ModelBasedReflexVacuumAgent
ModifiedPolicyEvaluation<S,A extends Action> - Class in aima.core.probability.mdp.impl
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 657.

For small state spaces, policy evaluation using exact solution methods is often the most efficient approach.
ModifiedPolicyEvaluation(int, double) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.mdp.impl.ModifiedPolicyEvaluation
MonteCarloLocalization<P extends IMclPose<P,V,M>,V extends IMclVector,M extends IMclMove<M>,R extends IMclRangeReading<R,V>> - Class in aima.core.robotics
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 982.

MonteCarloLocalization(IMclMap<P, V, M, R>, Randomizer) - Constructor for class aima.core.robotics.MonteCarloLocalization
MOUNT_GAMBIER - Static variable in class
MOVE_QUEEN - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.QueenAction
moveGapDown() - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
moveGapLeft() - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
moveGapRight() - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
moveGapUp() - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
MoveNotInwards - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 254.

Move ~ inwards by repeated application of the following equivalences:
~(~α) ≡ α (double-negation elimination)
~(α & β) ≡ (~α | ~β) (De Morgan)
~(α | β) ≡ (~α & ~β) (De Morgan)
MoveNotInwards() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.MoveNotInwards
moveNotsInward(Sentence) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.MoveNotInwards
Move ~ inwards.
moveObject(EnvironmentObject, XYLocation.Direction) - Method in class aima.core.environment.xyenv.XYEnvironment
moveObjectToAbsoluteLocation(EnvironmentObject, XYLocation) - Method in class aima.core.environment.xyenv.XYEnvironment
moveQueen(XYLocation, XYLocation) - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
moveQueenTo(XYLocation) - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
Moves the queen in the specified column (x-value of l) to the specified row (y-value of l).
MoveToAction - Class in
MoveToAction(String) - Constructor for class
MT_ISA - Static variable in class
multiply(TransformMatrix2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.TransformMatrix2D
Multiplies this matrix with another transformation matrix.
multiply(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.TransformMatrix2D
Multiplies this transformation matrix with a given point.
For a multiplication in two-dimensional Cartesian space the third field is set to 1:
multiply(double) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
Multiplies a vector with a double.
multiplyBy(CategoricalDistribution) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.CategoricalDistribution
Multiplication of this Distribution by a given multiplier, creating a new Distribution representing the product of the two.
multiplyBy(CategoricalDistribution) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
multiplyByPOS(CategoricalDistribution, RandomVariable...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.CategoricalDistribution
Multiplication - Product Order Specified (POS).
multiplyByPOS(CategoricalDistribution, RandomVariable...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
mutate(Individual<A>) - Method in class
mutate(Individual<Double>) - Method in class
Changes each component in the representation by random.
mutationProbability - Variable in class


name() - Method in interface aima.core.learning.framework.Attribute
name() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.NumericAttribute
name() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.StringAttribute
nds - Variable in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
NEAMT - Static variable in class
NEWCASTLE - Static variable in class
newConjunction(Sentence...) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
Create a conjunction of conjuncts.
newConjunction(List<? extends Sentence>) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
Create a conjunction of conjuncts.
newDisjunction(Sentence...) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
Create a disjunction of disjuncts.
newDisjunction(List<? extends Sentence>) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
Create a disjunction of disjuncts.
newInstance(AtomicSentence) - Method in class
newInstance(AtomicSentence) - Method in class
newStandardizeApartIndexical(Character) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApartIndexicalFactory
newSymbol(String, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
newSymbol(String, int, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
newSymbol(String, int, int, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
next() - Method in class aima.core.util.ArrayIterator
nextDouble() - Method in class aima.core.util.JavaRandomizer
nextDouble() - Method in class aima.core.util.MockRandomizer
nextDouble() - Method in interface aima.core.util.Randomizer
nextGeneration(List<Individual<A>>, FitnessFunction<A>) - Method in class
Primitive operation which is responsible for creating the next generation.
nextToken() - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Lexer
To be implemented by concrete implementations
nextToken() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLLexer
nextToken() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.PLLexer
Returns the next propositional token from the character stream.
NNConfig - Class in aima.core.learning.neural
A holder for config data for neural networks and possibly for other learning systems.
NNConfig(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.NNConfig
NNConfig() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.NNConfig
NNDataSet - Class in aima.core.learning.neural
NNDataSet() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
NNExample - Class in aima.core.learning.neural
NNExample(List<Double>, List<Double>) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.NNExample
NNTrainingScheme - Interface in aima.core.learning.neural
NO - Static variable in class aima.core.util.Util
NO_OP - Static variable in class aima.core.agent.impl.NoOpAction
Node - Interface in aima.core.probability.bayes
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 511.

A node is annotated with quantitative probability information.
Node - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 3.10, page 79.
Figure 3.10 Nodes are the data structures from which the search tree is constructed.
Node(Object) - Constructor for class
Constructs a node with the specified state.
Node(Object, Node, Action, double) - Constructor for class
Constructs a node with the specified state, parent, action, and path cost.
NodeExpander - Class in
Instances of this class are responsible for node creation and expansion.
NodeExpander() - Constructor for class
nodeExpander - Variable in class
NodeExpander.NodeListener - Interface in
Interface for progress Tracers
NondeterministicProblem - Class in
Non-deterministic problems may have multiple results for a given state and action; this class handles these results by mimicking Problem and replacing ResultFunction (one result) with ResultsFunction (a set of results).
NondeterministicProblem(Object, ActionsFunction, ResultsFunction, GoalTest) - Constructor for class
NondeterministicProblem(Object, ActionsFunction, ResultsFunction, GoalTest, StepCostFunction) - Constructor for class
NondeterministicVacuumAgent - Class in aima.core.environment.vacuum
This agent traverses the NondeterministicVacuumEnvironment using a contingency plan.
NondeterministicVacuumAgent(PerceptToStateFunction) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.NondeterministicVacuumAgent
NondeterministicVacuumEnvironment - Class in aima.core.environment.vacuum
Create the erratic vacuum world from page 134, AIMA3e.
NondeterministicVacuumEnvironment() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.NondeterministicVacuumEnvironment
Construct a vacuum environment with two locations, in which dirt is placed at random.
NondeterministicVacuumEnvironment(VacuumEnvironment.LocationState, VacuumEnvironment.LocationState) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.NondeterministicVacuumEnvironment
Construct a vacuum environment with two locations, in which dirt is placed as specified.
NoOpAction - Class in aima.core.agent.impl
norm1() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
One norm
normalize(List<Page>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.HITS
Divides each page's score by the sum of the squares of all pages' scores (separately for both the authority and hubs scores
normalize() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.CategoricalDistribution
Normalize the values comprising this distribution.
normalize(Matrix) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.hmm.HiddenMarkovModel
Create a normalized column vector in matrix form of the passed in column vector.
normalize(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.probability.hmm.impl.HMM
normalize() - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
normalize(double[]) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
normalize(List<Double>) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
normalizeFromMeanAndStdev(List<Double>, double, double) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
normInf() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Infinity norm
NORSEMAN - Static variable in class
north() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation
Returns the location one unit ahead of this location.
NOT - Static variable in class aima.core.logic.fol.Connectors
NOTCondition - Class in aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule
Implementation of a NOT condition.
NOTCondition(Condition) - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.NOTCondition
NotEqualConstraint - Class in
Represents a binary constraint which forbids equal values.
NotEqualConstraint(Variable, Variable) - Constructor for class
notifier - Variable in class
notify(String) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.EnvironmentView
A simple notification message from an object in the Environment.
notify(String) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.SimpleEnvironmentView
notify(String) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironmentViewActionTracker
notifyEnvironmentViews(Agent) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
notifyEnvironmentViews(Agent, Action) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
notifyListener(FOLDomainListener) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomainAnswerLiteralAddedEvent
notifyListener(FOLDomainListener) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomainEvent
notifyListener(FOLDomainListener) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomainSkolemConstantAddedEvent
notifyListener(FOLDomainListener) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomainSkolemFunctionAddedEvent
notifyNodeListeners(Node) - Method in class
notifyViewOfMetrics() - Method in class
notifyViewOfMetrics() - Method in class
notifyViewOfMetrics() - Method in class
notifyViews(String) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Environment
Notify all registered EnvironmentViews of a message.
notifyViews(String) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.EnvironmentViewNotifier
A simple notification message, to be forwarded to an Environment's registered EnvironmentViews.
notifyViews(String) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
NotProposition - Class in aima.core.probability.proposition
NotProposition(Proposition) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.proposition.NotProposition
NotSentence - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast
NotSentence(Sentence) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.NotSentence
NQueensBoard - Class in aima.core.environment.nqueens
Represents a quadratic board with a matrix of squares on which queens can be placed (only one per square) and moved.
NQueensBoard(int) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
Creates a board with size rows and size columns.
NQueensBoard(int, NQueensBoard.Config) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
Creates a board with size rows and size columns.
NQueensBoard.Config - Enum in aima.core.environment.nqueens
Parameters for initialization.
NQueensCSP - Class in
NQueensCSP(int) - Constructor for class
NQueensFitnessFunction() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensGenAlgoUtil.NQueensFitnessFunction
NQueensFunctionFactory - Class in aima.core.environment.nqueens
Provides useful functions for two versions of the n-queens problem.
NQueensFunctionFactory() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensFunctionFactory
NQueensGenAlgoGoalTest() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensGenAlgoUtil.NQueensGenAlgoGoalTest
NQueensGenAlgoUtil - Class in aima.core.environment.nqueens
A class whose purpose is to provide static utility methods for solving the n-queens problem with genetic algorithms.
NQueensGenAlgoUtil() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensGenAlgoUtil
NQueensGenAlgoUtil.NQueensFitnessFunction - Class in aima.core.environment.nqueens
NQueensGenAlgoUtil.NQueensGenAlgoGoalTest - Class in aima.core.environment.nqueens
NQueensGoalTest - Class in aima.core.environment.nqueens
NQueensGoalTest() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensGoalTest
NSW - Static variable in class
NT - Static variable in class
ntimes(String, int) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
NUMBER_OF_HIDDEN_NEURONS - Static variable in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
NUMBER_OF_INPUTS - Static variable in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
NUMBER_OF_OUTPUTS - Static variable in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
numberDisjointSets() - Method in class aima.core.util.DisjointSets
numberOfInputs() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
numberOfNeurons() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
NumericAttribute - Class in aima.core.learning.framework
NumericAttribute(double, NumericAttributeSpecification) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.framework.NumericAttribute
NumericAttributeSpecification - Class in aima.core.learning.framework
NumericAttributeSpecification(String) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.framework.NumericAttributeSpecification
numerize(Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, Integer>>) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.Example
numerize(Example) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.IrisDataSetNumerizer
numerize(Example) - Method in interface aima.core.learning.neural.Numerizer
Numerizer - Interface in aima.core.learning.neural
A Numerizer understands how to convert an example from a particular data set into a Pair of lists of doubles.
NYNGAN - Static variable in class


O - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
ObjectWithDynamicAttributes - Class in aima.core.agent.impl
ObjectWithDynamicAttributes() - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes
ObservedEvidence(RandomVariable[], AssignmentProposition[], BayesianNetwork) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.exact.EnumerationAsk.ObservedEvidence
OBSTACLE_ID - Static variable in class
This is the identifier that is used to find a group of obstacles in the map file.
occurCheck(Map<Variable, Term>, Variable, FOLNode) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.Unifier
OK_TO_MOVE_INTO - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
OnlineDFSAgent - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 4.21, page 150.

