The data used for Figure bayes-candy-figure on page bayes-candy-figure can be viewed as being generated by $h_5$. For each of the other four hypotheses, generate a data set of length 100 and plot the corresponding graphs for $P(h_i|d_1,\ldots,d_N)$ and $P(D_{N+1}=lime|d_1,\ldots,d_N)$. Comment on your results.

The data used for Figure bayes-candy-figure on page bayes-candy-figure can be viewed as being generated by $h_5$. For each of the other four hypotheses, generate a data set of length 100 and plot the corresponding graphs for $P(h_i|d_1,\ldots,d_N)$ and $P(D_{N+1}=lime|d_1,\ldots,d_N)$. Comment on your results.

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