OnlineDFSAgent(OnlineSearchProblem, PerceptToStateFunction) - Constructor for class
Constructs an online DFS agent with the specified search problem and percept to state function.
OnlineSearchProblem - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 147.

An online search problem must be solved by an agent executing actions, rather than by pure computation.
OnlineSearchProblem(ActionsFunction, GoalTest) - Constructor for class
Constructs an online search problem with the specified action function, goal test, and a default step cost function.
OnlineSearchProblem(ActionsFunction, GoalTest, StepCostFunction) - Constructor for class
Constructs an online search problem with the specified action function, goal test, and a default step cost function.
OnlineSearchProblem() - Constructor for class
onNodeExpanded(Node) - Method in interface
OptimizedDPLL - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.inference
OptimizedDPLL() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.OptimizedDPLL
OR - Static variable in class aima.core.logic.fol.Connectors
ORADEA - Static variable in class
ORCondition - Class in aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule
Implementation of an OR condition.
ORCondition(Condition, Condition) - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.ORCondition
order(BayesianNetwork, Collection<RandomVariable>) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.exact.EliminationAsk
Note:Override this method for a more efficient implementation as outlined in AIMA3e pgs.
orderActions(ConnectFourState, List<Integer>, String, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourAIPlayer
Orders actions with respect to the number of potential win positions which profit from the action.
orderActions(STATE, List<ACTION>, PLAYER, int) - Method in class
Primitive operation for action ordering.
orderDomainValues(Variable, Assignment, CSP) - Method in class
Primitive operation, ordering the domain values of the specified variable.
orderDomainValues(Variable, Assignment, CSP) - Method in class
Primitive operation, ordering the domain values of the specified variable.
orSearch(Object, NondeterministicProblem, Path) - Method in class
Returns a conditional plan or null on failure; this function is equivalent to the following on page 136:


Page - Class in aima.core.nlp.ranking
Page(String) - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.ranking.Page
PagesDataset - Class in aima.core.nlp.ranking
PagesDataset() - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.ranking.PagesDataset
Pair<X,Y> - Class in aima.core.util.datastructure
Pair(X, Y) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.datastructure.Pair
Constructs a Pair from two given elements
Paramodulation - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3r Edition): page 354.

Paramodulation: For any terms x, y, and z, where z appears somewhere in literal mi, and where UNIFY(x,z) = θ,
Paramodulation() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.Paramodulation
parent - Variable in class
parse(String) - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Parser
Parse the input concrete syntax into an abstract syntax tree.
parse(Reader) - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Parser
Parse the input concrete syntax into an abstract syntax tree.
parse() - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Parser
To be implemented by concrete implementations of this class.
parse(String) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
parse() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.PLParser
parse(List<String>, ProbCNFGrammar) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.CYK
parse(InputStream, String) - Method in interface aima.core.util.math.geom.IGroupParser
Parses the given File into a group of geometric shapes.
parse(InputStream, String) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.SVGGroupParser
Parses the given InputStream into a group of geometric shapes.
parseConstant() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
parseFunction() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
parseNotSentence() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
parsePredicate() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
Parser<S> - Class in aima.core.logic.common
An abstract base class for constructing parsers for knowledge representation languages.
Parser() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.common.Parser
ParserException - Exception in aima.core.logic.common
A runtime exception to be used to describe Parser exceptions.
ParserException(String, Token...) - Constructor for exception aima.core.logic.common.ParserException
ParserException(String, Throwable, Token...) - Constructor for exception aima.core.logic.common.ParserException
parseTermEquality() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
ParseTreeNode - Interface in aima.core.logic.common
parseVariable() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
ParticleFiltering - Class in aima.core.probability.bayes.approx
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 598.

ParticleFiltering(int, DynamicBayesianNetwork) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.ParticleFiltering
Construct a Particle Filtering instance.
ParticleFiltering(int, DynamicBayesianNetwork, Randomizer) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.ParticleFiltering
Construct a Particle Filtering instance.
particleFiltering(AssignmentProposition[]) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.ParticleFiltering
The particle filtering algorithm implemented as a recursive update operation with state (the set of samples).
PassiveADPAgent<S,A extends Action> - Class in aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 834.

PassiveADPAgent(Map<S, A>, Set<S>, S, ActionsFunction<S, A>, PolicyEvaluation<S, A>) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.PassiveADPAgent
PassiveTDAgent<S,A extends Action> - Class in aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 837.

PassiveTDAgent(Map<S, A>, double, double) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.PassiveTDAgent
Path - Class in
Represents the path the agent travels through the AND-OR tree (see figure 4.10, page 135, AIMA3e).
Path() - Constructor for class
PathCostFunction - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 78.

PathCostFunction() - Constructor for class
Percept - Interface in aima.core.agent
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): pg 34.
We use the term percept to refer the agent's perceptual inputs at any given instant.
PERCEPT_BREEZE - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
PERCEPT_BUMP - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
PERCEPT_GLITTER - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
PERCEPT_IN - Static variable in class
Name of a dynamic attribute, which tells the agent where it is.
PERCEPT_SCREAM - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
PERCEPT_STENCH - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
Perceptron - Class in aima.core.learning.neural
Perceptron(int, int) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.Perceptron
PerceptStateReward<S> - Interface in aima.core.learning.reinforcement
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 832.

A percept that supplies both the current state and the reward received in that state.
PerceptToStateFunction - Interface in
This interface is to define how to Map a Percept to a State representation for a problem solver within a specific environment.
performanceMeasures - Variable in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
performMove() - Method in interface aima.core.robotics.IMclRobot
Causes the robot to perform a movement.
PERTH - Static variable in class
PIT - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
PITESTI - Static variable in class
PLACE_QUEEN - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.QueenAction
plan - Variable in class
Plan, an action sequence, initially empty.
Plan - Class in
Represents a solution plan for an AND-OR search; according to page 135 AIMA3e, the plan must be "a subtree that (1) has a goal node at every leaf, (2) specifies one Object at each of its OR nodes, and (3) includes every outcome branch at each of its AND nodes." As demonstrated on page 136, this subtree is implemented as a linked list where every OR node is an Object-- satisfying (2)--and every AND node is an if-state-then-plan-else chain--satisfying (3).
Plan() - Constructor for class
Empty constructor
Plan(Object...) - Constructor for class
Construct a plan based on a sequence of steps (IfStateThenPlan or a Plan).
planRoute(AgentPosition, Set<Room>, Set<Room>) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.HybridWumpusAgent
Returns a sequence of actions using A* Search.
planShot(AgentPosition, Set<Room>, Set<Room>) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.HybridWumpusAgent
PLFCEntails - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.inference
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 258.

PLFCEntails() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLFCEntails
plfcEntails(KnowledgeBase, PropositionSymbol) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLFCEntails
The forward-chaining algorithm for propositional logic.
PLLexer - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing
A concrete implementation of a lexical analyzer for the propositional language.
PLLexer() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.PLLexer
Default Constructor.
PLLexer(String) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.PLLexer
Constructs a propositional expression lexer with the specified character stream.
PLParser - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 7.7, page 244.
Implementation of a propositional logic parser based on:
PLParser() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.PLParser
Default Constructor.
PLResolution - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.inference
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 255.

PLResolution() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLResolution
Default constructor, which will set the algorithm to discard tautologies by default.
PLResolution(boolean) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLResolution
plResolution(KnowledgeBase, Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLResolution
A simple resolution algorithm for propositional logic.
plResolve(Clause, Clause) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLResolution
Calculate the set of all possible clauses by resolving its two inputs.
plus(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
C = A + B
plus(Vector) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Vector
Returns the result of vector addition.
plusEquals(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
A = A + B
PLVisitor<A,R> - Interface in aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing
Propositional Logic Visitor: A Visitor Pattern/ for traversing the abstract syntax tree structural representation of propositional logic used in this library.
Point2D - Class in aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes
Simplified version of java.awt.geom.Point2D.
Point2D(double, double) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D
pointwiseProduct(Factor) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.Factor
Pointwise multiplication of this Factor by a given multiplier, creating a new Factor representing the product of the two.

see: AIMA3e Figure 14.10 page 527.

Note: Default Factor multiplication is not commutative.
pointwiseProduct(Factor) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
pointwiseProduct(ProbabilityTable) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
pointwiseProductPOS(Factor, RandomVariable...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.Factor
Pointwise Multiplication - Product Order Specified (POS).

see: AIMA3e Figure 14.10 page 527.

Pointwise multiplication of this Factor by a given multiplier, creating a new Factor representing the product of the two.
pointwiseProductPOS(Factor, RandomVariable...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
pointwiseProductPOS(ProbabilityTable, RandomVariable...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
Policy<S,A extends Action> - Interface in aima.core.probability.mdp
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 647.

A solution to a Markov decision process is called a policy.
PolicyEvaluation<S,A extends Action> - Interface in aima.core.probability.mdp
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 656.

Given a policy πi, calculate Ui=Uπi, the utility of each state if πi were to be executed.
PolicyIteration<S,A extends Action> - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 657.

PolicyIteration(PolicyEvaluation<S, A>) - Constructor for class
policyIteration(MarkovDecisionProcess<S, A>) - Method in class
The policy iteration algorithm for calculating an optimal policy.
Polyline2D - Class in aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes
This class implements a polyline in a two-dimensional Cartesian plot.
The polyline is represented by a starting point represented by Point2D and all edges as Vector2D.
If the last side ends in the starting point the polyline is a closed polygon.
Polyline2D(Point2D[], boolean) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Polyline2D
POPULATION_SIZE - Static variable in class
PORT_AUGUSTA - Static variable in class
PORT_HEDLAND - Static variable in class
PORT_LINCOLN - Static variable in class
PORT_MACQUARIE - Static variable in class
possibleAttributeValues() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.StringAttributeSpecification
posterior(Proposition, Proposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.model.FiniteBayesModel
posterior(Proposition, Proposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.full.FullJointDistributionModel
posterior(Proposition, Proposition...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.ProbabilityModel
Unlike unconditional or prior probabilities, most of the time we have some information, usually called evidence, that has already been revealed.
posteriorDistribution(Proposition, Proposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.model.FiniteBayesModel
posteriorDistribution(Proposition, Proposition...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.FiniteProbabilityModel
Get a conditional distribution.
posteriorDistribution(Proposition, Proposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.full.FullJointDistributionModel
posteriorForParents(RandomVariable) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.exact.EnumerationAsk.ObservedEvidence
PREDICATE - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
Predicate - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast
Predicate(String, List<Term>) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Predicate
PredicateCollector - Class in aima.core.logic.fol
PredicateCollector() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.PredicateCollector
predict(Example) - Method in interface aima.core.learning.framework.Learner
Returns the outcome predicted for the specified example
predict(Example) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.ConstantDecisonTree
predict(Example) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DecisionList
predict(Example) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DecisionTree
predict(Example) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.AdaBoostLearner
predict(Example) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.CurrentBestLearner
predict(Example) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.DecisionListLearner
predict(Example) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.DecisionTreeLearner
predict(Example) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.MajorityLearner
predict(NNExample) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
predict(NNExample) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Perceptron
Returns the outcome predicted for the specified example
prepend(Object) - Method in class
Create a new path based on the passed in prepended state and this path's current states.
prepend(Action) - Method in class
Prepend an action to the plan and return itself.
print() - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
print() - Method in class
print(int, int) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Print the matrix to stdout.
print(PrintWriter, int, int) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Print the matrix to the output stream.
print(NumberFormat, int) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Print the matrix to stdout.
print(PrintWriter, NumberFormat, int) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Print the matrix to the output stream.
printInferenceResult(InferenceResult) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.InferenceResultPrinter
Utility method for outputting InferenceResults in a formatted textual representation.
printProbTable(float[][][], List<String>, ProbUnrestrictedGrammar) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.CYK
Print out the probability table produced by the CYK Algorithm
printProof(Proof) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofPrinter
Utility method for outputting proofs in a formatted textual representation.
prior(Proposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.model.FiniteBayesModel
prior(Proposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.full.FullJointDistributionModel
prior(Proposition...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.ProbabilityModel
For any proposition φ, P(φ) = ∑ω ∈ φ P(ω).
priorDistribution(Proposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.model.FiniteBayesModel
priorDistribution(Proposition...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.FiniteProbabilityModel
priorDistribution(Proposition...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.full.FullJointDistributionModel
PrioritySearch - Class in
Performs search by creating a priority queue based on a given Comparator and feeding it to a given QueueSearch implementation which finally controls the simulated search space exploration.
PrioritySearch(QueueSearch, Comparator<Node>) - Constructor for class
PriorSample - Class in aima.core.probability.bayes.approx
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 531.

PriorSample() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.PriorSample
PriorSample(Randomizer) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.PriorSample
priorSample(BayesianNetwork) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.PriorSample
The PRIOR-SAMPLE algorithm in Figure 14.13.
PROB - Variable in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.Rule
PROB_CONTEXT_FREE - Static variable in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
ProbabilisticGrammar - Interface in aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars
probability(S, S, A) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.mdp.TransitionProbabilityFunction
Return the probability of going from state s using action a to s' based on the underlying transition model P(s' | s, a).
ProbabilityDensity - Interface in aima.core.probability
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 487.

A probability distribution for continuous random variables.
ProbabilityDistribution - Interface in aima.core.probability
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 487.

A probability distribution is a function that assigns probabilities to events (sets of possible worlds).

Note: This definition is slightly different than that given in AIMA3e pg.
probabilityFor(Object...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.CPT
ProbabilityMass - Interface in aima.core.probability
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 487.

A probability distribution for discrete random variables.
ProbabilityModel - Interface in aima.core.probability
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 484.

A fully specified probability model associates a numerical probability P(ω) with each possible world.
probabilityOf(T) - Method in class aima.core.util.FrequencyCounter
Returns the count to which the specified key is mapped in this frequency counter, divided by the total of all counts.
probabilityOfAcceptance(double, double) - Method in class
Returns e&deltaE / T
ProbabilityTable - Class in aima.core.probability.util
A Utility Class for associating values with a set of finite Random Variables.
ProbabilityTable(Collection<RandomVariable>) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
ProbabilityTable(RandomVariable...) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
ProbabilityTable(double[], RandomVariable...) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
ProbabilityTable.Iterator - Interface in aima.core.probability.util
Interface to be implemented by an object/algorithm that wishes to iterate over the possible assignments for the random variables comprising this table.
ProbCNFGrammar - Class in aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars
The CYK algorithm exploits the structure of grammars in Chomsky Normal Form in order to parse efficiently.
ProbCNFGrammar() - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbCNFGrammar
ProbCNFGrammar(ProbCNFGrammar) - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbCNFGrammar
ProbCNFGrammarExamples - Class in
A store of example Probabilistic Chomsky-Normal-Form grammars for testing and demonstrating CYK.
ProbCNFGrammarExamples() - Constructor for class
ProbContextFreeExamples - Class in
ProbContextFreeExamples() - Constructor for class
ProbContextFreeGrammar - Class in aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars
ProbContextFreeGrammar() - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbContextFreeGrammar
ProbContextSensitiveGrammar - Class in aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars
A context-sensitive grammar is less restrictive than context-free and more powerful, but more restrictive than an unrestricted grammar (an less powerfull).
ProbContextSensitiveGrammar() - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbContextSensitiveGrammar
Problem - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 66.

A problem can be defined formally by five components:
The initial state that the agent starts in. A description of the possible actions available to the agent.
Problem(Object, ActionsFunction, ResultFunction, GoalTest) - Constructor for class
Constructs a problem with the specified components, and a default step cost function (i.e.
Problem(Object, ActionsFunction, ResultFunction, GoalTest, StepCostFunction) - Constructor for class
Constructs a problem with the specified components, which includes a step cost function.
Problem() - Constructor for class
ProblemSolvingAgent - Class in
Modified copy of class which can be used for online search, too.
ProblemSolvingAgent() - Constructor for class
ProbUnrestrictedGrammar - Class in aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars
Represents the most general grammatical formalism, the Unrestricted (or Recrusively Enumerable) Grammar.
ProbUnrestrictedGrammar() - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
ProbUtil - Class in aima.core.probability.util
ProbUtil() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.util.ProbUtil
processError(FeedForwardNeuralNetwork, Vector) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.BackPropLearning
processError(Vector) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
processError(Vector) - Method in interface aima.core.learning.neural.FunctionApproximator
Accept an error and change the parameters to accommodate it
processError(FeedForwardNeuralNetwork, Vector) - Method in interface aima.core.learning.neural.NNTrainingScheme
processError(Vector) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Perceptron
processInput(FeedForwardNeuralNetwork, Vector) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.BackPropLearning
processInput(Vector) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
processInput(Vector) - Method in interface aima.core.learning.neural.FunctionApproximator
Returns the output values for the specified input values
processInput(FeedForwardNeuralNetwork, Vector) - Method in interface aima.core.learning.neural.NNTrainingScheme
processInput(Vector) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Perceptron
program - Variable in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractAgent
Proof - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofFinal - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofFinal(ProofStep, Map<Variable, Term>) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofFinal
ProofPrinter - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofPrinter() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofPrinter
ProofStep - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepBwChGoal - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepBwChGoal(Clause, Literal, Map<Variable, Term>) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepBwChGoal
ProofStepChainCancellation - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepChainCancellation(Chain, Chain, Map<Variable, Term>) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainCancellation
ProofStepChainContrapositive - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepChainContrapositive(Chain, Chain) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainContrapositive
ProofStepChainDropped - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepChainDropped(Chain, Chain) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainDropped
ProofStepChainFromClause - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepChainFromClause(Chain, Clause) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainFromClause
ProofStepChainReduction - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepChainReduction(Chain, Chain, Chain, Map<Variable, Term>) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepChainReduction
ProofStepClauseBinaryResolvent - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepClauseBinaryResolvent(Clause, Literal, Literal, Clause, Clause, Map<Variable, Term>, Map<Variable, Term>) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseBinaryResolvent
ProofStepClauseClausifySentence - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepClauseClausifySentence(Clause, Sentence) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseClausifySentence
ProofStepClauseDemodulation - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepClauseDemodulation(Clause, Clause, TermEquality) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseDemodulation
ProofStepClauseFactor - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepClauseFactor(Clause, Clause, Literal, Literal, Map<Variable, Term>, Map<Variable, Term>) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseFactor
ProofStepClauseParamodulation - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepClauseParamodulation(Clause, Clause, Clause, TermEquality) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepClauseParamodulation
ProofStepFoChAlreadyAFact - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepFoChAlreadyAFact(Literal) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepFoChAlreadyAFact
ProofStepFoChAssertFact - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepFoChAssertFact(Clause, Literal, Map<Variable, Term>, ProofStep) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepFoChAssertFact
ProofStepGoal - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepGoal(Object) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepGoal
ProofStepPremise - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepPremise(Object) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepPremise
ProofStepRenaming - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof
ProofStepRenaming(Object, ProofStep) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepRenaming
Proposition - Interface in aima.core.probability.proposition
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 486.

Propositions describing sets of possible worlds are written in a notation that combines elements of propositional logic and constraint satisfaction notation.
PropositionSymbol - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 244.

Proposition Symbol: Each such symbol stands for a proposition that can be true or false.
PropositionSymbol(String) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
PureLinearActivationFunction - Class in aima.core.learning.neural
PureLinearActivationFunction() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.PureLinearActivationFunction
put(K1, K2, V) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.TwoKeyHashMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key pair in this map.


Q - Static variable in class
QLearningAgent<S,A extends Action> - Class in aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 844.

QLearningAgent(ActionsFunction<S, A>, A, double, double, int, double) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.QLearningAgent
QuantifiedSentence - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast
QuantifiedSentence(String, List<Variable>, Sentence) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.QuantifiedSentence
QUANTIFIER - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
Quantifiers - Class in aima.core.logic.fol
Quantifiers() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.Quantifiers
QueenAction - Class in aima.core.environment.nqueens
Queens can be placed, removed, and moved.
QueenAction(String, XYLocation) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.nqueens.QueenAction
Creates a queen action.
queenExistsAt(XYLocation) - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
QueueFactory - Class in
Factory class for queues.
QueueFactory() - Constructor for class
QueueSearch - Class in
Base class for queue-based search implementations, especially for TreeSearch, GraphSearch, and BidirectionalSearch.
QueueSearch(NodeExpander) - Constructor for class


RabbitEyeDataSet - Class in aima.core.learning.neural
RabbitEyeDataSet() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.neural.RabbitEyeDataSet
RAIN_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
RAIN_t_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
RAIN_tm1_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
random - Variable in class
random(int, int) - Static method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Generate matrix with random elements
randomAssignmentToSymbolsInClauses(Set<Clause>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.WalkSAT
randomBoolean() - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
Randomizer - Interface in aima.core.util
randomlyGenerateDestination() - Method in class
Returns a location which is selected by random.
randomlyGenerateDestination() - Method in interface
Returns a location which is selected by random.
randomlySelectFalseClause(Set<Clause>, Model) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.WalkSAT
randomlySelectSymbolFromClause(Clause) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.WalkSAT
randomNumberBetween(int, int) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
randomOffset(int) - Method in class
randomPoint() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.CartesianPlot2D
Calculates a random point that is somewhere inside one of the shapes of the plot or on a border of a shape.
randomPoint() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Circle2D
randomPoint() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ellipse2D
randomPoint() - Method in interface aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.IGeometric2D
Generates a random point that is on this geometric shape.
randomPoint() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Line2D
randomPoint() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Polyline2D
randomPoint() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Rect2D
randomPose() - Method in interface aima.core.robotics.IMclMap
Generates a random valid pose on the map.
randomPose() - Method in class
randomSample(Node, Map<RandomVariable, Object>, Randomizer) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbUtil
Get a random sample from P(Xi | parents(Xi))
randomSelection(List<Individual<A>>, FitnessFunction<A>) - Method in class
RandomVariable - Interface in aima.core.probability
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 486.

Variables in probability theory are called random variables and their names begin with an uppercase letter.
RandVar - Class in aima.core.probability.util
Default implementation of the RandomVariable interface.
RandVar(String, Domain) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.util.RandVar
Ray2D - Class in aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes
This class implements a ray in a two-dimensional Cartesian plot.
A ray is represented by a Point2D and a directional Vector2D.
Ray2D(Point2D, Vector2D) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ray2D
Ray2D(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ray2D
rayCast(P) - Method in interface aima.core.robotics.IMclMap
Calculates the length of a ray in a direction defined by a pose.
rayCast(P) - Method in class
rayCast(Ray2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.CartesianPlot2D
Calculates the length of a ray until it intersects with a shape.
As this class uses the set maximum ray range to speed up this ray casting,
this function may return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY for a ray that intersects with an obstacle that is further away than the rayRange from the given starting point.
rayCast(Ray2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Circle2D
rayCast(Ray2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ellipse2D
rayCast(Ray2D) - Method in interface aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.IGeometric2D
Intersects this geometric shape with a ray.
rayCast(Ray2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Line2D
rayCast(Ray2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Polyline2D
rayCast(Ray2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Rect2D
read(BufferedReader) - Static method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Read a matrix from a stream.
recreate(Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.AbstractFOLVisitor
Rect2D - Class in aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes
This class implements a rectangle in a two-dimensional Cartesian plot that has its edges parallel to the axis of the plot.
With this condition fast operations are possible for ray-casting and point-inside-testing.
Rect2D(Point2D, Point2D) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Rect2D
Rect2D(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Rect2D
RecursiveBestFirstSearch - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 3.26, page 99.

RecursiveBestFirstSearch(EvaluationFunction) - Constructor for class
RecursiveBestFirstSearch(EvaluationFunction, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructor which allows to enable the loop avoidance strategy.
RecursiveBestFirstSearch(EvaluationFunction, boolean, NodeExpander) - Constructor for class
RED - Static variable in class
ReducedLiteral - Class in
ReducedLiteral(AtomicSentence) - Constructor for class
ReducedLiteral(AtomicSentence, boolean) - Constructor for class
reduceDomains(CSP) - Method in class
Makes a CSP consisting of binary constraints arc-consistent.
reduceDomains(Variable, Object, CSP) - Method in class
Reduces the domain of the specified variable to the specified value and reestablishes arc-consistency.
ReflexVacuumAgent - Class in aima.core.environment.vacuum
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 2.8, page 48.

ReflexVacuumAgent() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.ReflexVacuumAgent
refreshDataset() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
REGULAR - Static variable in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
ReinforcementAgent<S,A extends Action> - Class in aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent
An abstract base class for creating reinforcement based agents.
ReinforcementAgent() - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.ReinforcementAgent
Default Constructor.
RejectionSampling - Class in aima.core.probability.bayes.approx
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 533.

RejectionSampling() - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.RejectionSampling
RejectionSampling(PriorSample) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.RejectionSampling
rejectionSampling(RandomVariable[], AssignmentProposition[], BayesianNetwork, int) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.RejectionSampling
The REJECTION-SAMPLING algorithm in Figure 14.14.
relevantPages(String) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.HITS
Fetches and returns all pages that match the query
remove(PropositionSymbol) - Method in class
remove() - Method in class aima.core.util.ArrayIterator
remove(VertexLabelType, VertexLabelType) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.LabeledGraph
Removes an edge from the graph.
REMOVE_QUEEN - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.QueenAction
removeAgent(Agent) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Environment
Remove an agent from the environment.
removeAgent(Agent) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
removeAssignment(Variable) - Method in class
removeAttribute(Object) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes
Removes the attribute with the specified key from this ObjectWithDynamicAttributes.
removeBidirectionalLink(String, String) - Method in class
Removes the two corresponding one-way connections.
removeCell(int, int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.cellworld.CellWorld
Remove the cell at the specified location from this Cell World.
removeCSPStateListener(CSPStateListener) - Method in class
Removes a CSP listener from the solution strategy.
removedClauseFromSOS(Clause) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.defaultimpl.DefaultLightestClauseHeuristic
removedClauseFromSOS(Clause) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.LightestClauseHeuristic
removeEnvironmentObject(EnvironmentObject) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Environment
Remove an EnvironmentObject from the Environment.
removeEnvironmentObject(EnvironmentObject) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
removeEnvironmentView(EnvironmentView) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Environment
Remove a view on the Environment.
removeEnvironmentView(EnvironmentView) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
removeExample(Example) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
removeFOLDomainListener(FOLDomainListener) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomain
removeFrom(List<T>, T) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
removeFromFrontier() - Method in class
Cleans up the head of the frontier, removes the first node of a non-explored state from the head of the frontier, adds it to the corresponding explored map, and returns the node.
removeFromFrontier() - Method in class
Removes the node at the head of the frontier, adds the corresponding state to the explored set, and returns the node.
removeFromFrontier() - Method in class
Removes the node at the head of the frontier, adds the corresponding state to the explored set, and returns the node.
removeFromFrontier() - Method in class
Removes the node at the head of the frontier, adds the corresponding state to the explored set, and returns the node.
removeFromFrontier() - Method in class
Primitive operation which removes and returns the node at the head of the frontier.
removeFromFrontier() - Method in class
Removes and returns the node at the head of the frontier.
removeKey(K1, K2) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.TwoKeyHashMap
Removes the mapping for this key pair from this map if present.
removeQueenFrom(XYLocation) - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
removeUnidirectionalLink(String, String) - Method in class
Removes a one-way connection.
removeValueFromDomain(Variable, Object) - Method in class
Replaces the domain of the specified variable by new domain, which contains all values of the old domain except the specified value.
replace(AtomicSentence, Term, Term) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.ReplaceMatchingTerm
replaceAnswerBindings(Map<Variable, Term>) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.Proof
replaceAnswerBindings(Map<Variable, Term>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofFinal
ReplaceMatchingTerm() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.ReplaceMatchingTerm
report(List<Page>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.HITS
Simple console display of HITS Algorithm results.
reproduce(Individual<A>, Individual<A>) - Method in class
reproduce(Individual<Double>, Individual<Double>) - Method in class
Produces for each number in the descendant's representation a random value between the corresponding values of its parents.
reset() - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.PassiveADPAgent
reset() - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.PassiveTDAgent
reset() - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.QLearningAgent
reset() - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.agent.ReinforcementAgent
Reset the agent back to its initial state before it has learned anything about its environment.
reset() - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example.CellWorldEnvironmentState
Reset the environment state to its default state.
reset() - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.trace.FOLModelEliminationTracer
resetCounter() - Method in class
Resets the counter for NodeExpander.expand(Node, Problem) calls.
resolvePositiveWithNegative(Clause, Clause, Set<Clause>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLResolution
rest(List<T>) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
Get a sublist of all of the elements in the list except for first.
restoreDomains(CSP) - Method in class
result(Cell<C>, CellWorldAction) - Method in class aima.core.environment.cellworld.CellWorld
Determine what cell would be moved into if the specified action is performed in the specified cell.
result(Object, Action) - Method in interface
Returns the state that results from doing action a in state s
resultFunction - Variable in class
ResultFunction - Interface in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 67.

A description of what each action does; the formal name for this is the transition model, specified by a function RESULT(s, a) that returns the state that results from doing action a in state s.
resultFunction - Variable in class
results(Object, Action) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumWorldResults
Returns a list of possible results for a given state and action
results(Object, Action) - Method in interface
Returns the states that result from doing action a in state s
resultsFunction - Variable in class
ResultsFunction - Interface in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 136.

Closely related to ResultFunction, but for non-deterministic problems; in these problems, the outcome of an action will be a set of results, not a single result.
retrieveBestIndividual(Collection<Individual<A>>, FitnessFunction<A>) - Method in class
reward() - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example.CellWorldPercept
reward() - Method in interface aima.core.learning.reinforcement.RewardPercept
reward(S) - Method in class aima.core.probability.mdp.impl.MDP
reward(S) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.mdp.MarkovDecisionProcess
Get the reward associated with being in state s.
reward(S) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.mdp.RewardFunction
Get the reward associated with being in state s.
RewardFunction<S> - Interface in aima.core.probability.mdp
An interface for MDP reward functions.
RewardPercept - Interface in aima.core.learning.reinforcement
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 830.

Our framework for agents regards the reward as part of the input percept, but the agent must be "hardwired" to recognize that part as a reward rather than as just another sensory input.
rhs - Variable in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.Rule
RIGHT - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
right() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation
Returns the location one unit right of this location.
RIMNICU_VILCEA - Static variable in class
ringOfThievesDomain() - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.DomainFactory
RobotException - Exception in aima.core.robotics.datatypes
A RobotException may be thrown by a class implementing IMclRobot during any actions invoked on the robot in case something has gone wrong and the localization should be halted.
RobotException() - Constructor for exception aima.core.robotics.datatypes.RobotException
ROCKHAMPTON - Static variable in class
Room - Class in aima.core.environment.wumpusworld
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 236.

The wumpus world is a cave consisting of rooms connected by passageways.
Room(int, int) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.Room
rootNodes - Variable in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.BayesNet
rotate(double) - Static method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.TransformMatrix2D
Produces a transformation matrix representing a rotation operation around the origin of the coordinate system.
RPAREN - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
RSQRBRACKET - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
Rule - Class in aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule
A simple implementation of a "condition-action rule".
Rule(Condition, Action) - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.Rule
Constructs a condition-action rule.
Rule - Class in aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars
A derivation rule that is contained within a grammar.
Rule(List<String>, List<String>, float) - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.Rule
Rule(List<String>, float) - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.Rule
Rule(String, String, float) - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.Rule
ruleAction(Rule) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.ModelBasedReflexAgentProgram
ruleAction(Rule) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.SimpleReflexAgentProgram
ruleMatch(DynamicState, Set<Rule>) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.ModelBasedReflexAgentProgram
ruleMatch(ObjectWithDynamicAttributes, Set<Rule>) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.SimpleReflexAgentProgram
rules - Variable in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
RunCYK - Class in aima.core.nlp.parsing
A simple runner class to test out one parsing scenario on CYK.
RunCYK() - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.parsing.RunCYK
RunHITS - Class in aima.core.nlp.ranking
RunHITS() - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.ranking.RunHITS


SA - Static variable in class
sample(double, RandomVariable, double[]) - Static method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbUtil
satisfies(Set<Clause>) - Method in class
Determine if the model satisfies a set of clauses.
SATPlan - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.inference
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 261.

SATPlan(SATSolver, SATPlan.SolutionExtractor) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.SATPlan
satPlan(SATPlan.Describe, SATPlan.Describe, SATPlan.Describe, int) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.SATPlan
function SATPlan(init, transition, goal, Tmax) returns solution or failure
SATSolver - Interface in aima.core.logic.propositional.inference
Basic interface to a SAT Solver.
scale(double, double) - Static method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.TransformMatrix2D
Produces a transformation matrix representing a scaling operation.
Scenario - Class in
A scenario specifies an environment, the agent's knowledge about the environment, and the agents initial location.
Scenario(MapEnvironment, Map, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a scenario.
Scheduler - Class in
Scheduler(int, double, int) - Constructor for class
Scheduler() - Constructor for class
search(Problem) - Method in class
search(Problem) - Method in class
search(Problem) - Method in class
Primitive operation, responsible for the generation of an action list (plan) for the given search problem.
search(Problem) - Method in class
search(NondeterministicProblem) - Method in class
Searches through state space and returns a conditional plan for the given problem.
SearchAgent - Class in
SearchAgent(Problem, SearchForActions) - Constructor for class
SearchForActions - Interface in
Interface for all AIMA3e search algorithms which store at least a part of the exploration history as search tree and return a list of actions leading from the initial state to a goal state.
SearchForStates - Interface in
Interface for all AIMA3e search algorithms which forget the exploration history and return just a single state which is hopefully a goal state.
searchNode(Problem) - Method in class
Returns a list of actions to the local maximum if the local maximum was found, a list containing a single NoOp Action if already at the local maximum, or an empty list if the search was canceled by the user.
SearchUtils - Class in
Provides several useful static methods for implementing search.
SearchUtils() - Constructor for class
selectionStrategy - Variable in class
selectRandomlyFromList(List<T>) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
Randomly select an element from a list.
selectUnassignedVariable(Assignment, CSP) - Method in class
Primitive operation, selecting a not yet assigned variable.
selectUnassignedVariable(Assignment, CSP) - Method in class
Primitive operation, selecting a not yet assigned variable.
sensitivityMatrixFromErrorMatrix(Vector) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.LayerSensitivity
sensitivityMatrixFromSucceedingLayer(LayerSensitivity) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.LayerSensitivity
Sentence - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast
Sentence - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 244.

The base of the knowledge representation language for propositional logic.
Sentence() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Sentence
SentenceProposition - Interface in aima.core.probability.proposition
Indicator interface used to identify Sentence Propositions.
set(String, int) - Method in class
set(String, double) - Method in class
set(String, long) - Method in class
set(VertexLabelType, VertexLabelType, EdgeLabelType) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.LabeledGraph
Adds a directed labeled edge to the graph.
set(RowHeaderType, ColumnHeaderType, ValueType) - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.Table
Maps the specified row and column to the specified value in the table.
set(int, int, double) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Set a single element.
setAdaptee(BayesSampleInference) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.BayesInferenceApproxAdapter
setAgentLocation(Agent, String) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironmentState
Sets the agent location
setAgentLocation(Agent, Cell<Double>) - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example.CellWorldEnvironmentState
Set an agent's location within the cell world environment.
setAgentLocationAndTravelDistance(Agent, String, Double) - Method in class
setAlive(boolean) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Agent
Set the current liveness of the Agent.
setAlive(boolean) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractAgent
setAssignment(Variable, Object) - Method in class
setAttribute(Object, Object) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes
Associates the specified value with the specified attribute key.
setBayesInference(BayesInference) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.model.FiniteBayesModel
setBoard(List<XYLocation>) - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
setBoard(List<XYLocation>) - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
setBreeze(boolean) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPercept
setBump(boolean) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPercept
setCaveXDimension(int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
setCaveYDimension(int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
setCell(Cell<Double>) - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example.CellWorldPercept
Set the cell within the environment that the percept refers to.
setClauseFilter(ClauseFilter) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver
setClauseSimplifier(ClauseSimplifier) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver
setConfig(String, Double) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNConfig
setConfig(String, int) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNConfig
setContent(C) - Method in class aima.core.environment.cellworld.Cell
Set the cell's content.
setContent(String) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.Page
setCurrentValueFor(int[]) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.MixedRadixNumber
Sets the value of the mixed radix number with the specified array of numerals and the current array of radices.
setDiscardTautologies(boolean) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLResolution
Determine whether or not the algorithm should discard tautological clauses during processing.
setDistAndDirToRefLocation(String, double, int) - Method in class
Defines the position of a location within the map.
setDomain(Variable, Domain) - Method in class
setEarlyGoalTest(boolean) - Method in class
Enables optimization for FIFO queue based search, especially breadth first search.
setEmptyDomainFound(boolean) - Method in class
setExtendedValue(RandomVariable, Object) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.exact.EnumerationAsk.ObservedEvidence
setGlitter(boolean) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPercept
setHeuristicFunction(HeuristicFunction) - Method in class
setHeuristicFunction(HeuristicFunction) - Method in class
Sets the heuristic function of this agent.
setImmutable() - Method in class
setIndexical(int) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Variable
setInference(ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy.Inference) - Method in class
Selects the algorithm for INFERENCE.
setInferenceProcedure(InferenceProcedure) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
setInput(String) - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Lexer
Sets the character stream of the lexical analyzer.
setInput(Reader) - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Lexer
Set the character stream reader of the lexical analyzer.
setLastBiasUpdateVector(Vector) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
setLastWeightUpdateMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
setLightestClauseHeuristic(LightestClauseHeuristic) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver
setLocationState(String, VacuumEnvironment.LocationState) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironmentState
Sets the location state
setLogEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setLower(Comparable<C>) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Sets the lower end point of the interval.
setLowerExclusive(boolean) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Sets the interval to lower exclusive or lower inclusive.
setLowerInclusive(boolean) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Sets the interval to lower inclusive or lower exclusive.
setMatrix(int, int, int, int, Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Set a submatrix.
setMatrix(int[], int[], Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Set a submatrix.
setMatrix(int[], int, int, Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Set a submatrix.
setMatrix(int, int, int[], Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Set a submatrix.
setMaxQueryTime(long) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLModelElimination
setMaxQueryTime(long) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver
setMaxQueryTime(long) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLTFMResolution
setModel(Model) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.ModelBasedReflexAgentProgram
Set the program's description of how the next state depends on the state and action.
setN(int) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.BayesInferenceApproxAdapter
setNeuralNetwork(FunctionApproximator) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.BackPropLearning
setNeuralNetwork(FunctionApproximator) - Method in interface aima.core.learning.neural.NNTrainingScheme
setOfClausesInTheCNFRepresentationOfKBAndNotAlpha(KnowledgeBase, Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.PLResolution
SetOps - Class in aima.core.util
Note: This code is based on - Java Tutorial: The Set Interface
Using LinkedHashSet, even though slightly slower than HashSet, in order to ensure order is always respected (i.e.
SetOps() - Constructor for class aima.core.util.SetOps
setPenultimateBiasUpdateVector(Vector) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
setPenultimateWeightUpdateMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
setPerceptToStateFunction(PerceptToStateFunction) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.NondeterministicVacuumAgent
Sets the percept to state functino of this agent.
setPerceptToStateFunction(PerceptToStateFunction) - Method in class
Sets the percept to state function of this agent.
setPerceptToStateFunction(PerceptToStateFunction) - Method in class
Sets the percept to state functino of this agent.
setPosition(String, double, double) - Method in class
Defines the position of a location as with respect to an orthogonal coordinate system.
setPredecessor(ProofStep) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStepBwChGoal
setProblem(NondeterministicProblem) - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.NondeterministicVacuumAgent
Sets the search problem for this agent to solve.
setProblem(OnlineSearchProblem) - Method in class
Sets the search problem for this agent to solve.
setProblem(OnlineSearchProblem) - Method in class
Sets the search problem for this agent to solve.
setProofStep(ProofStep) - Method in class
setProofStep(ProofStep) - Method in class
setRayRange(double) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.CartesianPlot2D
Sets the maximum length of a rayCast after which Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY may be returned.
setReverseActionTestEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Enables a check for all actions offered by the reverse problem whether there exists a corresponding action of the original problem.
setRules(Set<Rule>) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.ModelBasedReflexAgentProgram
Set the program's condition-action rules
setScream(boolean) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPercept
setSensorRange(double) - Method in class
Sets the sensor range.
setShapes(ArrayList<IGeometric2D>) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.CartesianPlot2D
Sets the set of shapes of the plot.
setSpecification(DataSetSpecification) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
setStandardizedApartCheckNotRequired() - Method in class
setState(DynamicState) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.ModelBasedReflexAgentProgram
Set the agent's current conception of the world state.
setStench(boolean) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPercept
setStepNumber(int) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.AbstractProofStep
setStepNumber(int) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofStep
setTarget(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSetSpecification
setTargetColumns() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.IrisNNDataSet
setTargetColumns() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
setTargetColumns() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.RabbitEyeDataSet
setTracer(FOLTFMResolutionTracer) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLTFMResolution
setTrainingScheme(NNTrainingScheme) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
setUpper(Comparable<C>) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Sets the upper end point of the interval.
setUpperExclusive(boolean) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Sets the interval to upper exclusive or upper inclusive.
setUpperInclusive(boolean) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Interval
Sets the interval to upper inclusive or upper exclusive.
setUpToParse(String) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLParser
setUseParamodulation(boolean) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver
setValue(int, double) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.CategoricalDistribution
Set the value at a specified index within the distribution.
setValue(Object) - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.AssignmentProposition
setValue(int, double) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
setValue(int, double) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Vector
Sets the value at the specified index.
setVariableSelection(ImprovedBacktrackingStrategy.Selection) - Method in class
Selects the algorithm for SELECT-UNASSIGNED-VARIABLE
setWeightCutOff(double) - Method in class aima.core.robotics.MonteCarloLocalization
Sets the minimum weight of the particles.
Shoot - Class in aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 237.

The action Shoot can be used to fire an arrow in a straight line in the direction the agent is facing.
Shoot() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.Shoot
SHOOT_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.Shoot
SIBIU - Static variable in class
SimpleEnvironmentView - Class in aima.core.agent.impl
Simple environment view which uses the standard output stream to inform about relevant events.
SimpleEnvironmentView() - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.SimpleEnvironmentView
SimpleMapAgent - Class in
Note: This implementation should be used with one predefined goal only or with uninformed search.
SimpleMapAgent(Map, EnvironmentViewNotifier, SearchForActions) - Constructor for class
SimpleMapAgent(Map, EnvironmentViewNotifier, SearchForActions, int) - Constructor for class
SimpleMapAgent(Map, EnvironmentViewNotifier, SearchForActions, String[]) - Constructor for class
SimpleMapAgent(Map, SearchForActions, String[]) - Constructor for class
SimpleProblemSolvingAgent - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 3.1, page 67.

SimpleProblemSolvingAgent() - Constructor for class
Constructs a simple problem solving agent which will formulate goals indefinitely.
SimpleProblemSolvingAgent(int) - Constructor for class
Constructs a simple problem solving agent which will formulate, at maximum, the specified number of goals.
SimpleReflexAgentProgram - Class in aima.core.agent.impl.aprog
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 2.10, page 49.

SimpleReflexAgentProgram(Set<Rule>) - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.SimpleReflexAgentProgram
Constructs a SimpleReflexAgentProgram with a set of condition-action rules.
SimpleReflexVacuumAgent - Class in aima.core.environment.vacuum
SimpleReflexVacuumAgent() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.SimpleReflexVacuumAgent
SimplifiedRoadMapOfAustralia - Class in
Represents a simplified road map of Australia.
SimplifiedRoadMapOfAustralia() - Constructor for class
SimplifiedRoadMapOfPartOfRomania - Class in
Represents a simplified road map of Romania.
SimplifiedRoadMapOfPartOfRomania() - Constructor for class
simplify(Clause) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.ClauseSimplifier
simplify(Clause) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.otter.defaultimpl.DefaultClauseSimplifier
SimulatedAnnealingSearch - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 4.5, page 126.

SimulatedAnnealingSearch(HeuristicFunction) - Constructor for class
Constructs a simulated annealing search from the specified heuristic function and a default scheduler.
SimulatedAnnealingSearch(HeuristicFunction, Scheduler) - Constructor for class
Constructs a simulated annealing search from the specified heuristic function and scheduler.
SimulatedAnnealingSearch(HeuristicFunction, Scheduler, NodeExpander) - Constructor for class
SimulatedAnnealingSearch.SearchOutcome - Enum in
size() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
size() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.kb.KnowledgeBase
Returns the number of sentences in the knowledge base.
size() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractContinuousDomain
size() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractDiscreteDomain
size() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractFiniteDomain
size() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.ArbitraryTokenDomain
size() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.BooleanDomain
size() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.domain.Domain
size() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.FiniteIntegerDomain
size() - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Vector
Returns the number of values in this vector.
skolemConstantAdded(FOLDomainSkolemConstantAddedEvent) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomainListener
skolemFunctionAdded(FOLDomainSkolemFunctionAddedEvent) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomainListener
SolutionChecker - Interface in
A specialization of the GoalTest interface so that it is possible to check the solution once a goal has been identified to determine if it is acceptable.
SolutionStrategy - Class in
Base class for CSP solver implementations.
SolutionStrategy() - Constructor for class
solve(Set<Clause>) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.SATSolver
Solve a given problem in CNF format.
solve(CSP) - Method in class
solve(CSP) - Method in class
Starts with a constraint propagation if AC-3 is enabled and then calls the super class implementation.
solve(CSP) - Method in class
solve(CSP) - Method in class
Returns a solution to the specified CSP, which specifies values for all the variables such that the constraints are satisfied.
solve(CSP) - Method in class
solve(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.LUDecomposition
Solve A*X = B
solve(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Solve A*X = B
solveTranspose(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Solve X*A = B, which is also A'*X' = B'
someClauseFalse(Set<Clause>, Model) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.DPLLSatisfiable
sortAuthority(List<Page>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.HITS
Organize the list of pages according to their descending Authority Scores
sortHub(List<Page>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.HITS
Organize the list of pages according to their descending Hub scores.
south() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation
Returns the location one unit behind, this location.
specification - Variable in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
splitByAttribute(String) - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.DataSet
SPRINKLER_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
standardizeApart(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
standardizeApart(Clause) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
standardizeApart(Chain) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
StandardizeApart - Class in aima.core.logic.fol
StandardizeApart() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApart
StandardizeApart(VariableCollector, SubstVisitor) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApart
standardizeApart(Sentence, StandardizeApartIndexical) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApart
standardizeApart(Clause, StandardizeApartIndexical) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApart
standardizeApart(Chain, StandardizeApartIndexical) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApart
standardizeApart(List<Literal>, List<Literal>, StandardizeApartIndexical) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApart
standardizeApart(Chain, int) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApartInPlace
standardizeApart(Clause, int) - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApartInPlace
StandardizeApartIndexical - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol
StandardizeApartIndexicalFactory - Class in aima.core.logic.fol
This class ensures unique standardize apart indexicals are created.
StandardizeApartIndexicalFactory() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApartIndexicalFactory
StandardizeApartInPlace - Class in aima.core.logic.fol
StandardizeApartInPlace() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApartInPlace
StandardizeApartResult - Class in aima.core.logic.fol
StandardizeApartResult(Sentence, Sentence, Map<Variable, Term>, Map<Variable, Term>) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.StandardizeApartResult
State - Interface in aima.core.agent
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): pg 50.
The most effective way to handle partial observability is for the agent to keep track of the part of the world it can't see now.
state - Variable in class
state - Variable in class
state() - Method in class aima.core.learning.reinforcement.example.CellWorldPercept
state() - Method in interface aima.core.learning.reinforcement.PerceptStateReward
stateChanged(Assignment, CSP) - Method in interface
Informs about changed assignments.
stateChanged(CSP) - Method in interface
Informs about changed domains (inferences).
states() - Method in class aima.core.probability.mdp.impl.MDP
states() - Method in interface aima.core.probability.mdp.MarkovDecisionProcess
Get the set of states associated with the Markov decision process.
STENCH - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
step() - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Environment
Move the Environment one time step forward.
step(int) - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Environment
Move the Environment n time steps forward.
step() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
Central template method for controlling agent simulation.
step(int) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
stepCostFunction - Variable in class
StepCostFunction - Interface in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 68.

The step cost of taking action a in state s to reach state s' is denoted by c(s, a, s').
stepCostFunction - Variable in class
stepCostFunction - Variable in class
stepFinished(Set<Clause>, InferenceResult) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.trace.FOLTFMResolutionTracer
stepInnerFor(Clause, Clause) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.trace.FOLTFMResolutionTracer
stepOuterFor(Clause) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.trace.FOLTFMResolutionTracer
stepResolved(Clause, Clause, Set<Clause>) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.trace.FOLTFMResolutionTracer
stepStartWhile(Set<Clause>, int, int) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.inference.trace.FOLTFMResolutionTracer
stepUntilDone() - Method in interface aima.core.agent.Environment
Step through time steps until the Environment has no more tasks.
stepUntilDone() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
STIFF_NECK_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
storeDomainFor(Variable, Domain) - Method in class
Stores the specified domain for the specified variable if a domain has not yet been stored for the variable.
StringAttribute - Class in aima.core.learning.framework
StringAttribute(String, StringAttributeSpecification) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.framework.StringAttribute
StringAttributeSpecification - Class in aima.core.learning.framework
StringAttributeSpecification(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.framework.StringAttributeSpecification
StringAttributeSpecification(String, String[]) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.framework.StringAttributeSpecification
StumpLearner - Class in aima.core.learning.learners
StumpLearner(DecisionTree, String) - Constructor for class aima.core.learning.learners.StumpLearner
sub(Vector2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D
Subtracts a vector from a point.
This moves the point by vector.getX() in negative X direction and vector.getY() in negative Y direction.
sub(Vector2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
Subtracts a vector from this vector.
SubsetProposition - Class in aima.core.probability.proposition
SubsetProposition(String, FiniteDomain, RandomVariable) - Constructor for class aima.core.probability.proposition.SubsetProposition
subst(Map<Variable, Term>, Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
subst(Map<Variable, Term>, Literal) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
subst(Map<Variable, Term>, Term) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
subst(Map<Variable, Term>, Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.SubstVisitor
Note: Refer to Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 323.
subst(Map<Variable, Term>, Term) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.SubstVisitor
subst(Map<Variable, Term>, Function) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.SubstVisitor
subst(Map<Variable, Term>, Literal) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.SubstVisitor
substVisitor - Variable in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation
SubstVisitor - Class in aima.core.logic.fol
SubstVisitor() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.SubstVisitor
subsumes(Clause) - Method in class
SubsumptionElimination - Class in aima.core.logic.fol
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 356.

The subsumption method eliminates all sentences that are subsumed by (that is, more specific than) an existing sentence in the KB.
SubsumptionElimination() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.SubsumptionElimination
SumInlinkHubScore(Page) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.HITS
Calculate the Authority score of a page by summing the Hub scores of that page's inlinks.
sumOfSquares(List<T>) - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util
sumOut(RandomVariable...) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.Factor
Sum out the provided variables from this Factor creating a new Factor of the remaining variables with their values updated with the summed out random variables.

see: AIMA3e page 527.

sumOut(RandomVariable...) - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
SumOutlinkAuthorityScore(Page) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.HITS
Calculate the Hub score of a page by summing the Authority scores of that page's outlinks.
SVGGroupParser - Class in aima.core.util.math.geom
This class implements IGroupParser for a SVG map.
SVGGroupParser() - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.SVGGroupParser
SYDNEY - Static variable in class
SYMBOL - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
SymbolCollector - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors
Utility class for collecting propositional symbols from sentences.
SymbolCollector() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.SymbolCollector


T - Static variable in class
Table<RowHeaderType,ColumnHeaderType,ValueType> - Class in aima.core.util.datastructure
Table(List<RowHeaderType>, List<ColumnHeaderType>) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.datastructure.Table
Constructs a Table with the specified row and column headers.
TableDrivenAgentProgram - Class in aima.core.agent.impl.aprog
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 2.7, page 47.

TableDrivenAgentProgram(Map<List<Percept>, Action>) - Constructor for class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.TableDrivenAgentProgram
Constructs a TableDrivenAgentProgram with a table of actions, indexed by percept sequences.
TableDrivenVacuumAgent - Class in aima.core.environment.vacuum
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 2.3, page 36.

Figure 2.3 Partial tabulation of a simple agent function for the vacuum-cleaner world shown in Figure 2.2.
TableDrivenVacuumAgent() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.TableDrivenVacuumAgent
TAMWORTH - Static variable in class
targetColumnNumbers - Variable in class aima.core.learning.neural.NNDataSet
targetValue() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.Example
tell(String) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
tell(List<? extends Sentence>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
tell(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
tell(String) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.kb.KnowledgeBase
Adds the specified sentence to the knowledge base.
tell(Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.kb.KnowledgeBase
Adds the specified sentence to the knowledge base.
tellAll(String[]) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.kb.KnowledgeBase
Each time the agent program is called, it TELLS the knowledge base what it perceives.
tellTemporalPhysicsSentences(int) - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
TELL the KB the temporal "physics" sentences for time t
TENNANT_CREEK - Static variable in class
Term - Interface in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast
TermEquality - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast
TermEquality(Term, Term) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.TermEquality
terminals - Variable in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
TermProposition - Interface in aima.core.probability.proposition
A proposition on a single variable term.
test(DataSet) - Method in interface aima.core.learning.framework.Learner
Returns the accuracy of the hypothesis on the specified set of examples
test(DataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.AdaBoostLearner
test(DataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.CurrentBestLearner
test(DataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.DecisionListLearner
test(DataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.DecisionTreeLearner
test(DataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.MajorityLearner
testOn(DataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
testOnDataSet(NNDataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
testOnDataSet(NNDataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Perceptron
Returns the accuracy of the hypothesis on the specified set of examples
TicTacToeGame - Class in aima.core.environment.tictactoe
Provides an implementation of the Tic-tac-toe game which can be used for experiments with the Minimax algorithm.
TicTacToeGame() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeGame
TicTacToeState - Class in aima.core.environment.tictactoe
A state of the Tic-tac-toe game is characterized by a board containing symbols X and O, the next player to move, and an utility information.
TicTacToeState() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
TIME_IN_MILLISECONDS - Static variable in class
times(double) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Multiply a matrix by a scalar, C = s*A
times(Matrix) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B
timesEquals(double) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Multiply a matrix by a scalar in place, A = s*A
TIMISOARA - Static variable in class
Token - Class in aima.core.logic.common
A token generated by a lexer from a sequence of characters.
Token(int, String, int) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.common.Token
Constructs a token from the specified token-name and attribute-value
TOOTHACHE_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
topologicalSort(CSP, List<Variable>, Variable) - Method in class
toString() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.ANDCondition
toString() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.EQUALCondition
toString() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.NOTCondition
toString() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.ORCondition
toString() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.simplerule.Rule
toString() - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes
toString() - Method in class aima.core.environment.cellworld.Cell
toString() - Method in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
toString() - Method in class aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard
toString() - Method in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
toString() - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.LocalVacuumEnvironmentPercept
Return string representation of this percept.
toString() - Method in class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironmentState
Returns a string representation of the environment
toString() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPercept
toString() - Method in enum aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPosition.Orientation
toString() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPosition
toString() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.Room
toString() - Method in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
toString() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.Example
toString() - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.ConstantDecisonTree
toString(int, StringBuffer) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.ConstantDecisonTree
toString() - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DecisionList
toString() - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DecisionTree
toString(int, StringBuffer) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DecisionTree
toString() - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DLTest
toString() - Method in class aima.core.learning.knowledge.FOLExample
toString() - Method in class aima.core.logic.common.Token
toString() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.proof.ProofFinal
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
toString() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.ConnectedSentence
toString() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Constant
toString() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Function
toString() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.NotSentence
toString() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Predicate
toString() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.QuantifiedSentence
toString() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.TermEquality
toString() - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Variable
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.kb.KnowledgeBase
toString() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.ComplexSentence
toString() - Method in enum aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Connective
toString() - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
toString() - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
toString() - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.Rule
toString() - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.AbstractNode
toString() - Method in class aima.core.probability.domain.AbstractFiniteDomain
toString() - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.AssignmentProposition
toString() - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.ConjunctiveProposition
toString() - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.DisjunctiveProposition
toString() - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.EquivalentProposition
toString() - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.IntegerSumProposition
toString() - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.NotProposition
toString() - Method in class aima.core.probability.proposition.SubsetProposition
toString() - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.ProbabilityTable
toString() - Method in class aima.core.probability.util.RandVar
toString() - Method in class aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.AbstractRangeReading
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Sorts the key-value pairs by key names and formats them as equations.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Return string representation of this if-then-else
toString() - Method in class
Returns the string representation of this plan
toString() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.Pair
toString() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.Table
toString() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.Triplet
toString() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation
toString() - Method in class aima.core.util.FrequencyCounter
toString() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Interval
toString() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
toString() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.MixedRadixNumber
TOWNSVILLE - Static variable in class
trace() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Matrix trace.
traceProgress(int, Collection<Individual<A>>) - Method in interface
train(DataSet) - Method in interface aima.core.learning.framework.Learner
train(DataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.AdaBoostLearner
train(DataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.CurrentBestLearner
train(DataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.DecisionListLearner
Induces the decision list from the specified set of examples
train(DataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.DecisionTreeLearner
Induces the decision tree from the specified set of examples
train(DataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.MajorityLearner
train(DataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.learners.StumpLearner
trainOn(NNDataSet, int) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
trainOn(NNDataSet, int) - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Perceptron
Induces the layer of this perceptron from the specified set of examples
transform(TransformMatrix2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Circle2D
transform(TransformMatrix2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ellipse2D
transform(TransformMatrix2D) - Method in interface aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.IGeometric2D
Calculates a TransformMatrix2D onto this geometric shape.
transform(TransformMatrix2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Line2D
transform(TransformMatrix2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Polyline2D
transform(TransformMatrix2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ray2D
Calculates a transformation matrix onto the ray.
transform(TransformMatrix2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Rect2D
TransformMatrix2D - Class in aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes
Implements a transformation matrix for two-dimensional geometry.
This is based on the svg standard, but does not implement the skewX and skewY operations.
transitionProbability(S, S, A) - Method in class aima.core.probability.mdp.impl.MDP
transitionProbability(S, S, A) - Method in interface aima.core.probability.mdp.MarkovDecisionProcess
Return the probability of going from state s using action a to s' based on the underlying transition model P(s' | s, a).
TransitionProbabilityFunction<S,A extends Action> - Interface in aima.core.probability.mdp
An interface for MDP transition probability functions.
translate(double, double) - Static method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.TransformMatrix2D
Produces a transformation matrix representing a translation operation.
translateToSAT(SATPlan.Describe, SATPlan.Describe, SATPlan.Describe, int) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.SATPlan
transpose() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Matrix transpose.
TreeCSPSolver - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Ed.): Figure 6.11, Page 224.

TreeCSPSolver() - Constructor for class
TreeSearch - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 3.7, page 77.
TreeSearch() - Constructor for class
TreeSearch(NodeExpander) - Constructor for class
Triplet<X,Y,Z> - Class in aima.core.util.datastructure
Triplet(X, Y, Z) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.datastructure.Triplet
Constructs a triplet with three specified elements.
TRUE - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
TRUE - Static variable in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
TRUE_SYMBOL - Static variable in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.PropositionSymbol
tryWithAnotherGoal() - Method in class
Primitive operation, which decides after a search for a plan failed, whether to stop the whole task with a failure, or to go on with formulating another goal.
ttCheckAll(KnowledgeBase, Sentence, List<PropositionSymbol>, Model) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.TTEntails
function TT-CHECK-ALL(KB, α symbols, model) returns true or false
TTEntails - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.inference
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 7.10, page 248.

TTEntails() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.TTEntails
ttEntails(KnowledgeBase, Sentence) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.TTEntails
function TT-ENTAILS?(KB, α) returns true or false.
TURN_LEFT_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.TurnLeft
TURN_RIGHT_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.TurnRight
TurnLeft - Class in aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 237.

The agent can TurnLeft by 90 degrees.
TurnLeft(AgentPosition.Orientation) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.TurnLeft
TurnRight - Class in aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 237.

The agent can TurnRight by 90 degrees.
TurnRight(AgentPosition.Orientation) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.action.TurnRight
TwoKeyHashMap<K1,K2,V> - Class in aima.core.util.datastructure
Provides a hash map which is indexed by two keys.
TwoKeyHashMap() - Constructor for class aima.core.util.datastructure.TwoKeyHashMap
type - Variable in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar


UMBREALLA_t_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
uminus() - Method in class aima.core.util.math.Matrix
Unary minus
UnarySentenceProposition - Interface in aima.core.probability.proposition
Indicator interface used to identify unary sentences.
unifier - Variable in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation
Unifier - Class in aima.core.logic.fol
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 9.1, page 328.

Unifier() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.Unifier
UniformCostSearch - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): Figure 3.14, page 84.

UniformCostSearch() - Constructor for class
Creates a UniformCostSearch instance using GraphSearch
UniformCostSearch(QueueSearch) - Constructor for class
Combines UniformCostSearch queue definition with the specified search space exploration strategy.
unify(FOLNode, FOLNode) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase
unify(FOLNode, FOLNode) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.Unifier
Returns a Map representing the substitution (i.e.
unify(FOLNode, FOLNode, Map<Variable, Term>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.Unifier
Returns a Map representing the substitution (i.e.
unify(List<? extends FOLNode>, List<? extends FOLNode>, Map<Variable, Term>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.Unifier
Returns a Map representing the substitution (i.e.
union(PropositionSymbol, boolean) - Method in class
union(E, E) - Method in class aima.core.util.DisjointSets
Union two disjoint sets together if the arguments currently belong to two different sets.
union(Set<T>, Set<T>) - Static method in class aima.core.util.SetOps
unionInPlace(PropositionSymbol, boolean) - Method in class
UNITY_MATRIX - Static variable in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.TransformMatrix2D
This is the unity/identity matrix:
[ 1 0 0 ]
[ 0 0 0 ]
[ 0 0 1 ]
unmatchedExamples(DataSet) - Method in class aima.core.learning.inductive.DLTest
UNRESTRICTED - Static variable in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
UP - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard
up() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation
Returns the location one unit above this location.
updateBiases() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
updateMetrics(int) - Method in class
updateMetrics(Collection<Individual<A>>, int, long) - Method in class
Updates statistic data collected during search.
updatePerformanceMeasure(Agent, double) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
updateState(DynamicState, Action, Percept, Model) - Method in class aima.core.agent.impl.aprog.ModelBasedReflexAgentProgram
updateState(Percept) - Method in class
updateState(Percept) - Method in class
updateState(Percept) - Method in class
Primitive operation, responsible for updating the state of the agent with respect to latest feedback from the world.
updateState(Percept) - Method in class
updateVarsAndTerminals(Rule) - Method in interface aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbabilisticGrammar
updateVarsAndTerminals() - Method in interface aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbabilisticGrammar
updateVarsAndTerminals() - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
Whenever a new rule is added to the grammar, we want to update the list of variables and terminals with any new grammar symbols
updateVarsAndTerminals(Rule) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
Update variable and terminal lists with a single rule's symbols, if there a new symbols
updateWeights() - Method in class aima.core.learning.neural.Layer
UPPER_LIMIT_WEIGHTS - Static variable in class aima.core.learning.neural.FeedForwardNeuralNetwork
URZICENI - Static variable in class
useParentLinks - Variable in class
useParentLinks(boolean) - Method in class
Modifies NodeExpander.useParentLinks and returns this node expander.
Util - Class in aima.core.util
Util() - Constructor for class aima.core.util.Util
utilMax - Variable in class
utilMin - Variable in class


V - Static variable in class
VacuumEnvironment - Class in aima.core.environment.vacuum
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): pg 58.

Let the world contain just two locations.
VacuumEnvironment() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
Constructs a vacuum environment with two locations, in which dirt is placed at random.
VacuumEnvironment(VacuumEnvironment.LocationState, VacuumEnvironment.LocationState) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment
Constructs a vacuum environment with two locations, in which dirt is placed as specified.
VacuumEnvironment.LocationState - Enum in aima.core.environment.vacuum
VacuumEnvironmentState - Class in aima.core.environment.vacuum
Represents a state in the Vacuum World
VacuumEnvironmentState() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironmentState
VacuumEnvironmentState(VacuumEnvironment.LocationState, VacuumEnvironment.LocationState) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironmentState
VacuumEnvironmentViewActionTracker - Class in aima.core.environment.vacuum
VacuumEnvironmentViewActionTracker(StringBuilder) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironmentViewActionTracker
VacuumWorldActions - Class in aima.core.environment.vacuum
Specifies the actions available to the agent at state s
VacuumWorldActions() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumWorldActions
VacuumWorldGoalTest - Class in aima.core.environment.vacuum
Tests for goals states
VacuumWorldGoalTest(Agent) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumWorldGoalTest
VacuumWorldResults - Class in aima.core.environment.vacuum
Returns possible results
VacuumWorldResults(Agent) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumWorldResults
validatePopulation(Collection<Individual<A>>) - Method in class
validateRuleProbabilities(List<Rule>) - Method in interface aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbabilisticGrammar
validateRuleProbabilities(List<Rule>) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
For a set of rules, test whether each batch of rules with the same LHS have their probabilities sum to exactly 1.0
validRule(Rule) - Method in interface aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbabilisticGrammar
validRule(Rule) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbCNFGrammar
For a grammar rule to be valid in a context-free grammar, all the restrictions of the context-free grammar must hold, and the rule must be in one of three forms.
validRule(Rule) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbContextFreeGrammar
For a grammar rule to be valid in a context-free grammar, all the restrictions of the parent grammars must hold, and the restriction of the context-free grammar must hold.
validRule(Rule) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbContextSensitiveGrammar
For a grammar rule to be valid in a context sensitive grammar, all the restrictions of the parent grammar (unrestricted) must hold, and the number of RHS symbols must be equal or greater than the number of LHS symbols.
validRule(Rule) - Method in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
Test validity of the LHS and RHS of grammar rule.
valueAsDouble() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.NumericAttribute
valueAsString() - Method in interface aima.core.learning.framework.Attribute
valueAsString() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.NumericAttribute
valueAsString() - Method in class aima.core.learning.framework.StringAttribute
ValueIteration<S,A extends Action> - Class in
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 653.

ValueIteration(double) - Constructor for class
valueIteration(MarkovDecisionProcess<S, A>, double) - Method in class
The value iteration algorithm for calculating the utility of states.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aima.core.environment.cellworld.CellWorldAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard.Config
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment.LocationState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPosition.Orientation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Connective
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum aima.core.environment.cellworld.CellWorldAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aima.core.environment.nqueens.NQueensBoard.Config
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aima.core.environment.vacuum.VacuumEnvironment.LocationState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.AgentPosition.Orientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.ast.Connective
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VARIABLE - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
Variable - Class in aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast
Variable(String) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Variable
Variable(String, int) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Variable
Variable - Class in
A variable is a distinguishable object with a name.
Variable(String) - Constructor for class
variableCollector - Variable in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation
VariableCollector - Class in aima.core.logic.fol
VariableCollector() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.fol.VariableCollector
variables - Variable in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.BayesNet
vars - Variable in class aima.core.nlp.parsing.grammars.ProbUnrestrictedGrammar
varToNodeMap - Variable in class aima.core.probability.bayes.impl.BayesNet
VASLUI - Static variable in class
vec(Point2D) - Method in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D
Calculates the vector between this point and the target point.
Vector - Class in aima.core.util.math
Vector(int) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.Vector
Constructs a vector with the specified size.
Vector(List<Double>) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.Vector
Constructs a vector with the specified list of values.
Vector2D - Class in aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes
This class represents a vector in a two-dimensional Cartesian plot.
Simple arithmetic operations are supported.
Vector2D(double, double) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
views - Variable in class aima.core.agent.impl.AbstractEnvironment
visitBinarySentence(ComplexSentence, Boolean) - Method in class
visitBinarySentence(ComplexSentence, A) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.AbstractPLVisitor
visitBinarySentence(ComplexSentence, A) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.PLVisitor
Visit a binary complex sentence (e.g.
visitBinarySentence(ComplexSentence, Set<T>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.BasicGatherer
visitBinarySentence(ComplexSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.BiconditionalElimination
visitBinarySentence(ComplexSentence, Set<Clause>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ClauseCollector
visitBinarySentence(ComplexSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.DistributeAndOverOr
visitBinarySentence(ComplexSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.DistributeOrOverAnd
visitBinarySentence(ComplexSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ImplicationElimination
visitConnectedSentence(ConnectedSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.IdentifyCandidateMatchingTerm
visitConnectedSentence(ConnectedSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.ReplaceMatchingTerm
visitConnectedSentence(ConnectedSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.AbstractFOLVisitor
visitConnectedSentence(ConnectedSentence, Object) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLVisitor
visitConnectedSentence(ConnectedSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.PredicateCollector
visitConnectedSentence(ConnectedSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.VariableCollector
visitConstant(Constant, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.IdentifyCandidateMatchingTerm
visitConstant(Constant, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.ReplaceMatchingTerm
visitConstant(Constant, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.AbstractFOLVisitor
visitConstant(Constant, Object) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLVisitor
visitConstant(Constant, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.PredicateCollector
visitConstant(Constant, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.VariableCollector
visitFunction(Function, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.IdentifyCandidateMatchingTerm
visitFunction(Function, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.ReplaceMatchingTerm
visitFunction(Function, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.AbstractFOLVisitor
visitFunction(Function, Object) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLVisitor
visitFunction(Function, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.PredicateCollector
visitFunction(Function, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.VariableCollector
visitNotSentence(NotSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.IdentifyCandidateMatchingTerm
visitNotSentence(NotSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.ReplaceMatchingTerm
visitNotSentence(NotSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.AbstractFOLVisitor
visitNotSentence(NotSentence, Object) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLVisitor
visitNotSentence(NotSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.PredicateCollector
visitNotSentence(NotSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.VariableCollector
visitPredicate(Predicate, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.IdentifyCandidateMatchingTerm
visitPredicate(Predicate, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.ReplaceMatchingTerm
visitPredicate(Predicate, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.AbstractFOLVisitor
visitPredicate(Predicate, Object) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLVisitor
visitPredicate(Predicate, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.PredicateCollector
visitPredicate(Predicate, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.VariableCollector
visitPropositionSymbol(PropositionSymbol, Boolean) - Method in class
visitPropositionSymbol(PropositionSymbol, A) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.AbstractPLVisitor
visitPropositionSymbol(PropositionSymbol, A) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.PLVisitor
Visit a proposition symbol (e.g A).
visitPropositionSymbol(PropositionSymbol, Set<T>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.BasicGatherer
visitPropositionSymbol(PropositionSymbol, Set<Clause>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ClauseCollector
visitPropositionSymbol(PropositionSymbol, Set<PropositionSymbol>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.SymbolCollector
visitQuantifiedSentence(QuantifiedSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.IdentifyCandidateMatchingTerm
visitQuantifiedSentence(QuantifiedSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.ReplaceMatchingTerm
visitQuantifiedSentence(QuantifiedSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.AbstractFOLVisitor
visitQuantifiedSentence(QuantifiedSentence, Object) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLVisitor
visitQuantifiedSentence(QuantifiedSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.PredicateCollector
visitQuantifiedSentence(QuantifiedSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.SubstVisitor
visitQuantifiedSentence(QuantifiedSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.VariableCollector
visitTermEquality(TermEquality, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.IdentifyCandidateMatchingTerm
visitTermEquality(TermEquality, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.ReplaceMatchingTerm
visitTermEquality(TermEquality, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.AbstractFOLVisitor
visitTermEquality(TermEquality, Object) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLVisitor
visitTermEquality(TermEquality, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.PredicateCollector
visitTermEquality(TermEquality, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.VariableCollector
visitUnarySentence(ComplexSentence, Boolean) - Method in class
visitUnarySentence(ComplexSentence, A) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.AbstractPLVisitor
visitUnarySentence(ComplexSentence, A) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.propositional.parsing.PLVisitor
Visit a unary complex sentence (e.g.
visitUnarySentence(ComplexSentence, Set<T>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.BasicGatherer
visitUnarySentence(ComplexSentence, Set<Clause>) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.ClauseCollector
visitUnarySentence(ComplexSentence, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.visitors.MoveNotInwards
visitVariable(Variable, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.IdentifyCandidateMatchingTerm
visitVariable(Variable, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.inference.AbstractModulation.ReplaceMatchingTerm
visitVariable(Variable, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.AbstractFOLVisitor
visitVariable(Variable, Object) - Method in interface aima.core.logic.fol.parsing.FOLVisitor
visitVariable(Variable, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.PredicateCollector
visitVariable(Variable, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.SubstVisitor
visitVariable(Variable, Object) - Method in class aima.core.logic.fol.VariableCollector


WA - Static variable in class
WAGGA_WAGGA - Static variable in class
WalkSAT - Class in aima.core.logic.propositional.inference
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 263.

WalkSAT() - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.WalkSAT
Default Constructor.
WalkSAT(Random) - Constructor for class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.WalkSAT
walkSAT(Set<Clause>, double, int) - Method in class aima.core.logic.propositional.inference.WalkSAT
WALKSAT(clauses, p, max_flips)
Wall - Class in aima.core.environment.xyenv
Wall() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.xyenv.Wall
WARNAMBOOL - Static variable in class
weaponsDomain() - Static method in class aima.core.logic.fol.domain.DomainFactory
WEATHER_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
weightedSample(BayesianNetwork, AssignmentProposition[]) - Method in class aima.core.probability.bayes.approx.LikelihoodWeighting
The WEIGHTED-SAMPLE function in Figure 14.15.
weightSamples(Set<P>, R[]) - Method in class aima.core.robotics.MonteCarloLocalization
Weights the samples by a given vector of range scans.
west() - Method in class aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation
Returns the location one unit left of this location.
WET_GRASS_RV - Static variable in class aima.core.probability.example.ExampleRV
WHITESPACE - Static variable in interface aima.core.logic.common.LogicTokenTypes
WikiLinkFinder - Class in aima.core.nlp.ranking
WikiLinkFinder() - Constructor for class aima.core.nlp.ranking.WikiLinkFinder
wikiPageFromFile(File, File) - Static method in class aima.core.nlp.ranking.PagesDataset
winPositions1 - Variable in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
winPositions2 - Variable in class aima.core.environment.connectfour.ConnectFourState
WUMPUS - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
WUMPUS_ALIVE - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
WumpusCave - Class in aima.core.environment.wumpusworld
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (3rd Edition): page 236.

The wumpus world is a cave consisting of rooms connected by passageways.
WumpusCave() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusCave
Default Constructor.
WumpusCave(int, int) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusCave
Create a grid of rooms of dimensions x and y, representing the wumpus's cave.
WumpusCave(int, int, Set<AgentPosition>) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusCave
Create a grid of rooms of dimensions x and y, representing the wumpus's cave.
WumpusFunctionFactory - Class in aima.core.environment.wumpusworld
Factory class for constructing functions for use in the Wumpus World environment.
WumpusFunctionFactory() - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusFunctionFactory
WumpusKnowledgeBase - Class in aima.core.environment.wumpusworld
A Knowledge base tailored to the Wumpus World environment.
WumpusKnowledgeBase(int) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
WumpusKnowledgeBase(DPLL, int) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.wumpusworld.WumpusKnowledgeBase
Create a Knowledge Base that contains the atemporal "wumpus physics" and temporal rules with time zero.
WYNDHAM - Static variable in class


X - Static variable in class aima.core.environment.tictactoe.TicTacToeState
X_VECTOR - Static variable in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
This is a vector that is parallel to the X axis.
XYEnvironment - Class in aima.core.environment.xyenv
XYEnvironment(int, int) - Constructor for class aima.core.environment.xyenv.XYEnvironment
XYLocation - Class in aima.core.util.datastructure
Note: If looking at a rectangle - the coordinate (x=0, y=0) will be the top left hand corner.
XYLocation(int, int) - Constructor for class aima.core.util.datastructure.XYLocation
Constructs and initializes a location at the specified (x, y) location in the coordinate space.
XYLocation.Direction - Enum in aima.core.util.datastructure


Y_VECTOR - Static variable in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
This is a vector that is parallel to the Y axis.
YES - Static variable in class aima.core.util.Util
yesno() - Static method in class aima.core.util.Util


ZERIND - Static variable in class
ZERO_ANGLE - Static variable in class aima.core.robotics.impl.datatypes.Angle
The zero angle represents 0.0 radians.
ZERO_VECTOR - Static variable in class aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Vector2D
This is the zero vector.